| VBox () |
| Default constructor. More...
| VBox () |
| Default constructor. More...
| VBox () |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~VBox () |
| Default destructor. More...
local | ~VBox () |
| Default destructor. More...
virtual bool | initWithSize (const Size &size) |
local | initWithSize ( local size) |
| Layout () |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~Layout () |
| Default destructor. More...
void | setBackGroundImage (const std::string &fileName, TextureResType texType=TextureResType::LOCAL) |
| Sets a background image for layout. More...
void | setBackGroundImageCapInsets (const Rect &capInsets) |
| Sets a background image capinsets for layout, if the background image is a scale9 render. More...
const Rect & | getBackGroundImageCapInsets () const |
void | setBackGroundColorType (BackGroundColorType type) |
| Sets Color Type for layout. More...
BackGroundColorType | getBackGroundColorType () const |
void | setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets background iamge use scale9 renderer. More...
bool | isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled () const |
void | setBackGroundColor (const Color3B &color) |
| Sets background color for layout, if color type is BackGroundColorType::SOLIDE. More...
const Color3B & | getBackGroundColor () const |
void | setBackGroundColor (const Color3B &startColor, const Color3B &endColor) |
| Sets background color for layout, if color type is BackGroundColorType::GRADIENT. More...
const Color3B & | getBackGroundStartColor () const |
const Color3B & | getBackGroundEndColor () const |
void | setBackGroundColorOpacity (GLubyte opacity) |
| Sets background opacity layout. More...
GLubyte | getBackGroundColorOpacity () const |
void | setBackGroundColorVector (const Vec2 &vector) |
| Sets background color vector for layout, if color type is BackGroundColorType::GRADIENT. More...
const Vec2 & | getBackGroundColorVector () const |
void | setBackGroundImageColor (const Color3B &color) |
void | setBackGroundImageOpacity (GLubyte opacity) |
const Color3B & | getBackGroundImageColor () const |
GLubyte | getBackGroundImageOpacity () const |
void | removeBackGroundImage () |
| Remove the background image of layout. More...
const Size & | getBackGroundImageTextureSize () const |
| Gets background image texture size. More...
virtual void | setClippingEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Changes if layout can clip it's content and child. More...
void | setClippingType (ClippingType type) |
ClippingType | getClippingType () const |
virtual bool | isClippingEnabled () const |
| Gets if layout is clipping enabled. More...
virtual std::string | getDescription () const override |
| Returns the "class name" of widget. More...
virtual void | setLayoutType (Type type) |
virtual Type | getLayoutType () const |
virtual void | addChild (Node *child) override |
| Adds a child to the container with z order and tag. More...
virtual void | addChild (Node *child, int localZOrder) override |
| Adds a child to the container with a local z-order. More...
virtual void | addChild (Node *child, int zOrder, int tag) override |
| Adds a child to the container with z order and tag. More...
virtual void | addChild (Node *child, int zOrder, const std::string &name) override |
| Adds a child to the container with z order and tag. More...
virtual void | visit (Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) override |
| Visits this node's children and draw them recursively. More...
virtual void | removeChild (Node *child, bool cleanup=true) override |
| Removes a child from the container. More...
virtual void | removeAllChildren () override |
| Removes all children from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual void | removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (bool cleanup) override |
| Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
void | requestDoLayout () |
virtual void | onEnter () override |
| Event callback that is invoked every time when Node enters the 'stage'. More...
virtual void | onExit () override |
| Event callback that is invoked every time the Node leaves the 'stage'. More...
void | setLoopFocus (bool loop) |
| If a layout is loop focused which means that the focus movement will be inside the layout. More...
bool | isLoopFocus () const |
void | setPassFocusToChild (bool pass) |
bool | isPassFocusToChild () const |
virtual Widget * | findNextFocusedWidget (FocusDirection direction, Widget *current) override |
| When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction. More...
| Widget (void) |
virtual | ~Widget () |
| Default destructor. More...
virtual void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets whether the widget is enabled. More...
bool | isEnabled () const |
| Determines if the widget is enabled. More...
void | setBright (bool bright) |
| Sets whether the widget is bright. More...
bool | isBright () const |
| Determines if the widget is bright. More...
virtual void | setTouchEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets whether the widget is touch enabled. More...
void | setBrightStyle (BrightStyle style) |
| To set the bright style of widget. More...
bool | isTouchEnabled () const |
| Determines if the widget is touch enabled. More...
bool | isHighlighted () const |
| Determines if the widget is highlighted. More...
void | setHighlighted (bool hilight) |
| Sets whether the widget is hilighted. More...
float | getLeftInParent () |
| Gets the left boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system. More...
float | getLeftBoundary () const |
float | getBottomInParent () |
| Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system. More...
float | getBottomBoundary () const |
float | getRightInParent () |
| Gets the right boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system. More...
float | getRightBoundary () const |
float | getTopInParent () |
| Gets the top boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system. More...
float | getTopBoundary () const |
void | addTouchEventListener (Ref *target, SEL_TouchEvent selector) |
| Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More...
void | addTouchEventListener (ccWidgetTouchCallback callback) |
virtual void | setPosition (const Vec2 &pos) override |
| Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
void | setPositionPercent (const Vec2 &percent) |
| Set the percent(x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
const Vec2 & | getPositionPercent () const |
| Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
void | setPositionType (PositionType type) |
| Changes the position type of the widget. More...
PositionType | getPositionType () const |
| Gets the position type of the widget. More...
virtual void | setFlippedX (bool flippedX) |
| Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not. More...
virtual bool | isFlippedX () const |
| Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not. More...
virtual void | setFlippedY (bool flippedY) |
| Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not. More...
virtual bool | isFlippedY () const |
| Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not. More...
bool | isFlipX () |
void | setFlipX (bool flipX) |
bool | isFlipY () |
void | setFlipY (bool flipY) |
bool | clippingParentAreaContainPoint (const Vec2 &pt) |
bool | isClippingParentContainsPoint (const Vec2 &pt) |
const Vec2 & | getTouchStartPos () const |
const Vec2 & | getTouchBeganPosition () const |
const Vec2 & | getTouchMovePos () const |
const Vec2 & | getTouchMovePosition () const |
const Vec2 & | getTouchEndPos () const |
const Vec2 & | getTouchEndPosition () const |
virtual void | setSize (const Size &size) |
| Changes the size that is widget's size. More...
virtual void | setContentSize (const Size &contentSize) override |
| Sets the untransformed size of the node. More...
virtual void | setSizePercent (const Vec2 &percent) |
| Changes the percent that is widget's percent size. More...
void | setSizeType (SizeType type) |
| Changes the size type of widget. More...
