This is the complete list of members for ColorFrame, including all inherited members.
_alpha | ColorFrame | protected |
_betweenAlpha | ColorFrame | protected |
_betweenBlue | ColorFrame | protected |
_betweenGreen | ColorFrame | protected |
_betweenRed | ColorFrame | protected |
_color | ColorFrame | protected |
_enterWhenPassed | Frame | protected |
_frameIndex | Frame | protected |
_node | Frame | protected |
_referenceCount | Ref | protected |
_timeline | Frame | protected |
_tween | Frame | protected |
apply(float percent) override | ColorFrame | virtual |
autorelease() | Ref | |
clone() override | ColorFrame | virtual |
cloneProperty(Frame *frame) | Frame | protectedvirtual |
ColorFrame() | ColorFrame | |
create() | ColorFrame | static |
emitEvent() | Frame | protectedvirtual |
Frame() | Frame | protected |
getAlpha() const | ColorFrame | inline |
getColor() const | ColorFrame | inline |
getFrameIndex() const | Frame | inlinevirtual |
getNode() const | Frame | inlinevirtual |
getReferenceCount() const | Ref | |
getTimeline() const | Frame | inlinevirtual |
isEnterWhenPassed() | Frame | inlinevirtual |
isTween() const | Frame | inlinevirtual |
onEnter(Frame *nextFrame) override | ColorFrame | virtual |
Ref() | Ref | protected |
release() | Ref | |
retain() | Ref | |
setAlpha(GLubyte alpha) | ColorFrame | inline |
setColor(const cocos2d::Color3B &color) | ColorFrame | inline |
setFrameIndex(unsigned int frameIndex) | Frame | inlinevirtual |
setNode(cocos2d::Node *node) | Frame | inlinevirtual |
setTimeline(Timeline *timeline) | Frame | inlinevirtual |
setTween(bool tween) | Frame | inlinevirtual |
~Frame() | Frame | protectedvirtual |
~Ref() | Ref | virtual |