class | __CCCallFuncND |
| Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument and the 2nd argument is data. ND means: Node and Data. Data is void *, so it could be anything. More...
class | __CCCallFuncO |
| Calls a 'callback' with an object as the first argument. O means Object. More...
class | __LayerRGBA |
| LayerRGBA is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol using a solid color as the background. More...
class | __NodeRGBA |
| __NodeRGBA is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | AABB |
| Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), usually caculate some rough but fast collision detection. More...
class | AccelAmplitude |
| AccelAmplitude action. More...
class | AccelDeccelAmplitude |
| AccelDeccelAmplitude action. More...
struct | Acceleration |
| The device accelerometer reports values for each axis in units of g-force. More...
class | AccelerometerEvent |
class | Action |
| Base class for Action objects. More...
class | ActionCamera |
| Base class for Camera actions. More...
class | ActionEase |
| Base class for Easing actions. More...
class | ActionInstant |
| Instant actions are immediate actions. More...
class | ActionInterval |
| An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. More...
class | ActionManager |
| ActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. More...
class | ActionTween |
| ActionTween. More...
class | ActionTweenDelegate |
| The delegate class for ActionTween. More...
struct | AffineTransform |
class | AmbientLight |
class | Animate |
| Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation. More...
class | Animate3D |
| Animate3D, Animates a Sprite3D given with an Animation3D. More...
class | Animation |
| A Animation object is used to perform animations on the Sprite objects. More...
class | Animation3D |
| static animation data, shared More...
class | Animation3DCache |
| Animation3D Cache. More...
struct | Animation3DData |
| animation data More...
class | AnimationCache |
| Singleton that manages the Animations. More...
class | AnimationCurve |
| curve of bone's position, rotation or scale More...
class | AnimationFrame |
| AnimationFrame. More...
struct | AnimationFrameData |
| Struct that holds the size in pixels, texture coordinates and delays for animated ParticleSystemQuad. More...
class | Application |
class | ApplicationProtocol |
class | AsyncTaskPool |
| This class allows to perform background operations without having to manipulate threads. More...
class | AtlasNode |
| AtlasNode is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol and TextureProtocol protocol. More...
class | AttachNode |
| attach a node to a bone usage: auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("girl.c3b"); auto weapon = Sprite3D::create("weapon.c3b"); auto attachNode = sprite->getAttachNode("left hand"); attachNode->addChild(weapon); More...
class | AutoreleasePool |
class | BackButtonEvent |
class | BaseLight |
class | BatchCommand |
| Command used to draw batches in one TextureAtlas. More...
class | BezierBy |
| An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More...
class | BezierTo |
| An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More...
class | BillBoard |
| Inherit from Sprite, achieve BillBoard. More...
struct | BlendFunc |
| Blend Function used for textures. More...
class | Blink |
| Blinks a Node object by modifying it's visible attribute. More...
class | Bone3D |
| Defines a basic hierachial structure of transformation spaces. More...
class | Bundle3D |
| Defines a bundle file that contains a collection of assets. More...
class | BundleReader |
| BundleReader is an interface for reading sequence of bytes. More...
class | CallFunc |
| Calls a 'callback'. More...
class | CallFuncN |
| Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument. More...
class | Camera |
| Defines a camera . More...
class | CardinalSplineBy |
| Cardinal Spline path. More...
class | CardinalSplineTo |
| Cardinal Spline path. More...
class | CatmullRomBy |
| An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve by a certain distance. More...
class | CatmullRomTo |
| An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve to a destination point. More...
class | CCFileUtilsWinRT |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | CCFreeTypeFont |
class | CCPrecompiledShaders |
class | CCPUBoxEmitter |
class | CCPUBoxEmitterTranslator |
class | CCPUMaterialTranslator |
class | ClippingNode |
| ClippingNode is a subclass of Node. More...
class | ClippingRectangleNode |
| Clipping Rectangle Node. More...
class | Clonable |
| Interface that defines how to clone an Ref. More...
class | Cocos2dRenderer |
struct | Color3B |
| RGB color composed of bytes 3 bytes. More...
struct | Color4B |
| RGBA color composed of 4 bytes. More...
struct | Color4F |
| RGBA color composed of 4 floats. More...
class | Configuration |
| Configuration contains some openGL variables. More...
class | Controller |
| A Controller object represents a connected physical game controller. More...
class | CSLoader |
class | CustomCommand |
| Custom command is used for call custom openGL command which can not be done by other commands, such as stencil function, depth functions etc. More...
class | CustomInputEvent |
class | Data |
class | DataPool |
class | DeccelAmplitude |
| DeccelAmplitude action. More...
class | DelayTime |
| Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More...
class | Device |
class | DirectionLight |
class | Director |
| Class that creates and handles the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes. More...
class | DisplayLinkDirector |
| DisplayLinkDirector is a Director that synchronizes timers with the refresh rate of the display. More...
class | DrawNode |
| Node that draws dots, segments and polygons. More...
class | EaseBackIn |
| EaseBackIn action. More...
class | EaseBackInOut |
| EaseBackInOut action. More...
