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 Projects > cocos2d-x > Issues > Refactor #1435

APK resource loading should use correct and supported Android C++ APIs

Refactor #1435 [Closed]
folecr 2012-08-20 20:35 . Updated over 11 years ago

Currently resource loading from APK is slow and uses custom unzip code.

Instead this should use Android APIs for accessing resources

Advantages :
* Since Android mounts the APK as a Linux filesystem the resource access is much faster.
* Also the code will be much cleaner than the current CCFileUtils code.

For an example of using these APIs please refer to :\_spidermonkey\_bindings.cpp\#L70

folecr 2013-08-08 23:45
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
folecr 2013-08-08 23:46
  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Atom PDF

Start date:2012-08-20
Due date:
% Done:


Category:android, linux
Target version:-