This is the complete list of members for Manifest, including all inherited members.
_referenceCount | Ref | protected |
AssetsManagerEx class | Manifest | friend |
autorelease() | Ref | |
clear() | Manifest | protected |
DiffType enum name | Manifest | |
DownloadState enum name | Manifest | |
genDiff(const Manifest *b) const | Manifest | protected |
genResumeAssetsList(Downloader::DownloadUnits *units) const | Manifest | protected |
getAssets() const | Manifest | protected |
getGroups() const | Manifest | protected |
getGroupVerions() const | Manifest | protected |
getGroupVersion(const std::string &group) const | Manifest | protected |
getManifestFileUrl() const | Manifest | |
getPackageUrl() const | Manifest | |
getReferenceCount() const | Ref | |
getVersion() const | Manifest | |
getVersionFileUrl() const | Manifest | |
isLoaded() const | Manifest | |
isVersionLoaded() const | Manifest | |
loadManifest(const rapidjson::Document &json) | Manifest | protected |
loadVersion(const rapidjson::Document &json) | Manifest | protected |
Manifest(const std::string &manifestUrl="") | Manifest | protected |
parse(const std::string &manifestUrl) | Manifest | protected |
parseAsset(const std::string &path, const rapidjson::Value &json) | Manifest | protected |
prependSearchPaths() | Manifest | protected |
Ref() | Ref | protected |
release() | Ref | |
retain() | Ref | |
saveToFile(const std::string &filepath) | Manifest | protected |
setAssetDownloadState(const std::string &key, const DownloadState &state) | Manifest | protected |
versionEquals(const Manifest *b) const | Manifest | protected |
~Ref() | Ref | virtual |