class | EaseBackOut |
| EaseBackOut action. More...
class | EaseBezierAction |
| Ease Bezier. More...
class | EaseBounce |
| EaseBounce abstract class. More...
class | EaseBounceIn |
| EaseBounceIn action. More...
class | EaseBounceInOut |
| EaseBounceInOut action. More...
class | EaseBounceOut |
| EaseBounceOut action. More...
class | EaseCircleActionIn |
| Ease Circle In. More...
class | EaseCircleActionInOut |
| Ease Circle InOut. More...
class | EaseCircleActionOut |
| Ease Circle Out. More...
class | EaseCubicActionIn |
| Ease Cubic In. More...
class | EaseCubicActionInOut |
| Ease Cubic InOut. More...
class | EaseCubicActionOut |
| Ease Cubic Out. More...
class | EaseElastic |
| Ease Elastic abstract class. More...
class | EaseElasticIn |
| Ease Elastic In action. More...
class | EaseElasticInOut |
| Ease Elastic InOut action. More...
class | EaseElasticOut |
| Ease Elastic Out action. More...
class | EaseExponentialIn |
| Ease Exponential In action. More...
class | EaseExponentialInOut |
| Ease Exponential InOut. More...
class | EaseExponentialOut |
| Ease Exponential Out. More...
class | EaseIn |
| EaseIn action with a rate. More...
class | EaseInOut |
| EaseInOut action with a rate. More...
class | EaseOut |
| EaseOut action with a rate. More...
class | EaseQuadraticActionIn |
| Ease Quadratic In. More...
class | EaseQuadraticActionInOut |
| Ease Quadratic InOut. More...
class | EaseQuadraticActionOut |
| Ease Quadratic Out. More...
class | EaseQuarticActionIn |
| Ease Quartic In. More...
class | EaseQuarticActionInOut |
| Ease Quartic InOut. More...
class | EaseQuarticActionOut |
| Ease Quartic Out. More...
class | EaseQuinticActionIn |
| Ease Quintic In. More...
class | EaseQuinticActionInOut |
| Ease Quintic InOut. More...
class | EaseQuinticActionOut |
| Ease Quintic Out. More...
class | EaseRateAction |
| Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More...
class | EaseSineIn |
| Ease Sine In. More...
class | EaseSineInOut |
| Ease Sine InOut. More...
class | EaseSineOut |
| Ease Sine Out. More...
class | EditBoxEvent |
class | Event |
| Base class of all kinds of events. More...
class | EventAcceleration |
| Accelerometer event. More...
class | EventCustom |
| Custom event. More...
class | EventDispatcher |
| This class manages event listener subscriptions and event dispatching. More...
class | EventFocus |
| Focus event. More...
class | EventKeyboard |
| Keyboard event. More...
class | EventListener |
| The base class of event listener. More...
class | EventListenerAcceleration |
| Acceleration event listener. More...
class | EventListenerController |
class | EventListenerCustom |
| Custom event listener. More...
class | EventListenerFocus |
| Focus event listener. More...
class | EventListenerKeyboard |
| Keyboard event listener. More...
class | EventListenerMouse |
| Mouse event listener. More...
class | EventListenerPhysicsContact |
| Contact listener. More...
class | EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies |
| This event listener only be called when bodyA and bodyB have contacts. More...
class | EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup |
| This event listener only be called when shapeA or shapeB is in the group your specified. More...
class | EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes |
| This event listener only be called when shapeA and shapeB have contacts. More...
class | EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce |
| Multiple touches event listener. More...
class | EventListenerTouchOneByOne |
| Single touch event listener. More...
class | EventMouse |
| The mouse event. More...
class | EventTouch |
| Touch event. More...
class | FadeIn |
| Fades In an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | FadeOut |
| Fades Out an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | FadeOutBLTiles |
| FadeOutBLTiles action. More...
class | FadeOutDownTiles |
| FadeOutDownTiles action. More...
class | FadeOutTRTiles |
| FadeOutTRTiles action. More...
class | FadeOutUpTiles |
| FadeOutUpTiles action. More...
class | FadeTo |
| Fades an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | FileUtils |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | FileUtilsAndroid |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | FileUtilsApple |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | FileUtilsLinux |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | FileUtilsWin32 |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | FiniteTimeAction |
| Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. More...
class | FlipX |
| Flips the sprite horizontally. More...
class | FlipX3D |
| FlipX3D action. More...
class | FlipY |
| Flips the sprite vertically. More...
class | FlipY3D |
| FlipY3D action. More...
class | Follow |
| Follow is an action that "follows" a node. More...
struct | FontDefinition |
| Font attributes. More...
struct | FontShadow |
| types used for defining fonts properties (i.e. More...
struct | FontStroke |
| Stroke attributes. More...
class | Frustum |
| the frustum is a six-side geometry, usually use the frustum to do fast-culling: check a entity whether is a potential visible entity More...
class | GLProgram |
| GLProgram Class that implements a glProgram. More...
class | GLProgramCache |
| GLProgramCache Singleton that stores manages GLProgram objects (shaders) More...