SizeType | getSizeType () const |
| Gets the size type of widget. More...
const Size & | getSize () const |
| Returns size of widget. More...
const Size & | getCustomSize () const |
virtual const Size & | getLayoutSize () |
const Vec2 & | getSizePercent () const |
| Returns size percent of widget. More...
virtual bool | hitTest (const Vec2 &pt) |
| Checks a point if is in widget's space. More...
virtual bool | onTouchBegan (Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) |
virtual void | onTouchMoved (Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) |
virtual void | onTouchEnded (Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) |
virtual void | onTouchCancelled (Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) |
void | setLayoutParameter (LayoutParameter *parameter) |
| Sets a LayoutParameter to widget. More...
LayoutParameter * | getLayoutParameter () const override |
| Gets LayoutParameter of widget. More...
LayoutParameter * | getLayoutParameter (LayoutParameter::Type type) |
virtual void | ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (bool ignore) |
| Note: when you set _ignoreSize to true, no matther you call setContentSize or not, the widget size is always equal to the return value of the member function getVirtualRendererSize. More...
bool | isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize () const |
| Query whether the widget ignores user deinfed content size or not. More...
Vec2 | getWorldPosition () const |
| Gets world position of widget. More...
virtual Node * | getVirtualRenderer () |
| Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget. More...
virtual const Size & | getVirtualRendererSize () const |
Widget * | clone () |
void | updateSizeAndPosition () |
void | updateSizeAndPosition (const Size &parentSize) |
void | setActionTag (int tag) |
int | getActionTag () const |
bool | isFocused () const |
void | setFocused (bool focus) |
bool | isFocusEnabled () const |
void | setFocusEnabled (bool enable) |
virtual Widget * | findNextFocusedWidget (FocusDirection direction, Widget *current) |
| When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction. More...
void | requestFocus () |
| when a widget calls this method, it will get focus immediately. More...
Widget * | getCurrentFocusedWidget (bool isWidget) |
| no matter what widget object you call this method on , it will return you the exact one focused widget More...
Widget * | getCurrentFocusedWidget () const |
virtual void | interceptTouchEvent (TouchEventType event, Widget *sender, Touch *touch) |
void | onFocusChange (Widget *widgetLostFocus, Widget *widgetGetFocus) |
| This method is called when a focus change event happens. More...
void | dispatchFocusEvent (Widget *widgetLoseFocus, Widget *widgetGetFocus) |
| Dispatch a EventFocus through a EventDispatcher. More...
virtual void | cleanup () override |
| Stops all running actions and schedulers. More...
var | cleanup () |
| Stops all running actions and schedulers. More...
local | cleanup () |
| Stops all running actions and schedulers. More...
virtual void | onEnterTransitionDidFinish () override |
| Event callback that is invoked when the Node enters in the 'stage'. More...
virtual void | onExitTransitionDidStart () override |
| Event callback that is called every time the Node leaves the 'stage'. More...
virtual void | updateDisplayedOpacity (GLubyte parentOpacity) override |
virtual void | updateDisplayedColor (const Color3B &parentColor) override |
var | updateDisplayedColor ( var parentColor) |
local | updateDisplayedColor ( local parentColor) |
virtual void | disableCascadeColor () override |
var | disableCascadeColor () |
local | disableCascadeColor () |
virtual | ~ProtectedNode () |
var | ~ProtectedNode () |
local | ~ProtectedNode () |
virtual void | addProtectedChild (Node *child) |
| Adds a child to the container with z-order as 0. More...
local | addProtectedChild ( local child) |
| Adds a child to the container with z-order as 0. More...
virtual void | addProtectedChild (Node *child, int localZOrder) |
| Adds a child to the container with a local z-order. More...
local | addProtectedChild ( local child, local localZOrder) |
| Adds a child to the container with a local z-order. More...
virtual void | addProtectedChild (Node *child, int localZOrder, int tag) |
| Adds a child to the container with z order and tag. More...
local | addProtectedChild ( local child, local localZOrder, local tag) |
| Adds a child to the container with z order and tag. More...
virtual Node * | getProtectedChildByTag (int tag) |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
var | getProtectedChildByTag ( var tag) |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
local | getProtectedChildByTag ( local tag) |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
virtual void | removeProtectedChild (Node *child, bool cleanup=true) |
| Removes a child from the container. More...
local | removeProtectedChild ( local child, local true) |
| Removes a child from the container. More...
virtual void | removeProtectedChildByTag (int tag, bool cleanup=true) |
| Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
virtual void | removeAllProtectedChildren () |
| Removes all children from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual void | removeAllProtectedChildrenWithCleanup (bool cleanup) |
| Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
var | removeAllChildren ( var cleanup) |
| Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
local | removeAllChildren ( local cleanup) |
| Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
virtual void | reorderProtectedChild (Node *child, int localZOrder) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
var | reorderProtectedChild ( var child, var localZOrder) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
local | reorderProtectedChild ( local child, local localZOrder) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
virtual void | sortAllProtectedChildren () |
| Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered. More...
virtual bool | isRunning () const |
| Returns whether or not the node is "running". More...
void | scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua (int handler, int priority) |
| Schedules for lua script. More...
virtual void | draw (Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) |
| Override this method to draw your own node. More...
var | draw ( var renderer, var transform, var flags) |
| Override this method to draw your own node. More...
local | draw ( local renderer, local transform, local flags) |
| Override this method to draw your own node. More...
virtual void | draw () final |
var | draw () |
local | draw () |
virtual void | visit () final |
virtual Scene * | getScene () const |
| Returns the Scene that contains the Node. More...
local | getScene () |
| Returns the Scene that contains the Node. More...
virtual Rect | getBoundingBox () const |
| Returns an AABB (axis-aligned bounding-box) in its parent's coordinate system. More...
virtual Rect | boundingBox () const |
local | boundingBox () |
virtual void | setEventDispatcher (EventDispatcher *dispatcher) |
var | setEventDispatcher ( var dispatcher) |
local | setEventDispatcher ( local dispatcher) |
virtual EventDispatcher * | getEventDispatcher () const |
local | getEventDispatcher () |
void | setPhysicsBody (PhysicsBody *body) |
| set the PhysicsBody that let the sprite effect with physics More...
var | setPhysicsBody ( var body) |
| set the PhysicsBody that let the sprite effect with physics More...
local | setPhysicsBody ( local body) |
| set the PhysicsBody that let the sprite effect with physics More...
