Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- c
: AffineTransform
, BezierBy
, BezierTo
, V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle
- cacheTargetAsGridNode()
: GridAction
, ReuseGrid
, StopGrid
- CacheTextureHeight
: FontAtlas
- CacheTextureWidth
: FontAtlas
- caculateFarestDistance()
: Layout
- caculateNearestDistance()
: Layout
- calculateArea()
: PhysicsShape
, PhysicsShapeBox
, PhysicsShapeCircle
, PhysicsShapePolygon
- calculateDefaultMoment()
: PhysicsShape
, PhysicsShapeBox
, PhysicsShapeCircle
, PhysicsShapePolygon
- calculateDeltaTime()
: Director
- calculateItemsToRender()
: TileMapAtlas
- calculateMaxItems()
: AtlasNode
- calculateMoment()
: PhysicsShapeBox
, PhysicsShapeCircle
, PhysicsShapePolygon
- calculateMPF()
: Director
- calculateVertexPoints()
: Grid3D
, GridBase
, TiledGrid3D
- callback
: TextureCache::AsyncStruct
, UniformValue::U
, VertexAttribValue::U
: ScriptHandlerMgr
- callLuaFunctionById()
: LuaJavaBridge
- callLuaGlobalFunction()
: LuaJavaBridge
- callObjcStaticMethod()
: LuaObjcBridge
- calVertexSizeBytes()
: RenderMeshData
- canAttachWithIME()
: IMEDelegate
, TextFieldTTF
- cancel()
: Timer
, TimerTargetCallback
, TimerTargetSelector
: Widget
: EventTouch
- cancelUpEvent()
: Widget
- canDetachWithIME()
: IMEDelegate
, TextFieldTTF
- capacity()
: __Array
, Vector< T >
, spPolygon
- CardinalSplineBy()
: CardinalSplineBy
- CardinalSplineTo()
: CardinalSplineTo
- cbegin()
: Map< K, V >
, Vector< T >
: CCBReader
: ControlLoader
, MenuItemLoader
: CCBLayerLoader
, CCBFileLoader
, ControlButtonLoader
, LabelBMFontLoader
, LabelTTFLoader
, LayerColorLoader
, LayerGradientLoader
, LayerLoader
, MenuItemImageLoader
, MenuLoader
, NodeLoader
, NodeLoaderLibrary
, ParticleSystemQuadLoader
, Scale9SpriteLoader
, ScrollViewLoader
, SpriteLoader
: CCBProxy
: CCBFileLoader
, ControlButtonLoader
, LabelBMFontLoader
, LabelTTFLoader
, LayerColorLoader
, LayerGradientLoader
, LayerLoader
, MenuItemImageLoader
, NodeLoader
, ParticleSystemQuadLoader
, ScrollViewLoader
, SpriteLoader
- CCBAnimationManager()
: CCBAnimationManager
- CCBAnimationManagerMap
: CCBReader
- CCBAnimationManagerMapPtr
: CCBReader
- CCBFile()
: CCBFile
- CCBKeyframe()
: CCBKeyframe
- CCBProxy()
: CCBProxy
- CCBReader()
: CCBReader
- CCBSequence()
: CCBSequence
- CCBSequenceProperty()
: CCBSequenceProperty
- ccCheckBoxCallback
: CheckBox
- CCEditBoxImplWp8()
: CCEditBoxImplWp8
- CCFreeTypeFont()
: CCFreeTypeFont
- ccInflateCCZBuffer()
: ZipUtils
- ccInflateCCZFile()
: ZipUtils
- ccInflateGZipFile()
: ZipUtils
- ccInflateMemory()
: ZipUtils
- ccInflateMemoryWithHint()
: ZipUtils
- ccIsCCZBuffer()
: ZipUtils
- ccIsCCZFile()
: ZipUtils
- ccIsGZipBuffer()
: ZipUtils
- ccIsGZipFile()
: ZipUtils
- ccListViewCallback
: ListView
- ccobjectValue()
: LuaValue
, LuaValueField
- ccPageViewCallback
: PageView
- CCPrecompiledShaders()
: CCPrecompiledShaders
- ccScrollViewCallback
: ScrollView
- ccSetPvrEncryptionKey()
: ZipUtils
- ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart()
: ZipUtils
- ccSliderCallback
: Slider
- ccTextFieldCallback
: TextField
- ccTouchBegan()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchCancelled()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchEnded()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchesBegan()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchesCancelled()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchesEnded()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchesMoved()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccTouchMoved()