class | GLProgramState |
| GLProgramState holds the 'state' (uniforms and attributes) of the GLProgram. More...
class | GLProgramStateCache |
| Some GLprogram state could be shared. More...
class | GLView |
| By GLView you can operate the frame information of EGL view through some function. More...
class | GLViewImpl |
| Class that represent the OpenGL View. More...
class | Grabber |
| FBO class that grabs the the contents of the screen. More...
class | Grid3D |
| Grid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More...
class | Grid3DAction |
| Base class for Grid3D actions. More...
class | GridAction |
| Base class for Grid actions. More...
class | GridBase |
| Base class for Other grid. More...
class | GroupCommand |
| GroupCommand is used to group several command together, and more, it can be nestd. More...
class | GroupCommandManager |
class | Hide |
| Hide the node. More...
class | IMEDelegate |
| Input method editor delegate. More...
class | IMEDispatcher |
| Input Method Edit Message Dispatcher. More...
struct | IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo |
| Keyboard notification event type. More...
class | IndexBuffer |
| IndexBuffer is an abstraction of low level openGL Buffer Object. More...
class | InputEvent |
class | JniHelper |
class | JumpBy |
| Moves a Node object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class | JumpTiles3D |
| JumpTiles3D action. More...
class | JumpTo |
| Moves a Node object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class | KeyboardEvent |
class | Label |
| Label is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode that knows how to render text labels. More...
class | LabelAtlas |
| LabelAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode. More...
class | Layer |
| Layer is a subclass of Node that implements the TouchEventsDelegate protocol. More...
class | LayerColor |
| LayerColor is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | LayerGradient |
| LayerGradient is a subclass of LayerColor that draws gradients across the background. More...
class | LayerMultiplex |
| MultipleLayer is a Layer with the ability to multiplex it's children. More...
class | Lens3D |
| Lens3D action. More...
class | Liquid |
| Liquid action. More...
class | Lock |
class | LuaBridge |
| Build bridge between ObjC and Lua. More...
class | LuaCallFunc |
| The LuaCallFunc is wrapped to call the callback function in the Lua Conveniently and don't insert useless code to processing the lua in the CallFuncN. More...
class | LuaEngine |
| The Lua engine integrated into the cocos2d-x to process the interactive operation between lua and c++. More...
class | LuaObjcBridge |
| Build a bridge between ObjectC and Lua script. More...
class | LuaStack |
| LuaStack is used to manager the operation on the lua_State,eg., push data onto the lua_State, execute the function depended on the lua_State. More...
class | LuaValue |
| Wrap different general types of data into a same specific type named LuaValue. More...
class | Map |
| Similar to std::unordered_map, but it will manage reference count automatically internally. More...
struct | MaterialData |
| material data, More...
struct | MaterialDatas |
| material datas, since 3.3 More...
class | Menu |
| A Menu for touch handling. More...
class | MenuItem |
| MenuItem base class. More...
class | MenuItemAtlasFont |
| A MenuItemAtlasFont. More...
class | MenuItemFont |
| A MenuItemFont. More...
class | MenuItemImage |
| MenuItemImage accepts images as items. More...
class | MenuItemLabel |
| An abstract class for "label" MenuItemLabel items. More...
class | MenuItemSprite |
| MenuItemSprite accepts Node<RGBAProtocol> objects as items. More...
class | MenuItemToggle |
| A MenuItemToggle. More...
class | Mesh |
| Mesh: contains ref to index buffer, GLProgramState, texture, skin, blend function, aabb and so on. More...
class | MeshCommand |
struct | MeshData |
| mesh data More...
struct | MeshDatas |
| mesh datas More...
class | MeshIndexData |
| the MeshIndexData class. More...
class | MeshInfo |
| Class that constructs mesh information of a given mesh name. More...
class | MeshSkin |
| MeshSkin, A class maintain a collection of bones that affect Mesh vertex. More...
struct | MeshVertexAttrib |
| mesh vertex attribute More...
class | MeshVertexData |
| the MeshVertexData class. More...
struct | ModelData |
| model node data, since 3.3 More...
class | MotionStreak |
| Creates a trailing path. More...
class | MoveBy |
| Moves a Node object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class | MoveTo |
| Moves a Node object to the position x,y. More...
struct | NMaterialData |
class | Node |
| Node is the base element of the Scene Graph. More...
struct | NodeData |
| Node data, since 3.3. More...
struct | NodeDatas |
| node datas, since 3.3 More...
class | NodeGrid |
| Base class for Grid Node. More...
struct | NTextureData |
| new material, since 3.3 More...
class | OBB |
| Oritened Bounding Box(OBB) More...
class | ObjectFactory |
class | ObjLoader |
| .obj file Loader More...
class | OrbitCamera |
| OrbitCamera action. More...
class | PageTurn3D |
| This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More...
class | ParallaxNode |
| ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller. More...
struct | Particle3D |
class | Particle3DAffector |
class | Particle3DEmitter |
| 3d particle emitter More...