PhysicsBody * | getPhysicsBody () const |
| get the PhysicsBody the sprite have More...
virtual GLubyte | getOpacity () const |
var | getOpacity () |
local | getOpacity () |
virtual GLubyte | getDisplayedOpacity () const |
local | getDisplayedOpacity () |
virtual void | setOpacity (GLubyte opacity) |
local | setOpacity ( local opacity) |
virtual bool | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () const |
var | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () |
local | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () |
virtual void | setCascadeOpacityEnabled (bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) |
virtual const Color3B & | getColor () const |
virtual const Color3B & | getDisplayedColor () const |
local | getDisplayedColor () |
virtual void | setColor (const Color3B &color) |
var | setColor ( var color) |
local | setColor ( local color) |
virtual bool | isCascadeColorEnabled () const |
var | isCascadeColorEnabled () |
local | isCascadeColorEnabled () |
virtual void | setCascadeColorEnabled (bool cascadeColorEnabled) |
virtual void | setOpacityModifyRGB (bool value) |
var | setOpacityModifyRGB ( var value) |
local | setOpacityModifyRGB ( local value) |
virtual bool | isOpacityModifyRGB () const |
var | isOpacityModifyRGB () |
local | isOpacityModifyRGB () |
void | setOnEnterCallback (const std::function< void()> &callback) |
var | setOnEnterCallback ( var callback) |
local | setOnEnterCallback ( local callback) |
const std::function< void()> & | getOnEnterCallback () const |
local | getOnEnterCallback () |
void | setOnExitCallback (const std::function< void()> &callback) |
var | setOnExitCallback ( var callback) |
local | setOnExitCallback ( local callback) |
const std::function< void()> & | getOnExitCallback () const |
local | getOnExitCallback () |
void | setonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback (const std::function< void()> &callback) |
var | setonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback ( var callback) |
local | setonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback ( local callback) |
const std::function< void()> & | getonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback () const |
local | getonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback () |
void | setonExitTransitionDidStartCallback (const std::function< void()> &callback) |
var | setonExitTransitionDidStartCallback ( var callback) |
local | setonExitTransitionDidStartCallback ( local callback) |
const std::function< void()> & | getonExitTransitionDidStartCallback () const |
local | getonExitTransitionDidStartCallback () |
virtual | ~Node () |
var | ~Node () |
local | ~Node () |
virtual bool | init () |
virtual void | setLocalZOrder (int localZOrder) |
| LocalZOrder is the 'key' used to sort the node relative to its siblings. More...
local | setLocalZOrder ( local localZOrder) |
| LocalZOrder is the 'key' used to sort the node relative to its siblings. More...
virtual void | setZOrder (int localZOrder) |
virtual void | _setLocalZOrder (int z) |
local | _setLocalZOrder ( local z) |
virtual int | getLocalZOrder () const |
| Gets the local Z order of this node. More...
var | getLocalZOrder () |
| Gets the local Z order of this node. More...
local | getLocalZOrder () |
| Gets the local Z order of this node. More...
virtual int | getZOrder () const |
var | getZOrder () |
local | getZOrder () |
virtual void | setGlobalZOrder (float globalZOrder) |
| Defines the oder in which the nodes are renderer. More...
virtual float | getGlobalZOrder () const |
| Returns the Node's Global Z Order. More...
virtual void | setScaleX (float scaleX) |
| Sets the scale (x) of the node. More...
var | setScaleX ( var scaleX) |
| Sets the scale (x) of the node. More...
local | setScaleX ( local scaleX) |
| Sets the scale (x) of the node. More...
virtual float | getScaleX () const |
| Returns the scale factor on X axis of this node. More...
virtual void | setScaleY (float scaleY) |
| Sets the scale (y) of the node. More...
var | setScaleY ( var scaleY) |
| Sets the scale (y) of the node. More...
local | setScaleY ( local scaleY) |
| Sets the scale (y) of the node. More...
virtual float | getScaleY () const |
| Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this node. More...
virtual void | setScaleZ (float scaleZ) |
| Changes the scale factor on Z axis of this node. More...
local | setScaleZ ( local scaleZ) |
| Changes the scale factor on Z axis of this node. More...
virtual float | getScaleZ () const |
| Returns the scale factor on Z axis of this node. More...
virtual void | setScale (float scale) |
| Sets the scale (x,y,z) of the node. More...
local | setScale ( local scale) |
| Sets the scale (x,y,z) of the node. More...
virtual float | getScale () const |
| Gets the scale factor of the node, when X and Y have the same scale factor. More...
virtual void | setScale (float scaleX, float scaleY) |
| Sets the scale (x,y) of the node. More...
local | setScale ( local scaleX, local scaleY) |
| Sets the scale (x,y) of the node. More...
virtual void | setNormalizedPosition (const Vec2 &position) |
| Sets the position (x,y) using values between 0 and 1. More...
local | setNormalizedPosition ( local position) |
| Sets the position (x,y) using values between 0 and 1. More...
virtual const Vec2 & | getPosition () const |
| Gets the position (x,y) of the node in its parent's coordinate system. More...
virtual const Vec2 & | getNormalizedPosition () const |
| returns the normalized position More...
local | getNormalizedPosition () |
| returns the normalized position More...
virtual void | setPosition (float x, float y) |
| Sets the position (x,y) of the node in its parent's coordinate system. More...
local | setPosition ( local x, local y) |
| Sets the position (x,y) of the node in its parent's coordinate system. More...
virtual void | getPosition (float *x, float *y) const |
| Gets position in a more efficient way, returns two number instead of a Vec2 object. More...
virtual void | setPositionX (float x) |
| Gets/Sets x or y coordinate individually for position. More...
virtual float | getPositionX (void) const |
var | getPositionX () |
local | getPositionX () |
virtual void | setPositionY (float y) |
local | setPositionY ( local y) |
virtual float | getPositionY (void) const |
local | getPositionY () |
virtual void | setPosition3D (const Vec3 &position) |
| Sets the position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system. More...
local | setPosition3D ( local position) |
| Sets the position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system. More...
virtual Vec3 | getPosition3D () const |
| returns the position (X,Y,Z) in its parent's coordinate system More...
virtual void | setPositionZ (float positionZ) |
| Sets the 'z' coordinate in the position. More...
local | setPositionZ ( local positionZ) |
| Sets the 'z' coordinate in the position. More...
virtual void | setVertexZ (float vertexZ) |
var | setVertexZ ( var vertexZ) |
local | setVertexZ ( local vertexZ) |
virtual float | getPositionZ () const |
| Gets position Z coordinate of this node. More...
virtual float | getVertexZ () const |
var | getVertexZ () |
virtual void | setSkewX (float skewX) |
| Changes the X skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
local | setSkewX ( local skewX) |
| Changes the X skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual float | getSkewX () const |
| Returns the X skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual void | setSkewY (float skewY) |
| Changes the Y skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
var | setSkewY ( var skewY) |
| Changes the Y skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
local | setSkewY ( local skewY) |
| Changes the Y skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual float | getSkewY () const |
| Returns the Y skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual void | setAnchorPoint (const Vec2 &anchorPoint) |
| Sets the anchor point in percent. More...
local | setAnchorPoint ( local anchorPoint) |
| Sets the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual const Vec2 & | getAnchorPoint () const |
| Returns the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual const Vec2 & | getAnchorPointInPoints () const |
| Returns the anchorPoint in absolute pixels. More...
virtual const Size & | getContentSize () const |
| Returns the untransformed size of the node. More...
local | getContentSize () |
| Returns the untransformed size of the node. More...
