This is the complete list of members for PhysicsBody, including all inherited members.
_angularDamping | PhysicsBody | protected |
_area | PhysicsBody | protected |
_density | PhysicsBody | protected |
_dynamic | PhysicsBody | protected |
_enabled | PhysicsBody | protected |
_gravityEnabled | PhysicsBody | protected |
_info | PhysicsBody | protected |
_isDamping | PhysicsBody | protected |
_joints | PhysicsBody | protected |
_linearDamping | PhysicsBody | protected |
_mass | PhysicsBody | protected |
_massDefault | PhysicsBody | protected |
_moment | PhysicsBody | protected |
_momentDefault | PhysicsBody | protected |
_node | PhysicsBody | protected |
_positionOffset | PhysicsBody | protected |
_positionResetTag | PhysicsBody | protected |
_referenceCount | Ref | protected |
_rotationEnabled | PhysicsBody | protected |
_rotationOffset | PhysicsBody | protected |
_rotationResetTag | PhysicsBody | protected |
_shapes | PhysicsBody | protected |
_tag | PhysicsBody | protected |
_world | PhysicsBody | protected |
addMass(float mass) | PhysicsBody | |
addMoment(float moment) | PhysicsBody | |
addShape(PhysicsShape *shape, bool addMassAndMoment=true) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
applyForce(const Vect &force) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
applyForce(const Vect &force, const Vec2 &offset) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
applyImpulse(const Vect &impulse) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
applyImpulse(const Vect &impulse, const Vec2 &offset) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
applyTorque(float torque) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
autorelease() | Ref | |
create() | PhysicsBody | static |
create(float mass) | PhysicsBody | static |
create(float mass, float moment) | PhysicsBody | static |
createBox(const Size &size, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, const Vec2 &offset=Vec2::ZERO) | PhysicsBody | static |
createCircle(float radius, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, const Vec2 &offset=Vec2::ZERO) | PhysicsBody | static |
createEdgeBox(const Size &size, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border=1, const Vec2 &offset=Vec2::ZERO) | PhysicsBody | static |
createEdgeChain(const Vec2 *points, int count, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border=1) | PhysicsBody | static |
createEdgePolygon(const Vec2 *points, int count, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border=1) | PhysicsBody | static |
createEdgeSegment(const Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &b, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border=1) | PhysicsBody | static |
createPolygon(const Vec2 *points, int count, const PhysicsMaterial &material=PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, const Vec2 &offset=Vec2::ZERO) | PhysicsBody | static |
getAngularDamping() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getAngularVelocity() | PhysicsBody | virtual |
getAngularVelocityLimit() | PhysicsBody | virtual |
getCategoryBitmask() const | PhysicsBody | |
getCollisionBitmask() const | PhysicsBody | |
getContactTestBitmask() const | PhysicsBody | |
getFirstShape() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getGroup() const | PhysicsBody | |
getJoints() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getLinearDamping() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getMass() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getMoment() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getNode() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getPosition() const | PhysicsBody | |
getPositionOffset() const | PhysicsBody | |
getReferenceCount() const | Ref | |
getRotation() const | PhysicsBody | |
getRotationOffset() const | PhysicsBody | |
getShape(int tag) const | PhysicsBody | |
getShapes() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getTag() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
getVelocity() | PhysicsBody | virtual |
getVelocityAtLocalPoint(const Vec2 &point) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
getVelocityAtWorldPoint(const Vec2 &point) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
getVelocityLimit() | PhysicsBody | virtual |
getWorld() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
init() | PhysicsBody | protected |
isDynamic() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
isEnabled() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
isGravityEnabled() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
isResting() const | PhysicsBody | |
isRotationEnabled() const | PhysicsBody | inline |
Layer class | PhysicsBody | friend |
local2World(const Vec2 &point) | PhysicsBody | |
Node class | PhysicsBody | friend |
PhysicsBody() | PhysicsBody | protected |
PhysicsJoint class | PhysicsBody | friend |
PhysicsShape class | PhysicsBody | friend |
PhysicsWorld class | PhysicsBody | friend |
ProtectedNode class | PhysicsBody | friend |
Ref() | Ref | protected |
release() | Ref | |
removeAllShapes(bool reduceMassAndMoment=true) | PhysicsBody | |
removeFromWorld() | PhysicsBody | |
removeJoint(PhysicsJoint *joint) | PhysicsBody | protected |
removeShape(PhysicsShape *shape, bool reduceMassAndMoment=true) | PhysicsBody | |
removeShape(int tag, bool reduceMassAndMoment=true) | PhysicsBody | |
resetForces() | PhysicsBody | virtual |
retain() | Ref | |
setAngularDamping(float damping) | PhysicsBody | inline |
setAngularVelocity(float velocity) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
setAngularVelocityLimit(float limit) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
setCategoryBitmask(int bitmask) | PhysicsBody | |
setCollisionBitmask(int bitmask) | PhysicsBody | |
setContactTestBitmask(int bitmask) | PhysicsBody | |
setDynamic(bool dynamic) | PhysicsBody | |
setEnable(bool enable) | PhysicsBody | |
setGravityEnable(bool enable) | PhysicsBody | |
setGroup(int group) | PhysicsBody | |
setLinearDamping(float damping) | PhysicsBody | inline |
setMass(float mass) | PhysicsBody | |
setMoment(float moment) | PhysicsBody | |
setPosition(const Vec2 &position) | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
setPositionOffset(const Vec2 &position) | PhysicsBody | |
setResting(bool rest) const | PhysicsBody | |
setRotation(float rotation) | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
setRotationEnable(bool enable) | PhysicsBody | |
setRotationOffset(float rotation) | PhysicsBody | |
setScale(float scale) | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
setScaleX(float scaleX) | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
setScaleY(float scaleY) | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
setTag(int tag) | PhysicsBody | inline |
setVelocity(const Vect &velocity) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
setVelocityLimit(float limit) | PhysicsBody | virtual |
update(float delta) | PhysicsBody | protected |
updateDamping() | PhysicsBody | inlineprotected |
updateMass(float oldMass, float newMass) | PhysicsBody | protected |
world2Local(const Vec2 &point) | PhysicsBody | |
~PhysicsBody() | PhysicsBody | protectedvirtual |
~Ref() | Ref | virtual |