CC_DLL AffineTransform | (float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty) |
| Make affine transform. More...
var | ( var a, var b, var c, var d, var tx, var ty) |
| Make affine transform. More...
local | ( local a, local b, local c, local d, local tx, local ty) |
| Make affine transform. More...
CC_DLL Vec2 | (const Vec2 &point, const AffineTransform &t) |
| Multiply point (x,y,1) by a affine tranform. More...
CC_DLL Size | (const Size &size, const AffineTransform &t) |
| Multiply size (width,height,0) by a affine tranform. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | () |
| Make identity affine transform. More...
CC_DLL Rect | (const Rect &rect, const AffineTransform &anAffineTransform) |
| Transform Rect, which will transform the four vertice of the point. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t, float tx, float ty) |
| Translation, equals 1 0 1 0 1 0 * affinetransform tx ty 1. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &aTransform, float anAngle) |
| Rotation, equals cos(angle) sin(angle) 0 -sin(angle) cos(angle) 0 * AffineTransform 0 0 1. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t, float sx, float sy) |
| Scale, equals sx 0 0 0 sy 0 * affineTransform 0 0 1. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2) |
| Concat two affine transform, t1 * t2. More...
CC_DLL bool | (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2) |
| Compare affine transform. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t) |
| Get the inverse of affine transform. More...
CC_DLL Mat4 | (const Mat4 &t1, const Mat4 &t2) |
| Concat Mat4, return t1 * t2. More...
CC_DLL Rect | (const Rect &rect, const Mat4 &transform) |
CC_DLL Vec2 | (const Vec2 &point, const Mat4 &transform) |