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
| Sets whether the node is visible. More...
local | setVisible ( local visible) |
| Sets whether the node is visible. More...
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
| Determines if the node is visible. More...
virtual void | setRotation (float rotation) |
| Sets the rotation (angle) of the node in degrees. More...
var | setRotation ( var rotation) |
| Sets the rotation (angle) of the node in degrees. More...
local | setRotation ( local rotation) |
| Sets the rotation (angle) of the node in degrees. More...
virtual float | getRotation () const |
| Returns the rotation of the node in degrees. More...
virtual void | setRotation3D (const Vec3 &rotation) |
| Sets the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees. More...
local | setRotation3D ( local rotation) |
| Sets the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees. More...
virtual Vec3 | getRotation3D () const |
| returns the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees. More...
virtual void | setRotationSkewX (float rotationX) |
| Sets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More...
virtual void | setRotationX (float rotationX) |
virtual float | getRotationSkewX () const |
| Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More...
var | getRotationSkewX () |
| Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More...
local | getRotationSkewX () |
| Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More...
virtual float | getRotationX () const |
virtual void | setRotationSkewY (float rotationY) |
| Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
local | setRotationSkewY ( local rotationY) |
| Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
virtual void | setRotationY (float rotationY) |
virtual float | getRotationSkewY () const |
| Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
local | getRotationSkewY () |
| Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
virtual float | getRotationY () const |
void | setOrderOfArrival (int orderOfArrival) |
| Sets the arrival order when this node has a same ZOrder with other children. More...
int | getOrderOfArrival () const |
| Returns the arrival order, indicates which children is added previously. More...
void | setGLServerState (int serverState) |
int | getGLServerState () const |
virtual void | ignoreAnchorPointForPosition (bool ignore) |
| Sets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. More...
local | ignoreAnchorPointForPosition ( local ignore) |
| Sets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. More...
virtual bool | isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition () const |
| Gets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. More...
virtual Node * | getChildByTag (int tag) const |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
var | getChildByTag ( var tag) |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
local | getChildByTag ( local tag) |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
virtual Node * | getChildByName (const std::string &name) const |
| Gets a child from the container with its name. More...
var | getChildByName ( var name) |
| Gets a child from the container with its name. More...
local | getChildByName ( local name) |
| Gets a child from the container with its name. More...
template<typename T > |
T | getChildByName (const std::string &name) const |
| Gets a child from the container with its name that can be cast to Type T. More...
virtual void | enumerateChildren (const std::string &name, std::function< bool(Node *node)> callback) const |
| Search the children of the receiving node to perform processing for nodes which share a name. More...
virtual Vector< Node * > & | getChildren () |
| Returns the array of the node's children. More...
local | getChildren () |
| Returns the array of the node's children. More...
virtual const Vector< Node * > & | getChildren () const |
local | getChildren () |
virtual ssize_t | getChildrenCount () const |
| Returns the amount of children. More...
virtual void | setParent (Node *parent) |
| Sets the parent node. More...
local | setParent ( local parent) |
| Sets the parent node. More...
virtual Node * | getParent () |
| Returns a pointer to the parent node. More...
local | getParent () |
| Returns a pointer to the parent node. More...
virtual const Node * | getParent () const |
local | getParent () |
virtual void | removeFromParent () |
| Removes this node itself from its parent node with a cleanup. More...
virtual void | removeFromParentAndCleanup (bool cleanup) |
| Removes this node itself from its parent node. More...
local | removeFromParent ( local cleanup) |
| Removes this node itself from its parent node. More...
virtual void | removeChildByTag (int tag, bool cleanup=true) |
| Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
local | removeChildByTag ( local tag, local true) |
| Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
virtual void | removeChildByName (const std::string &name, bool cleanup=true) |
| Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
var | removeChildByName ( var name, var true) |
| Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
local | removeChildByName ( local name, local true) |
| Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
virtual void | reorderChild (Node *child, int localZOrder) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
var | reorderChild ( var child, var localZOrder) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
local | reorderChild ( local child, local localZOrder) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
virtual void | sortAllChildren () |
| Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered. More...
virtual int | getTag () const |
| Returns a tag that is used to identify the node easily. More...
virtual void | setTag (int tag) |
| Changes the tag that is used to identify the node easily. More...
local | setTag ( local tag) |
| Changes the tag that is used to identify the node easily. More...
virtual std::string | getName () const |
| Returns a string that is used to identify the node. More...
local | getName () |
| Returns a string that is used to identify the node. More...
virtual void | setName (const std::string &name) |
| Changes the name that is used to identify the node easily. More...
local | setName ( local name) |
| Changes the name that is used to identify the node easily. More...
virtual void * | getUserData () |
| Returns a custom user data pointer. More...
virtual const void * | getUserData () const |
virtual void | setUserData (void *userData) |
| Sets a custom user data pointer. More...
virtual Ref * | getUserObject () |
| Returns a user assigned Object. More...
virtual const Ref * | getUserObject () const |
virtual void | setUserObject (Ref *userObject) |
| Returns a user assigned Object. More...
local | setUserObject ( local userObject) |
| Returns a user assigned Object. More...
GLProgram * | getGLProgram () const |
| Return the GLProgram (shader) currently used for this node. More...
var | getGLProgram () |
| Return the GLProgram (shader) currently used for this node. More...
local | getGLProgram () |
| Return the GLProgram (shader) currently used for this node. More...
GLProgram * | getShaderProgram () const |
var | getShaderProgram () |
local | getShaderProgram () |
GLProgramState * | getGLProgramState () const |
var | getGLProgramState () |
local | getGLProgramState () |
void | setGLProgramState (GLProgramState *glProgramState) |
var | setGLProgramState ( var glProgramState) |
local | setGLProgramState ( local glProgramState) |
void | setGLProgram (GLProgram *glprogram) |
| Sets the shader program for this node. More...
void | setShaderProgram (GLProgram *glprogram) |
virtual void | setActionManager (ActionManager *actionManager) |
| Sets the ActionManager object that is used by all actions. More...
local | setActionManager ( local actionManager) |
| Sets the ActionManager object that is used by all actions. More...
virtual ActionManager * | getActionManager () |
| Gets the ActionManager object that is used by all actions. More...
local | getActionManager () |
| Gets the ActionManager object that is used by all actions. More...
virtual const ActionManager * | getActionManager () const |
local | getActionManager () |
Action * | runAction (Action *action) |
| Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed. More...
void | stopAllActions () |
| Stops and removes all actions from the running action list . More...
var | stopAllActions () |
| Stops and removes all actions from the running action list . More...
local | stopAllActions () |
| Stops and removes all actions from the running action list . More...
void | stopAction (Action *action) |
| Stops and removes an action from the running action list. More...
var | stopAction ( var action) |
| Stops and removes an action from the running action list. More...
local | stopAction ( local action) |
| Stops and removes an action from the running action list. More...
void | stopActionByTag (int tag) |
| Removes an action from the running action list by its tag. More...