class | Particle3DModelRender |
class | Particle3DQuadRender |
class | Particle3DRender |
| 3d particle render More...
class | ParticleBatchNode |
| ParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More...
class | ParticleExplosion |
| An explosion particle system. More...
class | ParticleFire |
| A fire particle system. More...
class | ParticleFireworks |
| A fireworks particle system. More...
class | ParticleFlower |
| A flower particle system. More...
class | ParticleGalaxy |
| A galaxy particle system. More...
class | ParticleMeteor |
| A meteor particle system. More...
class | ParticleRain |
| A rain particle system. More...
class | ParticleSmoke |
| An smoke particle system. More...
class | ParticleSnow |
| An snow particle system. More...
class | ParticleSpiral |
| An spiral particle system. More...
class | ParticleSun |
| A sun particle system. More...
class | ParticleSystem |
| Particle System base class. More...
class | ParticleSystem3D |
class | ParticleSystemQuad |
| ParticleSystemQuad is a subclass of ParticleSystem. More...
class | PhysicsBody |
| A body affect by physics. More...
class | PhysicsContact |
| Contact infomation. More...
class | PhysicsContactPostSolve |
| Postsolve value generated when onContactPostSolve called. More...
class | PhysicsContactPreSolve |
| Presolve value generated when onContactPreSolve called. More...
class | PhysicsDebugDraw |
| A physics helper class. More...
class | PhysicsHelper |
| A physics helper class. More...
class | PhysicsJoint |
| An PhysicsJoint object connects two physics bodies together. More...
class | PhysicsJointDistance |
| Set the fixed distance with two bodies. More...
class | PhysicsJointFixed |
| A fixed joint fuses the two bodies together at a reference point. More...
class | PhysicsJointGear |
| Keeps the angular velocity ratio of a pair of bodies constant. More...
class | PhysicsJointGroove |
| Attach body a to a line, and attach body b to a dot. More...
class | PhysicsJointLimit |
| A limit joint imposes a maximum distance between the two bodies, as if they were connected by a rope. More...
class | PhysicsJointMotor |
| Keeps the relative angular velocity of a pair of bodies constant. More...
class | PhysicsJointPin |
| A pin joint allows the two bodies to independently rotate around the anchor point as if pinned together. More...
class | PhysicsJointRatchet |
| Works like a socket wrench. More...
class | PhysicsJointRotaryLimit |
| Likes a limit joint, but works with rotary. More...
class | PhysicsJointRotarySpring |
| Likes a spring joint, but works with rotary. More...
class | PhysicsJointSpring |
| Connecting two physics bodies together with a spring. More...
class | PhysicsShape |
| A shape for body. More...
class | PhysicsShapeBox |
| A box shape. More...
class | PhysicsShapeCircle |
| A circle shape. More...
class | PhysicsShapeEdgeBox |
| An edge box shape. More...
class | PhysicsShapeEdgeChain |
| A chain shape. More...
class | PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon |
| An edge polygon shape. More...
class | PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment |
| A segment shape. More...
class | PhysicsShapePolygon |
| A polygon shape. More...
class | PhysicsWorld |
| An PhysicsWorld object simulates collisions and other physical properties. More...
class | Place |
| Places the node in a certain position. More...
class | Plane |
| Defines plane. More...
class | PointArray |
| An Array that contain control points. More...
class | PointerEvent |
class | PointLight |
struct | PointSprite |
| Vec2 Sprite component. More...
class | Primitive |
| Primitive can support sending points, lines and triangles to glpipeline, which is an abstraction of primitive data. More...
class | PrimitiveCommand |
| Command used to render primitive, similar to QuadCommand. More...
class | ProgressFromTo |
| Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More...
class | ProgressTimer |
| ProgressTimer is a subclass of Node. More...
class | ProgressTo |
| Progress to percentage. More...
class | ProtectedNode |
| A inner node type mainly used for UI module. More...
class | PUAbstractNode |
class | PUAffector |
class | PUAffectorManager |
class | PUAffectorTranslator |
class | PUAlignAffector |
class | PUAlignAffectorTranslator |
class | PUAtomAbstractNode |
| This is an abstract node which cannot be broken down further. More...
class | PUBaseCollider |
class | PUBaseColliderTranslator |
class | PUBaseForceAffector |
class | PUBaseForceAffectorTranslator |
class | PUBeamRender |
class | PUBehaviour |
class | PUBehaviourManager |
class | PUBehaviourTranslator |
class | PUBillboardChain |
class | PUBoxCollider |
class | PUBoxColliderTranslator |
class | PUCircleEmitter |
class | PUCircleEmitterTranslator |
class | PUCollisionAvoidanceAffector |
class | PUCollisionAvoidanceAffectorTranslator |
class | PUColorAffector |
class | PUColorAffectorTranslator |
struct | PUConcreteNode |
struct | PUControlPointSorter |
| Comparer used for sorting vector in ascending order. More...
