class | AABB |
| Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), usually used to detect the collision at early step. More...
class | Animate3D |
| Animate3D, Animates a Sprite3D given with an Animation3D. More...
class | Animation3D |
| Static animation data, shared. More...
class | Animation3D::Curve |
| Animation curve, including translation, rotation, and scale. More...
class | Animation3DCache |
| Animation3DCache, used to caching Animation3D objects. More...
class | AnimationCurve< componentSize > |
| Curve of bone's position, rotation or scale. More...
class | AttachNode |
| Attach a node to a bone usage: auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("girl.c3b"); auto weapon = Sprite3D::create("weapon.c3b"); auto attachNode = sprite->getAttachNode("left hand"); attachNode->addChild(weapon);. More...
class | BillBoard |
| Inherit from Sprite, achieve BillBoard. More...
class | Bundle3D |
| Defines a bundle file that contains a collection of assets. More...
class | BundleReader |
| BundleReader is an interface for reading sequence of bytes. More...
class | Frustum |
| The frustum is a six-side geometry, usually use the frustum to do fast-culling: check a entity whether is a potential visible entity. More...
class | Mesh |
| Mesh: contains ref to index buffer, GLProgramState, texture, skin, blend function, aabb and so on. More...
class | MeshSkin |
| MeshSkin, A class maintain a collection of bones that affect Mesh vertex. More...
class | MeshIndexData |
| The MeshIndexData class. More...
class | MeshVertexData |
| The MeshVertexData class. More...
class | MotionStreak3D |
| Creates a trailing path. More...
class | OBB |
| Oritened Bounding Box(OBB) More...
struct | material_t |
| Model's material struct. More...
struct | mesh_t |
| Model's mesh struct. More...
struct | shape_t |
| Model's shape struct. More...
class | MaterialReader |
| Material reader. More...
class | Plane |
| Defines plane. More...
class | Ray |
| Ray is a line with a start point. More...
class | Bone3D |
| Defines a basic hierachial structure of transformation spaces. More...
class | Skeleton3D |
| Skeleton, a set contain all bones. More...
class | Skybox |
| Sky box technology usually used to simulate infinity sky, mountains and other phenomena. More...
class | Sprite3D |
| a sprite3D can be loaded from 3D model files, .obj, .c3t, .c3b, then can be drawed as sprite More...
class | Sprite3DCache |
| the cache data of Sprite3D, use to speed up Sprite3D::create More...
class | Sprite3DMaterial |
| Sprite3DMaterial: Material for Sprite3D. More...
class | Sprite3DMaterialCache |
| the sprite3D material is only texture for now More...
class | Terrain |
| Defines a Terrain that is capable of rendering large landscapes from 2D heightmap images. More...
struct | Terrain::DetailMap |
| This struct maintain a detail map data ,including source file ,detail size. More...
struct | Terrain::Triangle |
| Triangle. More...
struct | Terrain::TerrainData |
| This TerrainData struct warp all parameter that Terrain need to create. More...
class | TextureCube |
| TextureCube is a collection of six separate square textures that are put onto the faces of an imaginary cube. More...
class | Particle3DAffector |
| Particle3DAffector is a base class, define interfaces. More...
class | Particle3DEmitter |
| Particle3DEmitter is a base class, define interfaces. More...
class | Particle3DRender |
| Particle3DRender is a base class, define interfaces. More...
class | Particle3DQuadRender |
| Particle3DQuadRender inherit from Particle3DRender, implement billboard rendering. More...
class | Particle3DModelRender |
| Particle3DModelRender inherit from Particle3DRender, implement model rendering. More...
struct | Particle3D |
| Particle3D is a container of particle Properties. More...
class | DataPool< T > |
| DataPool is a data pool, used for recycling data. More...
class | ParticleSystem3D |
| ParticleSystem3D is a base class, define interfaces. More...
class | PUAffector |
| PUAffector, the base class of pu affector, inherit from Particle3DAffector. More...
class | PUBillboardChain |
| internal class, the tool class of PUBeamRender. More...
class | PUBillboardChain::Element |
| Contains the data of an element of the BillboardChain. More...
class | PUEmitter |
| PUEmitter,the base class of pu emitter,inherit from Particle3DEmitter. More...
class | PUTriangle |
| Definition of a Triangle. More...
struct | PUTriangle::PositionAndNormal |
| The struct is used to return both the position and the normal. More...
class | PUSortAscending |
| Comparer used for sorting vector in ascending order. More...
class | PUSortDescending |
| Comparer used for sorting vector in descending order. More...
class | MeshInfo |
| Definition of a Mesh. More...
class | PUMeshSurfaceEmitter |
| The MeshSurfaceEmitter is a ParticleEmitter that emits particles on the surface of a mesh. More...
struct | PUParticle3D |
| PUParticle3D inherit from Particle3D, includes all properties of PU particles. More...
class | PUParticleSystem3D |
| PUParticleSystem3D, the class of pu particle system, inherit from ParticleSystem3D. More...
class | PURender |
| PURender, the base class of pu renderer, inherit from Particle3DRender. More...
class | PUParticle3DEntityRender |
| PUParticle3DEntityRender, the base class of entity renderer, inherit from PURender. More...
class | PUParticle3DQuadRender |
| PUParticle3DQuadRender inherit from PUParticle3DEntityRender,implement pu quad rendering. More...
class | PUParticle3DModelRender |
| PUParticle3DModelRender inherit from PURender,implement pu model rendering. More...
class | PUParticle3DBoxRender |
| PUParticle3DBoxRender inherit from PUParticle3DEntityRender,implement pu box rendering. More...
class | PUSphereRender |
| PUSphereRender inherit from PUParticle3DEntityRender,implement pu sphere rendering. More...
class | PUAbstractNode |
| Internal class, The Abstract class of script element. More...
class | PUObjectAbstractNode |
| Internal class, This specific abstract node represents a script object. More...
class | PUPropertyAbstractNode |
| Internal class, This abstract node represents a script property. More...
class | PUScriptCompiler |
| Internal class, The compiler of scrip. More...
enum | Animate3DQuality { QUALITY_NONE = 0,
} |
| This enum control the animation's quality. More...
enum | EvaluateType { INT_LINEAR,
} |
| The evalute type for the curve evaluation(interpolation). More...
} |
| Oriented mode. More...
enum | PointSide { IN_PLANE,
} |
| This enum define the location relationship between the specified point an specified plane. More...
enum | MaterialType {
} |
| Material type, there are mainly two types of materials. More...
enum | CrackFixedType |
| the crack fix type. More...
enum | AffectSpecialisation |
| The AffectSpecialisation enumeration is used to specialise the affector even more. More...
enum | TexCoordDirection { TCD_U,
} |
| The direction in which texture coordinates from elements of the chain are used. More...
enum | MeshSurfaceDistribution { , MSD_HETEROGENEOUS_1,
} |
| Defining several methods to emit particles on the mesh surface. More...
enum | PUComponentType |
| The type of PUComponent.
enum | ParticleType |
| The type of Particle.
enum | ReservedParticleEventFlags |
| Enumeration which lists a number of reserved event flags. More...
enum | PUAbstractNodeType |
| This enum holds the types of the possible abstract nodes.