Action * | getActionByTag (int tag) |
| Gets an action from the running action list by its tag. More...
ssize_t | getNumberOfRunningActions () const |
| Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays). More...
local | getNumberOfRunningActions () |
| Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays). More...
ssize_t | numberOfRunningActions () const |
var | numberOfRunningActions () |
local | numberOfRunningActions () |
virtual void | setScheduler (Scheduler *scheduler) |
| Sets a Scheduler object that is used to schedule all "updates" and timers. More...
virtual Scheduler * | getScheduler () |
| Gets a Sheduler object. More...
local | getScheduler () |
| Gets a Sheduler object. More...
virtual const Scheduler * | getScheduler () const |
local | getScheduler () |
bool | isScheduled (SEL_SCHEDULE selector) |
| Checks whether a selector is scheduled. More...
void | scheduleUpdate (void) |
| Schedules the "update" method. More...
void | scheduleUpdateWithPriority (int priority) |
| Schedules the "update" method with a custom priority. More...
void | unscheduleUpdate (void) |
var | unscheduleUpdate () |
local | unscheduleUpdate () |
void | schedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay) |
| Schedules a custom selector. More...
void | schedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval) |
| Schedules a custom selector with an interval time in seconds. More...
void | scheduleOnce (SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float delay) |
| Schedules a selector that runs only once, with a delay of 0 or larger. More...
void | schedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector) |
| Schedules a custom selector, the scheduled selector will be ticked every frame. More...
void | unschedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector) |
| Unschedules a custom selector. More...
void | unscheduleAllSelectors (void) |
| Unschedule all scheduled selectors: custom selectors, and the 'update' selector. More...
void | resume (void) |
| Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
var | resume () |
| Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
local | resume () |
| Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
void | pause (void) |
| Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
var | pause () |
| Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
local | pause () |
| Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
void | resumeSchedulerAndActions () |
| Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
var | resumeSchedulerAndActions () |
| Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
local | resumeSchedulerAndActions () |
| Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
void | pauseSchedulerAndActions () |
| Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
var | pauseSchedulerAndActions () |
| Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
local | pauseSchedulerAndActions () |
| Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners. More...
virtual void | update (float delta) |
var | update ( var delta) |
local | update ( local delta) |
virtual void | updateTransform () |
| Calls children's updateTransform() method recursively. More...
local | updateTransform () |
| Calls children's updateTransform() method recursively. More...
virtual const Mat4 & | getNodeToParentTransform () const |
| Returns the matrix that transform the node's (local) space coordinates into the parent's space coordinates. More...
local | getNodeToParentTransform () |
| Returns the matrix that transform the node's (local) space coordinates into the parent's space coordinates. More...
virtual AffineTransform | getNodeToParentAffineTransform () const |
local | getNodeToParentAffineTransform () |
virtual void | setNodeToParentTransform (const Mat4 &transform) |
| Sets the Transformation matrix manually. More...
local | setNodeToParentTransform ( local transform) |
| Sets the Transformation matrix manually. More...
virtual AffineTransform | nodeToParentTransform () const |
local | nodeToParentTransform () |
virtual const Mat4 & | getParentToNodeTransform () const |
| Returns the matrix that transform parent's space coordinates to the node's (local) space coordinates. More...
virtual AffineTransform | getParentToNodeAffineTransform () const |
local | getParentToNodeAffineTransform () |
virtual AffineTransform | parentToNodeTransform () const |
local | parentToNodeTransform () |
virtual Mat4 | getNodeToWorldTransform () const |
| Returns the world affine transform matrix. More...
var | getNodeToWorldTransform () |
| Returns the world affine transform matrix. More...
local | getNodeToWorldTransform () |
| Returns the world affine transform matrix. More...
virtual AffineTransform | getNodeToWorldAffineTransform () const |
local | getNodeToWorldAffineTransform () |
virtual AffineTransform | nodeToWorldTransform () const |
local | nodeToWorldTransform () |
virtual Mat4 | getWorldToNodeTransform () const |
| Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. More...
var | getWorldToNodeTransform () |
| Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. More...
local | getWorldToNodeTransform () |
| Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. More...
virtual AffineTransform | getWorldToNodeAffineTransform () const |
local | getWorldToNodeAffineTransform () |
virtual AffineTransform | worldToNodeTransform () const |
local | worldToNodeTransform () |
Vec2 | convertToNodeSpace (const Vec2 &worldPoint) const |
| Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. More...
var | convertToNodeSpace ( var worldPoint) |
| Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. More...
local | convertToNodeSpace ( local worldPoint) |
| Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. More...
Vec2 | convertToWorldSpace (const Vec2 &nodePoint) const |
| Converts a Vec2 to world space coordinates. More...
var | convertToWorldSpace ( var nodePoint) |
| Converts a Vec2 to world space coordinates. More...
local | convertToWorldSpace ( local nodePoint) |
| Converts a Vec2 to world space coordinates. More...
Vec2 | convertToNodeSpaceAR (const Vec2 &worldPoint) const |
| Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. More...
Vec2 | convertToWorldSpaceAR (const Vec2 &nodePoint) const |
| Converts a local Vec2 to world space coordinates.The result is in Points. More...
Vec2 | convertTouchToNodeSpace (Touch *touch) const |
| convenience methods which take a Touch instead of Vec2 More...
Vec2 | convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR (Touch *touch) const |
| converts a Touch (world coordinates) into a local coordinate. More...
var | convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR ( var touch) |
| converts a Touch (world coordinates) into a local coordinate. More...
local | convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR ( local touch) |
| converts a Touch (world coordinates) into a local coordinate. More...
void | setAdditionalTransform (Mat4 *additionalTransform) |
| Sets an additional transform matrix to the node. More...
var | setAdditionalTransform ( var additionalTransform) |
| Sets an additional transform matrix to the node. More...
local | setAdditionalTransform ( local additionalTransform) |
| Sets an additional transform matrix to the node. More...
void | setAdditionalTransform (const AffineTransform &additionalTransform) |
var | setAdditionalTransform ( var additionalTransform) |
local | setAdditionalTransform ( local additionalTransform) |
Component * | getComponent (const std::string &name) |
| gets a component by its name More...
local | getComponent ( local name) |
| gets a component by its name More...
virtual bool | addComponent (Component *component) |
| adds a component More...
local | addComponent ( local component) |
| adds a component More...
virtual bool | removeComponent (const std::string &name) |
| removes a component by its name More...
local | removeComponent ( local name) |
| removes a component by its name More...
virtual void | removeAllComponents () |
| removes all components More...
var | removeAllComponents () |
| removes all components More...
local | removeAllComponents () |
| removes all components More...
void | retain () |
| Retains the ownership. More...
void | release () |
| Releases the ownership immediately. More...