class | PUDoAffectorEventHandler |
class | PUDoAffectorEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDoEnableComponentEventHandler |
class | PUDoEnableComponentEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDoExpireEventHandler |
class | PUDoExpireEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDoFreezeEventHandler |
class | PUDoFreezeEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDoPlacementParticleEventHandler |
class | PUDoPlacementParticleEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDoScaleEventHandler |
class | PUDoScaleEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDoStopSystemEventHandler |
class | PUDoStopSystemEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUDynamicAttribute |
class | PUDynamicAttributeCurved |
class | PUDynamicAttributeFixed |
class | PUDynamicAttributeHelper |
class | PUDynamicAttributeOscillate |
class | PUDynamicAttributeRandom |
class | PUDynamicAttributeTranslator |
class | PUEmitter |
| 3d particle emitter More...
class | PUEmitterManager |
class | PUEmitterTranslator |
class | PUEventHandler |
class | PUEventHandlerManager |
class | PUEventHandlerTranslator |
class | PUFlockCenteringAffector |
class | PUFlockCenteringAffectorTranslator |
class | PUForceField |
| Force Field Affector Class: This class defines a force field to affect the particle direction. More...
class | PUForceFieldAffector |
class | PUForceFieldAffectorTranslator |
class | PUForceFieldCalculationFactory |
| Pure virtual ForceFieldCalculationFactory. More...
class | PUGeometryRotator |
class | PUGeometryRotatorTranslator |
class | PUGravityAffector |
class | PUGravityAffectorTranslator |
class | PUInterParticleColliderTranslator |
class | PUJetAffector |
class | PUJetAffectorTranslator |
class | PULineAffector |
class | PULineAffectorTranslator |
class | PULinearForceAffector |
class | PULinearForceAffectorTranslator |
class | PULineEmitter |
class | PULineEmitterTranslator |
class | PUListener |
class | PUMaterial |
class | PUMaterialCache |
class | PUMaterialPassTranslator |
class | PUMaterialTechniqueTranslator |
class | PUMaterialTextureUnitTranslator |
class | PUMeshSurfaceEmitter |
| The MeshSurfaceEmitter is a ParticleEmitter that emits particles on the surface of a mesh. More...
class | PUMeshSurfaceEmitterTranslator |
class | PUNoise3D |
class | PUObjectAbstractNode |
| This specific abstract node represents a script object. More...
class | PUObserver |
class | PUObserverManager |
class | PUObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnClearObserver |
class | PUOnClearObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnCollisionObserver |
class | PUOnCollisionObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnCountObserver |
class | PUOnCountObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnEmissionObserver |
class | PUOnEmissionObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnEventFlagObserver |
class | PUOnEventFlagObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnExpireObserver |
class | PUOnExpireObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnPositionObserver |
class | PUOnPositionObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnQuotaObserver |
class | PUOnQuotaObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnRandomObserver |
class | PUOnRandomObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnTimeObserver |
class | PUOnTimeObserverTranslator |
class | PUOnVelocityObserver |
class | PUOnVelocityObserverTranslator |
struct | PUParticle3D |
class | PUParticle3DBeamVisualData |
class | PUParticle3DBoxRender |
class | PUParticle3DEntityRender |
class | PUParticle3DInterParticleCollider |
class | PUParticle3DModelRender |
class | PUParticle3DQuadRender |
class | PUParticleFollower |
class | PUParticleFollowerTranslator |
class | PUParticleSystem3D |
class | PUParticleSystem3DTranslator |
class | PUPathFollower |
class | PUPathFollowerTranslator |
class | PUPlane |
| Defines a plane in 3D space. More...
class | PUPlaneCollider |
class | PUPlaneColliderTranslator |
class | PUPointEmitter |
class | PUPointEmitterTranslator |
class | PUPositionEmitter |
class | PUPositionEmitterTranslator |
class | PUPropertyAbstractNode |
| This abstract node represents a script property. More...
class | PURandomiser |
class | PURandomiserTranslator |
class | PURealTimeForceFieldCalculationFactory |
| Factory class to calculate forces in realtime. More...
class | PURender |
class | PURendererTranslator |
class | PURibbonTrail |
class | PURibbonTrailRender |
class | PURibbonTrailVisualData |
class | PUScaleAffector |
class | PUScaleAffectorTranslator |
class | PUScaleVelocityAffector |
class | PUScaleVelocityAffectorTranslator |
class | PUScriptCompiler |
class | PUScriptLexer |
class | PUScriptParser |
struct | PUScriptToken |
| This struct represents a token, which is an ID'd lexeme from the parsing input stream. More...
class | PUScriptTranslator |
| script translator More...
class | PUSimpleSpline |
class | PUSineForceAffector |
class | PUSineForceAffectorTranslator |
class | PUSlaveBehaviour |
class | PUSlaveBehaviourTranslator |
class | PUSlaveEmitter |
class | PUSlaveEmitterTranslator |
struct | PUSortAscending |
| Comparer used for sorting vector in ascending order. More...
struct | PUSortDescending |
| Comparer used for sorting vector in descending order. More...
class | PUSphere |
| A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking. More...
