| TiledGrid3D () |
| Constructor. More...
| ~TiledGrid3D () |
| Destructor. More...
Quad3 | getTile (const Vec2 &pos) const |
| Returns the tile at the given position. More...
Quad3 | tile (const Vec2 &pos) const |
| returns the tile at the given position More...
Quad3 | getOriginalTile (const Vec2 &pos) const |
| Returns the original tile (untransformed) at the given position. More...
Quad3 | originalTile (const Vec2 &pos) const |
| returns the original tile (untransformed) at the given position More...
void | setTile (const Vec2 &pos, const Quad3 &coords) |
| Sets a new tile. More...
virtual void | blit () override |
virtual void | reuse () override |
| Interface, Reuse the grid vertices. More...
var | reuse () |
| Interface, Reuse the grid vertices. More...
local | reuse () |
| Interface, Reuse the grid vertices. More...
virtual void | calculateVertexPoints () override |
| Interface, Calculate the vertices used for the blit. More...
local | calculateVertexPoints () |
| Interface, Calculate the vertices used for the blit. More...
virtual | ~GridBase (void) |
| Destructor. More...
int | getReuseGrid (void) const |
| Get number of times that the grid will be reused. More...
var | getReuseGrid () |
| Get number of times that the grid will be reused. More...
local | getReuseGrid () |
| Get number of times that the grid will be reused. More...
void | setReuseGrid (int reuseGrid) |
| Set number of times that the grid will be reused. More...
var | setReuseGrid ( var reuseGrid) |
| Set number of times that the grid will be reused. More...
local | setReuseGrid ( local reuseGrid) |
| Set number of times that the grid will be reused. More...
const Size & | getGridSize (void) const |
| Size of the grid. More...
var | getGridSize () |
| Size of the grid. More...
local | getGridSize () |
| Size of the grid. More...
void | setGridSize (const Size &gridSize) |
| Set the size of the grid. More...
var | setGridSize ( var gridSize) |
| Set the size of the grid. More...
local | setGridSize ( local gridSize) |
| Set the size of the grid. More...
const Vec2 & | getStep (void) const |
| Pixels between the grids. More...
local | getStep () |
| Pixels between the grids. More...
void | setStep (const Vec2 &step) |
| Get the pixels between the grids. More...
var | setStep ( var step) |
| Get the pixels between the grids. More...
local | setStep ( local step) |
| Get the pixels between the grids. More...
bool | isTextureFlipped (void) const |
| is texture flipped. More...
var | isTextureFlipped () |
| is texture flipped. More...
local | isTextureFlipped () |
| is texture flipped. More...
void | setTextureFlipped (bool flipped) |
| Set the texture flipped or not. More...
var | setTextureFlipped ( var flipped) |
| Set the texture flipped or not. More...
local | setTextureFlipped ( local flipped) |
| Set the texture flipped or not. More...
void | set2DProjection (void) |
| Change projection to 2D for grabbing. More...
bool | initWithSize (const Size &gridSize, Texture2D *texture, bool flipped) |
local | initWithSize ( local gridSize, local texture, local flipped) |
bool | initWithSize (const Size &gridSize) |
bool | isActive (void) const |
var | isActive () |
local | isActive () |
void | setActive (bool active) |
var | setActive ( var active) |
local | setActive ( local active) |
void | beforeDraw (void) |
void | afterDraw (Node *target) |
virtual void | beforeBlit () |
local | beforeBlit () |
virtual void | afterBlit () |
var | afterBlit () |
local | afterBlit () |
void | retain () |
| Retains the ownership. More...
void | release () |
| Releases the ownership immediately. More...
Ref * | autorelease () |
| Releases the ownership sometime soon automatically. More...
unsigned int | getReferenceCount () const |
| Returns the Ref's current reference count. More...
virtual | ~Ref () |
| Destructor. More...
static TiledGrid3D * | create (const Size &gridSize, Texture2D *texture, bool flipped) |
| Create one Grid. More...
var | create ( var gridSize, var texture, var flipped) |
| Create one Grid. More...
local | create ( local gridSize, local texture, local flipped) |
| Create one Grid. More...
static TiledGrid3D * | create (const Size &gridSize) |
| Create one Grid. More...
var | create ( var gridSize) |
| Create one Grid. More...
local | create ( local gridSize) |
| Create one Grid. More...
static GridBase * | create (const Size &gridSize, Texture2D *texture, bool flipped) |
| create one Grid More...
var | create ( var gridSize, var texture, var flipped) |
| create one Grid More...
local | create ( local gridSize, local texture, local flipped) |
| create one Grid More...
static GridBase * | create (const Size &gridSize) |
| create one Grid More...
local | create ( local gridSize) |
| create one Grid More...
TiledGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation.
It differs from Grid3D in that the tiles can be separated from the grid.