Ref * | autorelease () |
| Releases the ownership sometime soon automatically. More...
unsigned int | getReferenceCount () const |
| Returns the Ref's current reference count. More...
virtual | ~Ref () |
| LayoutParameterProtocol () |
virtual | ~LayoutParameterProtocol () |
| LayoutProtocol () |
virtual | ~LayoutProtocol () |
var | ~LayoutProtocol () |
local | ~LayoutProtocol () |
enum | Type { ABSOLUTE,
} |
enum | ClippingType { STENCIL,
} |
enum | BackGroundColorType { NONE,
} |
enum | FocusDirection { LEFT,
} |
enum | PositionType { ABSOLUTE,
} |
enum | SizeType { ABSOLUTE,
} |
enum | TouchEventType { BEGAN,
} |
enum | TextureResType { LOCAL = 0,
} |
enum | BrightStyle { NONE = -1,
} |
typedef std::function< void(Ref
*, Widget::TouchEventType)> | ccWidgetTouchCallback |
enum | { FLAGS_TRANSFORM_DIRTY = (1 << 0),
} |
static const int | INVALID_TAG = -1 |
| Default tag used for all the nodes. More...
var | INVALID_TAG = -1 |
| Default tag used for all the nodes. More...
local | INVALID_TAG = -1 |
| Default tag used for all the nodes. More...
virtual void | onSizeChanged () override |
void | addBackGroundImage () |
void | supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild (Widget *child) |
virtual Widget * | createCloneInstance () override |
virtual void | copySpecialProperties (Widget *model) override |
virtual void | copyClonedWidgetChildren (Widget *model) override |
void | stencilClippingVisit (Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) |
void | scissorClippingVisit (Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) |
void | setStencilClippingSize (const Size &size) |
const Rect & | getClippingRect () |
virtual void | doLayout () override |
virtual LayoutManager * | createLayoutManager () override |
virtual Size | getLayoutContentSize () const override |
virtual const Vector< Node * > & | getLayoutElements () const override |
void | onBeforeVisitStencil () |
void | onAfterDrawStencil () |
void | onAfterVisitStencil () |
void | drawFullScreenQuadClearStencil () |
| draw fullscreen quad to clear stencil bits More...
void | onBeforeVisitScissor () |
void | onAfterVisitScissor () |
void | updateBackGroundImageColor () |
void | updateBackGroundImageOpacity () |
void | updateBackGroundImageRGBA () |
Size | getLayoutAccumulatedSize () const |
| get the content size of the layout, it will accumulate all its children's content size More...
int | findNearestChildWidgetIndex (FocusDirection direction, Widget *baseWidget) |
| When the layout get focused, it the layout pass the focus to its child, it will use this method to determine which child will get the focus. More...
int | findFarthestChildWidgetIndex (FocusDirection direction, Widget *baseWidget) |
| When the layout get focused, it the layout pass the focus to its child, it will use this method to determine which child will get the focus. More...
float | calculateNearestDistance (Widget *baseWidget) |
| caculate the nearest distance between the baseWidget and the children of the layout More...
float | calculateFarthestDistance (Widget *baseWidget) |
| caculate the farthest distance between the baseWidget and the children of the layout More...
void | findProperSearchingFunctor (FocusDirection dir, Widget *baseWidget) |
| when a layout pass the focus to it's child, use this method to determine which algorithm to use, nearest or farthest distance algorithm or not More...
Widget * | findFirstNonLayoutWidget () |
| find the first non-layout widget in this layout More...
int | findFirstFocusEnabledWidgetIndex () |
| find the fisrt focus enabled widget index in the layout, it will recusive searching the child widget More...
Widget * | findFocusEnabledChildWidgetByIndex (ssize_t index) |
| find a focus enabled child Widget in the layout by index More...
Vec2 | getWorldCenterPoint (Widget *node) const |
| get the center point of a widget in world space More...
Widget * | getNextFocusedWidget (FocusDirection direction, Widget *current) |
| this method is called internally by nextFocusedWidget. More...
Widget * | getPreviousFocusedWidget (FocusDirection direction, Widget *current) |
| this method is called internally by nextFocusedWidget. More...
Widget * | getChildWidgetByIndex (ssize_t index) const |
| find the nth elment in the _children array. More...
bool | isLastWidgetInContainer (Widget *widget, FocusDirection direction) const |
| whether it is the last element according to all their parents More...
bool | isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus (Widget *widget, FocusDirection direction) const |
| Lookup any parent widget with a layout type as the direction, if the layout is loop focused, then return true, otherwise It returns false. More...
Widget * | passFocusToChild (FocusDirection direction, Widget *current) |
| pass the focus to the layout's next focus enabled child More...
bool | checkFocusEnabledChild () const |
| If there are no focus enabled child in the layout, it will return false, otherwise it returns true. More...
virtual void | initRenderer () |
virtual void | onPressStateChangedToNormal () |
virtual void | onPressStateChangedToPressed () |
virtual void | onPressStateChangedToDisabled () |
void | pushDownEvent () |
void | moveEvent () |
virtual void | releaseUpEvent () |
virtual void | cancelUpEvent () |
virtual void | updateFlippedX () |
virtual void | updateFlippedY () |
virtual void | adaptRenderers () |
void | copyProperties (Widget *model) |
Widget * | getWidgetParent () |
void | updateContentSizeWithTextureSize (const Size &size) |
bool | isAncestorsEnabled () |
Widget * | getAncensterWidget (Node *node) |
bool | isAncestorsVisible (Node *node) |
void | cleanupWidget () |
void | insertProtectedChild (Node *child, int z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
var | insertProtectedChild ( var child, var z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
local | insertProtectedChild ( local child, local z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
void | childrenAlloc (void) |
| lazy allocs More...
var | childrenAlloc () |
| lazy allocs More...
local | childrenAlloc () |
| lazy allocs More...
void | insertChild (Node *child, int z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
var | insertChild ( var child, var z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
local | insertChild ( local child, local z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
void | detachChild (Node *child, ssize_t index, bool doCleanup) |
| Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array. More...
var | detachChild ( var child, var index, var doCleanup) |
| Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array. More...
local | detachChild ( local child, local index, local doCleanup) |
| Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array. More...
Vec2 | convertToWindowSpace (const Vec2 &nodePoint) const |
| Convert cocos2d coordinates to UI windows coordinate. More...
