Namespaces | |
cocos2d::DrawPrimitives | |
Classes | |
class | AnimationFrame |
AnimationFrame. More... | |
struct | AnimationFrame::DisplayedEventInfo |
When the animation display,Dispatches the event of UserData. More... | |
class | Animation |
A Animation object is used to perform animations on the Sprite objects. More... | |
class | AnimationCache |
Singleton that manages the Animations. More... | |
class | AtlasNode |
AtlasNode is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol and TextureProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | ClippingNode |
ClippingNode is a subclass of Node. More... | |
class | ClippingRectangleNode |
Clipping Rectangle Node. More... | |
class | DrawNode |
Node that draws dots, segments and polygons. More... | |
class | TMXLayer |
FastTMXLayer represents the TMX layer. More... | |
class | TMXTiledMap |
FastTMXTiledMap knows how to parse and render a TMX map. More... | |
struct | TTFConfig |
class | Label |
Label is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode that knows how to render text labels. More... | |
struct | Label::LetterInfo |
class | LabelAtlas |
LabelAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode. More... | |
class | Layer |
Layer is a subclass of Node that implements the TouchEventsDelegate protocol. More... | |
class | __LayerRGBA |
LayerRGBA is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol using a solid color as the background. More... | |
class | LayerColor |
LayerColor is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | LayerGradient |
LayerGradient is a subclass of LayerColor that draws gradients across the background. More... | |
class | LayerMultiplex |
MultipleLayer is a Layer with the ability to multiplex it's children. More... | |
class | Menu |
A Menu for touch handling. More... | |
class | MenuItem |
MenuItem base class. More... | |
class | MenuItemLabel |
An abstract class for "label" MenuItemLabel items. More... | |
class | MenuItemAtlasFont |
A MenuItemAtlasFont. More... | |
class | MenuItemFont |
A MenuItemFont. More... | |
class | MenuItemSprite |
MenuItemSprite accepts Node<RGBAProtocol> objects as items. More... | |
class | MenuItemImage |
MenuItemImage accepts images as items. More... | |
class | MenuItemToggle |
A MenuItemToggle. More... | |
class | MotionStreak |
Creates a trailing path. More... | |
class | Node |
Node is the base element of the Scene Graph. More... | |
class | __NodeRGBA |
__NodeRGBA is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | NodeGrid |
Base class for Grid Node. More... | |
class | ParallaxNode |
ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller. More... | |
class | ParticleBatchNode |
ParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More... | |
class | ParticleFire |
A fire particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleFireworks |
A fireworks particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSun |
A sun particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleGalaxy |
A galaxy particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleFlower |
A flower particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleMeteor |
A meteor particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSpiral |
An spiral particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleExplosion |
An explosion particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSmoke |
An smoke particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSnow |
An snow particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleRain |
A rain particle system. More... | |
struct | tParticle |
class | ParticleSystem |
Particle System base class. More... | |
class | ParticleSystemQuad |
ParticleSystemQuad is a subclass of ParticleSystem. More... | |
class | ProgressTimer |
ProgressTimer is a subclass of Node. More... | |
class | ProtectedNode |
A inner node type mainly used for UI module. More... | |
class | RenderTexture |
RenderTexture is a generic rendering target. More... | |
class | Scene |
Scene is a subclass of Node that is used only as an abstract concept. More... | |
class | Sprite |
Sprite is a 2d image ( ). More... | |
class | SpriteBatchNode |
SpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More... | |
class | SpriteFrame |
A SpriteFrame has: More... | |
class | SpriteFrameCache |
Singleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames. More... | |
class | TMXObjectGroup |
TMXObjectGroup represents the TMX object group. More... | |
class | TransitionEaseScene |
TransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol. More... | |
class | TransitionScene |
Base class for Transition scenes. More... | |
class | TransitionSceneOriented |
A Transition that supports orientation like. More... | |
class | TransitionRotoZoom |
TransitionRotoZoom: Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming. More... | |
class | TransitionJumpZoom |
TransitionJumpZoom: Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInL |
TransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInR |
TransitionMoveInR: Move in from to the right the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInT |
TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInB |
TransitionMoveInB: Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInL |
TransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInR |
TransitionSlideInR: Slide in the incoming scene from the right border. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInB |
TransitionSlideInB: Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInT |
TransitionSlideInT: Slide in the incoming scene from the top border. More... | |
class | TransitionShrinkGrow |
Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionFlipX |
TransitionFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally. More... | |
class | TransitionFlipY |
TransitionFlipY: Flips the screen vertically. More... | |
class | TransitionFlipAngular |
TransitionFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically. More... | |
class | TransitionZoomFlipX |
TransitionZoomFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionZoomFlipY |
TransitionZoomFlipY: Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionZoomFlipAngular |
TransitionZoomFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in. More... | |
class | TransitionFade |
TransitionFade: Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionCrossFade |
TransitionCrossFade: Cross fades two scenes using the RenderTexture object. More... | |
class | TransitionTurnOffTiles |
TransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order. More... | |
class | TransitionSplitCols |
TransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards. More... | |
class | TransitionSplitRows |
TransitionSplitRows: The odd rows goes to the left while the even rows goes to the right. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeTR |
TransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeBL |
TransitionFadeBL: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeUp |
TransitionFadeUp: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the bottom to the top. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeDown |
TransitionFadeDown: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom. More... | |
class | TransitionPageTurn |
A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn. More... | |
class | TransitionProgress |
A base class of progress transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressRadialCCW |
TransitionRadialCCW transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressRadialCW |
TransitionRadialCW transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressHorizontal |
TransitionProgressHorizontal transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressVertical |
TransitionProgressVertical transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressInOut |
TransitionProgressInOut transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressOutIn |
TransitionProgressOutIn transition. More... | |
class | Texture2D |
Texture2D class. More... | |
struct | Texture2D::PixelFormatInfo |
struct | TexParams |
Extension to set the Min / Mag filter. More... | |
class | TextureAtlas |
A class that implements a Texture Atlas. More... | |
class | TextureCache |
Singleton that handles the loading of textures. More... | |
struct | TextureCache::AsyncStruct |
struct | ImageInfo |
struct | sParticle |
Structure that contains the values of each particle. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | kParticleDefaultCapacity 500 |
Functions | |
bool CC_DLL | (Node *n1, Node *n2) |
local | ( local n1, local n2) |
#define kParticleDefaultCapacity 500 |
var kParticleDefaultCapacity 500 |
local kParticleDefaultCapacity 500 |
anonymous enum |
var enum |
anonymous enum |
var enum |
local enum |
anonymous enum |
var enum |
local enum |
anonymous enum |
var enum |
local enum |
strong |
strong |
Possible LabelEffect used by Label.
Enumerator | |
strong |
Possible LabelEffect used by Label.
Enumerator | |
strong |
Possible LabelEffect used by Label.
Enumerator | |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Possible texture pixel formats.
strong |
Possible texture pixel formats.
strong |
Possible texture pixel formats.
strong |
PositionType Possible types of particle positions.
strong |
PositionType Possible types of particle positions.
strong |
PositionType Possible types of particle positions.
strong |
Menu state, it's used internally.
Enumerator | |
bool CC_DLL cocos2d::nodeComparisonLess |
( | Node * | n1, |
Node * | n2 | ||
) |
var nodeComparisonLess | ( | var | n1, |
var | n2 | ||
) |
local nodeComparisonLess | ( | local | n1, |
local | n2 | ||
) |