This is the complete list of members for Bone3D, including all inherited members.
_ID | Ref | |
_luaID | Ref | |
_rooted | Ref | |
_scriptObject | Ref | |
_scriptOwned | Ref | |
addChildBone(Bone3D *bone) | Bone3D | |
autorelease() | Ref | |
clearBoneBlendState() | Bone3D | |
create(const std::string &id) | Bone3D | static |
getChildBoneByIndex(int index) const | Bone3D | |
getChildBoneCount() const | Bone3D | |
getInverseBindPose() | Bone3D | |
getName() const | Bone3D | inline |
getParentBone() | Bone3D | |
getReferenceCount() const | Ref | |
getWorldMat() | Bone3D | |
release() | Ref | |
removeAllChildBone() | Bone3D | |
removeChildBone(Bone3D *bone) | Bone3D | |
removeChildBoneByIndex(int index) | Bone3D | |
resetPose() | Bone3D | |
retain() | Ref | |
setAnimationValue(float *trans, float *rot, float *scale, void *tag=nullptr, float weight=1.0f) | Bone3D | |
setInverseBindPose(const Mat4 &m) | Bone3D | |
setOriPose(const Mat4 &m) | Bone3D | |
updateJointMatrix(Vec4 *matrixPalette) | Bone3D | |
updateWorldMat() | Bone3D | |
~Ref() | Ref | virtual |