class | PUSphereCollider |
class | PUSphereColliderTranslator |
class | PUSphereRender |
class | PUSphereSurfaceEmitter |
class | PUSphereSurfaceEmitterTranslator |
class | PUTechniqueTranslator |
class | PUTextureAnimator |
class | PUTextureAnimatorTranslator |
class | PUTextureRotator |
class | PUTextureRotatorTranslator |
class | PUTranslateManager |
class | PUTriangle |
| Definition of a Triangle. More...
class | PUUtil |
class | PUVelocityMatchingAffector |
class | PUVelocityMatchingAffectorTranslator |
class | PUVortexAffector |
class | PUVortexAffectorTranslator |
struct | Quad2 |
| A 2D Quad. More...
struct | Quad3 |
| A 3D Quad. More...
class | QuadCommand |
| Command used to render one or more Quads, similar to TrianglesCommand. More...
class | RandomHelper |
| A helper class for creating random number. More...
class | Ray |
| Ray is a line with one end. More...
class | Rect |
| Rectangle area. More...
class | Ref |
| Ref is used for reference count manangement. More...
struct | Reference |
| reference data More...
class | RemoveSelf |
| Remove the node. More...
class | RenderCommand |
| Base class of the RenderCommand hierarchy. More...
class | Renderer |
class | RenderQueue |
| Class that knows how to sort RenderCommand objects. More...
struct | RenderStackElement |
class | RenderTexture |
| RenderTexture is a generic rendering target. More...
class | Repeat |
| Repeats an action a number of times. More...
class | RepeatForever |
| Repeats an action for ever. More...
class | ReuseGrid |
| ReuseGrid action. More...
class | ReverseTime |
| Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More...
class | Ripple3D |
| Ripple3D action. More...
class | RotateBy |
| Rotates a Node object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class | RotateTo |
| Rotates a Node object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class | ScaleBy |
| Scales a Node object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class | ScaleTo |
| Scales a Node object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class | Scene |
| Scene is a subclass of Node that is used only as an abstract concept. More...
class | Scheduler |
| Scheduler is responsible for triggering the scheduled callbacks. More...
class | ScriptHandlerMgr |
| In order to reduce the coupling of lua script engine and native c++ engine. More...
class | sealed |
class | Sequence |
| Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More...
class | Shaky3D |
| Shaky3D action. More...
class | ShakyTiles3D |
| ShakyTiles3D action. More...
class | ShatteredTiles3D |
| ShatteredTiles3D action. More...
class | Show |
| Show the node. More...
class | ShuffleTiles |
| ShuffleTiles action. More...
class | Size |
class | Skeleton3D |
| Skeleton. More...
class | SkewBy |
| Skews a Node object by skewX and skewY degrees. More...
class | SkewTo |
| Skews a Node object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More...
struct | SkinData |
| skin data More...
class | Spawn |
| Spawn a new action immediately. More...
class | Speed |
| Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time. More...
class | SplitCols |
| SplitCols action. More...
class | SplitRows |
| SplitRows action. More...
class | SpotLight |
class | Sprite |
| Sprite is a 2d image ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(computer_graphics) ). More...
class | Sprite3D |
| Sprite3D: A sprite can be loaded from 3D model files, .obj, .c3t, .c3b, then can be drawed as sprite. More...
class | Sprite3DCache |
| Sprite3DCache. More...
class | Sprite3DMaterialCache |
| the sprite3D material is only texture for now More...
class | SpriteBatchNode |
| SpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More...
class | SpriteFrame |
| A SpriteFrame has: More...
class | SpriteFrameCache |
| Singleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames. More...
class | StopGrid |
| StopGrid action. More...
struct | T2F_Quad |
| Texture coordinates for a quad. More...
class | TargetedAction |
| Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More...
struct | Tex2F |
| A vertex composed of 2 floats: x, y. More...
class | TextFieldDelegate |
| A input protocol for TextField. More...
class | TextFieldTTF |
| A simple text input field with TTF font. More...
class | Texture2D |
| Texture2D class. More...
class | TextureAtlas |
| A class that implements a Texture Atlas. More...
class | TextureCache |
| Singleton that handles the loading of textures. More...
class | TiledGrid3D |
| TiledGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More...
class | TiledGrid3DAction |
| Base class for TiledGrid3D actions. More...
struct | timezone |
class | TintBy |
| Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class | TintTo |
| Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class | TMXLayer |
| TMXLayer represents the TMX layer. More...
class | TMXObjectGroup |
| TMXObjectGroup represents the TMX object group. More...
class | TMXTiledMap |
| TMXTiledMap knows how to parse and render a TMX map. More...
class | ToggleVisibility |
| Toggles the visibility of a node. More...
class | Touch |
| Encapsulates the Touch information, such as touch point, id and so on, and provides the methods that commonly used. More...
class | TransitionCrossFade |
| TransitionCrossFade: Cross fades two scenes using the RenderTexture object. More...
class | TransitionEaseScene |
| TransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol. More...
class | TransitionFade |
| TransitionFade: Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionFadeBL |
| TransitionFadeBL: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner. More...
class | TransitionFadeDown |
| TransitionFadeDown: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom. More...