Mat4 | transform (const Mat4 &parentTransform) |
var | transform ( var parentTransform) |
local | transform ( local parentTransform) |
uint32_t | processParentFlags (const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) |
var | processParentFlags ( var parentTransform, var parentFlags) |
local | processParentFlags ( local parentTransform, local parentFlags) |
virtual void | updateCascadeOpacity () |
var | updateCascadeOpacity () |
local | updateCascadeOpacity () |
virtual void | disableCascadeOpacity () |
local | disableCascadeOpacity () |
virtual void | updateCascadeColor () |
local | updateCascadeColor () |
virtual void | updateColor () |
var | updateColor () |
local | updateColor () |
bool | doEnumerate (std::string name, std::function< bool(Node *)> callback) const |
var | doEnumerate ( var name, var callback) |
local | doEnumerate ( local name, local callback) |
bool | doEnumerateRecursive (const Node *node, const std::string &name, std::function< bool(Node *)> callback) const |
var | doEnumerateRecursive ( var node, var name, var callback) |
local | doEnumerateRecursive ( local node, local name, local callback) |
void | updatePhysicsBodyTransform (Scene *layer) |
var | updatePhysicsBodyTransform ( var layer) |
local | updatePhysicsBodyTransform ( local layer) |
virtual void | updatePhysicsBodyPosition (Scene *layer) |
local | updatePhysicsBodyPosition ( local layer) |
virtual void | updatePhysicsBodyRotation (Scene *layer) |
var | updatePhysicsBodyRotation ( var layer) |
local | updatePhysicsBodyRotation ( local layer) |
virtual void | updatePhysicsBodyScale (Scene *scene) |
var | updatePhysicsBodyScale ( var scene) |
local | updatePhysicsBodyScale ( local scene) |
| Ref () |
| Constructor. More...
bool | _clippingEnabled |
bool | _backGroundScale9Enabled |
Node * | _backGroundImage |
std::string | _backGroundImageFileName |
Rect | _backGroundImageCapInsets |
BackGroundColorType | _colorType |
TextureResType | _bgImageTexType |
LayerColor * | _colorRender |
LayerGradient * | _gradientRender |
Color3B | _cColor |
Color3B | _gStartColor |
Color3B | _gEndColor |
Vec2 | _alongVector |
GLubyte | _cOpacity |
Size | _backGroundImageTextureSize |
Type | _layoutType |
ClippingType | _clippingType |
DrawNode * | _clippingStencil |
bool | _scissorRectDirty |
Rect | _clippingRect |
Layout * | _clippingParent |
bool | _doLayoutDirty |
bool | _clippingRectDirty |
GLboolean | _currentStencilEnabled |
GLuint | _currentStencilWriteMask |
GLenum | _currentStencilFunc |
GLint | _currentStencilRef |
GLuint | _currentStencilValueMask |
GLenum | _currentStencilFail |
GLenum | _currentStencilPassDepthFail |
GLenum | _currentStencilPassDepthPass |
GLboolean | _currentDepthWriteMask |
GLboolean | _currentAlphaTestEnabled |
GLenum | _currentAlphaTestFunc |
GLclampf | _currentAlphaTestRef |
Color3B | _backGroundImageColor |
GLubyte | _backGroundImageOpacity |
GLint | _mask_layer_le |
GroupCommand | _groupCommand |
CustomCommand | _beforeVisitCmdStencil |
CustomCommand | _afterDrawStencilCmd |
CustomCommand | _afterVisitCmdStencil |
CustomCommand | _beforeVisitCmdScissor |
CustomCommand | _afterVisitCmdScissor |
bool | _loopFocus |
bool | _passFocusToChild |
bool | _isFocusPassing |
bool | _enabled |
bool | _bright |
bool | _touchEnabled |
bool | _highlight |
bool | _reorderWidgetChildDirty |
bool | _affectByClipping |
bool | _ignoreSize |
BrightStyle | _brightStyle |
SizeType | _sizeType |
PositionType | _positionType |
int | _actionTag |
Size | _customSize |
Vec2 | _sizePercent |
Vec2 | _positionPercent |
bool | _hitted |
EventListenerTouchOneByOne * | _touchListener |
Vec2 | _touchBeganPosition |
Vec2 | _touchMovePosition |
Vec2 | _touchEndPosition |
bool | _flippedX |
bool | _flippedY |
Map< int, LayoutParameter * > | _layoutParameterDictionary |
LayoutParameter::Type | _layoutParameterType |
bool | _focused |
bool | _focusEnabled |
Ref * | _touchEventListener |
SEL_TouchEvent | _touchEventSelector |
ccWidgetTouchCallback | _touchEventCallback |
Vector< Node * > | _protectedChildren |
| array of children nodes More...
var | _protectedChildren |
| array of children nodes More...
local | _protectedChildren |
| array of children nodes More...
bool | _reorderProtectedChildDirty |
float | _rotationX |
| rotation on the X-axis More...
local | _rotationX |
| rotation on the X-axis More...
float | _rotationY |
| rotation on the Y-axis More...
var | _rotationY |
| rotation on the Y-axis More...
local | _rotationY |
| rotation on the Y-axis More...
float | _rotationZ_X |
| rotation angle on Z-axis, component X More...
var | _rotationZ_X |
| rotation angle on Z-axis, component X More...
local | _rotationZ_X |
| rotation angle on Z-axis, component X More...
float | _rotationZ_Y |
| rotation angle on Z-axis, component Y More...
float | _scaleX |
| scaling factor on x-axis More...
var | _scaleX |
| scaling factor on x-axis More...
local | _scaleX |
| scaling factor on x-axis More...
float | _scaleY |
| scaling factor on y-axis More...
var | _scaleY |
| scaling factor on y-axis More...
local | _scaleY |
| scaling factor on y-axis More...
float | _scaleZ |
| scaling factor on z-axis More...
var | _scaleZ |
| scaling factor on z-axis More...
local | _scaleZ |
| scaling factor on z-axis More...
Vec2 | _position |
| position of the node More...
var | _position |
| position of the node More...
local | _position |
| position of the node More...
float | _positionZ |
| OpenGL real Z position. More...
var | _positionZ |
| OpenGL real Z position. More...
local | _positionZ |
| OpenGL real Z position. More...
Vec2 | _normalizedPosition |
var | _normalizedPosition |
local | _normalizedPosition |
bool | _usingNormalizedPosition |
var | _usingNormalizedPosition |
local | _usingNormalizedPosition |
float | _skewX |
| skew angle on x-axis More...
var | _skewX |
| skew angle on x-axis More...
local | _skewX |
| skew angle on x-axis More...
float | _skewY |
| skew angle on y-axis More...
var | _skewY |
| skew angle on y-axis More...
local | _skewY |
| skew angle on y-axis More...
Vec2 | _anchorPointInPoints |
| anchor point in points More...
var | _anchorPointInPoints |
| anchor point in points More...
local | _anchorPointInPoints |
| anchor point in points More...
Vec2 | _anchorPoint |
| anchor point normalized (NOT in points) More...
var | _anchorPoint |
| anchor point normalized (NOT in points) More...
local | _anchorPoint |
| anchor point normalized (NOT in points) More...
Size | _contentSize |
| untransformed size of the node More...
var | _contentSize |
| untransformed size of the node More...
local | _contentSize |
| untransformed size of the node More...
bool | _contentSizeDirty |
| whether or not the contentSize is dirty More...
var | _contentSizeDirty |
| whether or not the contentSize is dirty More...
local | _contentSizeDirty |
| whether or not the contentSize is dirty More...
