This is the complete list of members for FontAtlas, including all inherited members.
_referenceCount | Ref | protected |
addLetterDefinition(const FontLetterDefinition &letterDefinition) | FontAtlas | |
addTexture(Texture2D *texture, int slot) | FontAtlas | |
autorelease() | Ref | |
CacheTextureHeight | FontAtlas | static |
CacheTextureWidth | FontAtlas | static |
EVENT_PURGE_TEXTURES | FontAtlas | static |
FontAtlas(Font &theFont) | FontAtlas | |
getCommonLineHeight() const | FontAtlas | |
getFont() const | FontAtlas | |
getLetterDefinitionForChar(unsigned short letteCharUTF16, FontLetterDefinition &outDefinition) | FontAtlas | |
getReferenceCount() const | Ref | |
getTexture(int slot) | FontAtlas | |
getTextures() const | FontAtlas | inline |
listenToBackground(EventCustom *event) | FontAtlas | |
listenToForeground(EventCustom *event) | FontAtlas | |
prepareLetterDefinitions(unsigned short *utf16String) | FontAtlas | |
purgeTexturesAtlas() | FontAtlas | |
Ref() | Ref | protected |
release() | Ref | |
retain() | Ref | |
setAliasTexParameters() | FontAtlas | |
setAntiAliasTexParameters() | FontAtlas | |
setCommonLineHeight(float newHeight) | FontAtlas | |
~FontAtlas() | FontAtlas | virtual |
~Ref() | Ref | virtual |