class | TransitionFadeTR |
| TransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner. More...
class | TransitionFadeUp |
| TransitionFadeUp: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the bottom to the top. More...
class | TransitionFlipAngular |
| TransitionFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically. More...
class | TransitionFlipX |
| TransitionFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally. More...
class | TransitionFlipY |
| TransitionFlipY: Flips the screen vertically. More...
class | TransitionJumpZoom |
| TransitionJumpZoom: Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming. More...
class | TransitionMoveInB |
| TransitionMoveInB: Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionMoveInL |
| TransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionMoveInR |
| TransitionMoveInR: Move in from to the right the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionMoveInT |
| TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionPageTurn |
| A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn. More...
class | TransitionProgress |
| A base class of progress transition. More...
class | TransitionProgressHorizontal |
| TransitionProgressHorizontal transition. More...
class | TransitionProgressInOut |
| TransitionProgressInOut transition. More...
class | TransitionProgressOutIn |
| TransitionProgressOutIn transition. More...
class | TransitionProgressRadialCCW |
| TransitionRadialCCW transition. More...
class | TransitionProgressRadialCW |
| TransitionRadialCW transition. More...
class | TransitionProgressVertical |
| TransitionProgressVertical transition. More...
class | TransitionRotoZoom |
| TransitionRotoZoom: Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming. More...
class | TransitionScene |
| Base class for Transition scenes. More...
class | TransitionSceneOriented |
| A Transition that supports orientation like. More...
class | TransitionShrinkGrow |
| Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionSlideInB |
| TransitionSlideInB: Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border. More...
class | TransitionSlideInL |
| TransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border. More...
class | TransitionSlideInR |
| TransitionSlideInR: Slide in the incoming scene from the right border. More...
class | TransitionSlideInT |
| TransitionSlideInT: Slide in the incoming scene from the top border. More...
class | TransitionSplitCols |
| TransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards. More...
class | TransitionSplitRows |
| TransitionSplitRows: The odd rows goes to the left while the even rows goes to the right. More...
class | TransitionTurnOffTiles |
| TransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order. More...
class | TransitionZoomFlipAngular |
| TransitionZoomFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in. More...
class | TransitionZoomFlipX |
| TransitionZoomFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More...
class | TransitionZoomFlipY |
| TransitionZoomFlipY: Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More...
class | TrianglesCommand |
| Command used to render one or more Triangles, which is similar to QuadCommand. More...
class | TurnOffTiles |
| TurnOffTiles action. More...
class | Twirl |
| Twirl action. More...
class | UIEditBoxEvent |
struct | Uniform |
| Uniform is a structure to encapsulate data got from glGetActiveUniform and glGetUniformLocation. More...
class | UniformValue |
| Uniform Value, which is used to store to value send to openGL pipe line by glUniformXXX. More...
class | UserDefault |
| UserDefault acts as a tiny database. More...
struct | V2F_C4B_PF |
struct | V2F_C4B_T2F |
| A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B. More...
struct | V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
| A Quad of V2F_C4B_T2F. More...
struct | V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle |
| A Triangle of V2F_C4B_T2F. More...
struct | V2F_C4F_T2F |
| A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F. More...
struct | V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad |
| 4 Vertex2FTex2FColor4F Quad. More...
struct | V3F_C4B_T2F |
| A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B. More...
struct | V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
| 4 Vertex3FTex2FColor4B. More...
struct | V3F_T2F |
| A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point. More...
struct | V3F_T2F_Quad |
class | Value |
class | Vector |
struct | VertexAttrib |
| VertexAttrib is a structure to encapsulate data got from glGetActiveAttrib. More...
class | VertexAttribValue |
| Vertex Attribute Value, which is an abstraction of VertexAttribute and data pointer. More...
class | VertexBuffer |
| VertexBuffer is an abstraction of low level openGL Vertex Buffer Object. More...
class | VertexData |
| VertexData is a class used for specify input streams for GPU rendering pipeline, a VertexData will be composed by several streams, every stream will contain a VertexStreamAttribute and the binding VertexBuffer. More...
struct | VertexStreamAttribute |
| VertexStreamAttribute is used to specify the vertex attribute for drawing, which is correspondent to glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint indx, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid* ptr). More...
class | Waves |
| Waves action. More...
class | Waves3D |
| Waves3D action. More...
class | WavesTiles3D |
| WavesTiles3D action. More...
CC_DLL Vec2 | (Vec2 &p0, Vec2 &p1, Vec2 &p2, Vec2 &p3, float tension, float t) |
| Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. More...
var | ( var p0, var p1, var p2, var p3, var tension, var t) |
| Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. More...
local | ( local p0, local p1, local p2, local p3, local tension, local t) |
| Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. More...
bool CC_DLL | (Node *n1, Node *n2) |
local | ( local n1, local n2) |
template<> |
bool | (std::string *ptr) |
| specalization for std::string More...
template<> |
bool | (unsigned int *length, std::vector< std::string > *values) |
| template function to read array of value. More...
template<> |
local | ( local length, local values) |
| template function to read array of value. More...