Mat4 | _modelViewTransform |
| ModelView transform of the Node. More...
var | _modelViewTransform |
| ModelView transform of the Node. More...
local | _modelViewTransform |
| ModelView transform of the Node. More...
Mat4 | _transform |
| transform More...
var | _transform |
| transform More...
local | _transform |
| transform More...
bool | _transformDirty |
| transform dirty flag More...
var | _transformDirty |
| transform dirty flag More...
local | _transformDirty |
| transform dirty flag More...
Mat4 | _inverse |
| inverse transform More...
var | _inverse |
| inverse transform More...
local | _inverse |
| inverse transform More...
bool | _inverseDirty |
| inverse transform dirty flag More...
var | _inverseDirty |
| inverse transform dirty flag More...
local | _inverseDirty |
| inverse transform dirty flag More...
Mat4 | _additionalTransform |
| transform More...
var | _additionalTransform |
| transform More...
local | _additionalTransform |
| transform More...
bool | _useAdditionalTransform |
| The flag to check whether the additional transform is dirty. More...
var | _useAdditionalTransform |
| The flag to check whether the additional transform is dirty. More...
local | _useAdditionalTransform |
| The flag to check whether the additional transform is dirty. More...
bool | _transformUpdated |
| Whether or not the Transform object was updated since the last frame. More...
var | _transformUpdated |
| Whether or not the Transform object was updated since the last frame. More...
local | _transformUpdated |
| Whether or not the Transform object was updated since the last frame. More...
int | _localZOrder |
| Local order (relative to its siblings) used to sort the node. More...
float | _globalZOrder |
| Global order used to sort the node. More...
var | _globalZOrder |
| Global order used to sort the node. More...
local | _globalZOrder |
| Global order used to sort the node. More...
Vector< Node * > | _children |
| array of children nodes More...
var | _children |
| array of children nodes More...
local | _children |
| array of children nodes More...
Node * | _parent |
| weak reference to parent node More...
var | _parent |
| weak reference to parent node More...
local | _parent |
| weak reference to parent node More...
int | _tag |
| a tag. Can be any number you assigned just to identify this node More...
var | _tag |
| a tag. Can be any number you assigned just to identify this node More...
local | _tag |
| a tag. Can be any number you assigned just to identify this node More...
std::string | _name |
| a string label, an user defined string to identify this node More...
var | _name |
| a string label, an user defined string to identify this node More...
local | _name |
| a string label, an user defined string to identify this node More...
size_t | _hashOfName |
| hash value of _name, used for speed in getChildByName More...
var | _hashOfName |
| hash value of _name, used for speed in getChildByName More...
local | _hashOfName |
| hash value of _name, used for speed in getChildByName More...
void * | _userData |
| A user assingned void pointer, Can be point to any cpp object. More...
var | _userData |
| A user assingned void pointer, Can be point to any cpp object. More...
local | _userData |
| A user assingned void pointer, Can be point to any cpp object. More...
Ref * | _userObject |
| A user assigned Object. More...
var | _userObject |
| A user assigned Object. More...
local | _userObject |
| A user assigned Object. More...
GLProgramState * | _glProgramState |
| OpenGL Program State. More...
var | _glProgramState |
| OpenGL Program State. More...
local | _glProgramState |
| OpenGL Program State. More...
int | _orderOfArrival |
| used to preserve sequence while sorting children with the same localZOrder More...
Scheduler * | _scheduler |
| scheduler used to schedule timers and updates More...
ActionManager * | _actionManager |
| a pointer to ActionManager singleton, which is used to handle all the actions More...
EventDispatcher * | _eventDispatcher |
| event dispatcher used to dispatch all kinds of events More...
var | _eventDispatcher |
| event dispatcher used to dispatch all kinds of events More...
local | _eventDispatcher |
| event dispatcher used to dispatch all kinds of events More...
bool | _running |
| is running More...
var | _running |
| is running More...
local | _running |
| is running More...
bool | _visible |
| is this node visible More...
var | _visible |
| is this node visible More...
local | _visible |
| is this node visible More...
bool | _ignoreAnchorPointForPosition |
| true if the Anchor Vec2 will be (0,0) when you position the Node, false otherwise. More...
var | _ignoreAnchorPointForPosition |
| true if the Anchor Vec2 will be (0,0) when you position the Node, false otherwise. More...
local | _ignoreAnchorPointForPosition |
| true if the Anchor Vec2 will be (0,0) when you position the Node, false otherwise. More...
bool | _reorderChildDirty |
| children order dirty flag More...
var | _reorderChildDirty |
| children order dirty flag More...
local | _reorderChildDirty |
| children order dirty flag More...
bool | _isTransitionFinished |
| flag to indicate whether the transition was finished More...
var | _isTransitionFinished |
| flag to indicate whether the transition was finished More...
local | _isTransitionFinished |
| flag to indicate whether the transition was finished More...
ComponentContainer * | _componentContainer |
| Dictionary of components. More...
var | _componentContainer |
| Dictionary of components. More...
local | _componentContainer |
| Dictionary of components. More...
PhysicsBody * | _physicsBody |
| the physicsBody the node have More...
var | _physicsBody |
| the physicsBody the node have More...
local | _physicsBody |
| the physicsBody the node have More...
float | _physicsScaleStartX |
| the scale x value when setPhysicsBody More...
var | _physicsScaleStartX |
| the scale x value when setPhysicsBody More...
local | _physicsScaleStartX |
| the scale x value when setPhysicsBody More...
float | _physicsScaleStartY |
| the scale y value when setPhysicsBody More...
var | _physicsScaleStartY |
| the scale y value when setPhysicsBody More...
local | _physicsScaleStartY |
| the scale y value when setPhysicsBody More...
GLubyte | _displayedOpacity |
GLubyte | _realOpacity |
var | _realOpacity |
local | _realOpacity |
Color3B | _displayedColor |
var | _displayedColor |
local | _displayedColor |
Color3B | _realColor |
var | _realColor |
local | _realColor |
bool | _cascadeColorEnabled |
var | _cascadeColorEnabled |
local | _cascadeColorEnabled |
bool | _cascadeOpacityEnabled |
var | _cascadeOpacityEnabled |
local | _cascadeOpacityEnabled |
std::function< void()> | _onEnterCallback |
var | _onEnterCallback |
local | _onEnterCallback |
std::function< void()> | _onExitCallback |
var | _onExitCallback |
local | _onExitCallback |
std::function< void()> | _onEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback |
std::function< void()> | _onExitTransitionDidStartCallback |
unsigned int | _referenceCount |
| count of references More...
static Widget * | _focusedWidget |
| store the only one focued widget More...
static int | s_globalOrderOfArrival |
var | s_globalOrderOfArrival |
local | s_globalOrderOfArrival |