Rect CC_DLL | (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a Core Graphics rectangle structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
Vec2 CC_DLL | (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a Core Graphics point structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
Size CC_DLL | (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a Core Graphics size structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
template<typename T > |
T | (T min, T max) |
| Returns a random value between min and max . More...
template<typename T > |
var | ( var min, var max) |
| Returns a random value between min and max . More...
template<typename T > |
local | ( local min, local max) |
| Returns a random value between min and max . More...
template<> |
float | (float min, float max) |
template<> |
local | ( local min, local max) |
template<> |
long double | (long double min, long double max) |
template<> |
var | ( var min, var max) |
template<> |
local | ( local min, local max) |
template<> |
double | (double min, double max) |
template<> |
var | ( var min, var max) |
template<> |
local | ( local min, local max) |
int | () |
| Returns a random int between 0 and RAND_MAX. More...
float | () |
| Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More...
var | () |
| Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More...
local | () |
| Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More...
float | () |
| Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More...
var | () |
| Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More...
local | () |
| Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More...
int | (int value) |
| Returns the Next Power of Two value. More...
CC_DLL const char * | () |
var | () |
local | () |
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty) |
| Make affine transform. More...
var | ( var a, var b, var c, var d, var tx, var ty) |
| Make affine transform. More...
local | ( local a, local b, local c, local d, local tx, local ty) |
| Make affine transform. More...
CC_DLL Vec2 | (const Vec2 &point, const AffineTransform &t) |
| Multiply point (x,y,1) by a affine tranform. More...
CC_DLL Size | (const Size &size, const AffineTransform &t) |
| Multiply size (width,height,0) by a affine tranform. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | () |
| Make identity affine transform. More...
CC_DLL Rect | (const Rect &rect, const AffineTransform &anAffineTransform) |
| Transform Rect, which will transform the four vertice of the point. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t, float tx, float ty) |
| Translation, equals 1 0 1 0 1 0 * affinetransform tx ty 1. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &aTransform, float anAngle) |
| Rotation, equals cos(angle) sin(angle) 0 -sin(angle) cos(angle) 0 * AffineTransform 0 0 1. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t, float sx, float sy) |
| Scale, equals sx 0 0 0 sy 0 * affineTransform 0 0 1. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2) |
| Concat two affine transform, t1 * t2. More...
CC_DLL bool | (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2) |
| Compare affine transform. More...
CC_DLL AffineTransform | (const AffineTransform &t) |
| Get the inverse of affine transform. More...
CC_DLL Mat4 | (const Mat4 &t1, const Mat4 &t2) |
| Concat Mat4, return t1 * t2. More...
void CC_DLL | (Vec2 *points, float stroke, Vec2 *vertices, unsigned int offset, unsigned int nuPoints) |
| converts a line to a polygon More...
var | ( var points, var stroke, var vertices, var offset, var nuPoints) |
| converts a line to a polygon More...
local | ( local points, local stroke, local vertices, local offset, local nuPoints) |
| converts a line to a polygon More...
bool CC_DLL | (float Ax, float Ay, float Bx, float By, float Cx, float Cy, float Dx, float Dy, float *T) |
| returns whether or not the line intersects More...
var | ( var Ax, var Ay, var Bx, var By, var Cx, var Cy, var Dx, var Dy, var T) |
| returns whether or not the line intersects More...
local | ( local Ax, local Ay, local Bx, local By, local Cx, local Cy, local Dx, local Dy, local T) |
| returns whether or not the line intersects More...
const PhysicsMaterial | (0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f) |
int CC_DLL | (struct timeval *, struct timezone *) |
void | (pthread_mutex_t *m, void *attributes) |
var | ( var m, var attributes) |
local | ( local m, local attributes) |
int | (pthread_mutex_t *m) |
int | (pthread_mutex_t *m) |
void | (pthread_mutex_t *m) |
std::wstring CC_DLL | (const char *pszUtf8Str, unsigned len=-1) |
std::string CC_DLL | (const wchar_t *pwszStr) |
std::string | (Platform::String^s) |
Platform::String | (const std::string &s) |
float | (float dips) |
float | (float v) |
< Platform::Array< byte >^> | (Platform::String^path) |
void CC_DLL | () |
std::string CC_DLL | () |
public delegate void | (Cocos2dEvent event, Platform::String^text) |
public delegate void | (Platform::String^title, Platform::String^text) |
public delegate void | (Platform::String^strPlaceHolder, Platform::String^strText, int maxLength, int inputMode, int inputFlag, Windows::Foundation::EventHandler< Platform::String^>^receiveHandler) |
public delegate void | (Platform::String^url) |
public delegate void | () |
void | (PUConcreteNodeList &nodes) |
CC_DLL Rect | (const Rect &rect, const Mat4 &transform) |
CC_DLL Vec2 | (const Vec2 &point, const Mat4 &transform) |
CC_DLL void | (const AffineTransform &t, GLfloat *m) |
CC_DLL void | (const GLfloat *m, AffineTransform *t) |
var | ( var m, var t) |
local | ( local m, local t) |