: Layer
, InputDelegate
- ccVideoPlayerCallback
: VideoPlayer
- ccWidgetTouchCallback
: Widget
- cdAudioSourceDidFinishPlaying:
: <CDLongAudioSourceDelegate>
- cdAudioSourceFileDidChange:
: <CDLongAudioSourceDelegate>
- cellAtIndex()
: TableView
- cellSizeForTable()
: TableViewDataSource
- cend()
: Map< K, V >
, Vector< T >
: Device
: LinearLayoutParameter
, ListView
: RelativeLayoutParameter
: LinearLayoutParameter
, ListView
- centerWindow()
: GLView
- changeBoneParent()
: Armature
- changeDisplayByIndex()
: Bone
, DisplayManager
- changeDisplayByName()
: Bone
, DisplayManager
- changeDisplayWithIndex()
: Bone
, DisplayManager
- changeDisplayWithName()
: Bone
, DisplayManager
- changeHeight()
: LayerColor
- changeWidth()
: LayerColor
- changeWidthAndHeight()
: LayerColor
: Label
- charMapFile
: MenuItemAtlasFont
: CCBReader
- checkAvailable()
: EventListener
, EventListenerAcceleration
, EventListenerCustom
, EventListenerFocus
, EventListenerKeyboard
, EventListenerMouse
, EventListenerPhysicsContact
, EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce
, EventListenerTouchOneByOne
- checkBounceBoundary()
: ScrollView
- CheckBox()
: CheckBox
- CheckBoxReader()
: CheckBoxReader
- checkCustomScrollDestination()
: ScrollView
- checkFocusEnabledChild()
: Layout
- checkForGLExtension()
: Configuration
- checkNeedBounce()
: ScrollView
- checkObjectExist_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- checkSliderPosition()
: ControlHuePicker
, ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- checkStoragePath()
: AssetsManager
- checkUpdate()
: AssetsManager
- checkVisibility()
: Renderer
- child
: Json
- children_
: CDAudioInterruptTargetGroup
- childrenAlloc()
: Node
: PhysicsShape
- clamp()
: Vec2
, Vec3
, Vec4
- classID
: JniMethodInfo
- classloader
: JniHelper
- clean()
: LuaStack
, Renderer
- cleanAndFreeBuffers()
: Mesh
- cleanup()
: Node
, ProtectedNode
, TransitionScene
- cleanupWidget()
: Widget
- cleanupXXTEAKeyAndSign()
: LuaStack
- clear()
: Animation3DData
, AutoreleasePool
, Data
, DrawNode
, EventDispatcher::EventListenerVector
, Map< K, V >
, PrettyPrinter
, RenderQueue
, RenderTexture
, Vector< T >
, OpenALFile
- clearAllFrame()
: ActionNode
- clearBoneBlendState()
: Bone
- clearDepth()
: RenderTexture
- clearFixedListeners()
: EventDispatcher::EventListenerVector
- clearSceneGraphListeners()
: EventDispatcher::EventListenerVector
- clearStencil()
: RenderTexture
- clearTrack()
: SkeletonAnimation
- clearTracks()
: SkeletonAnimation
- clipBottom
: FontLetterDefinition
- clippingParentAreaContainPoint()
: Widget
- ClippingType
: Layout
- clone()
: __Array
, __Bool
, __CCCallFuncND
, __CCCallFuncO
, __Dictionary
, __Double
, __Float
, __Integer
, __String
, AccelAmplitude
, AccelDeccelAmplitude
, Action
, ActionCamera
, ActionEase
, ActionInstant
, ActionInterval
, ActionTween
, Animate3D
, Animate
, Animation
, AnimationFrame
, BezierBy
, BezierTo
, Blink
, CallFunc
, CallFuncN
, CardinalSplineBy
, CardinalSplineTo
, CatmullRomBy
, CatmullRomTo
, Clonable
, DeccelAmplitude
, DelayTime
, EaseBackIn
, EaseBackInOut
, EaseBackOut
, EaseBezierAction
, EaseBounce
, EaseBounceIn
, EaseBounceInOut
, EaseBounceOut
, EaseCircleActionIn
, EaseCircleActionInOut
, EaseCircleActionOut
, EaseCubicActionIn
, EaseCubicActionInOut
, EaseCubicActionOut
, EaseElastic
, EaseElasticIn
, EaseElasticInOut
, EaseElasticOut
, EaseExponentialIn
, EaseExponentialInOut
, EaseExponentialOut
, EaseIn
, EaseInOut
, EaseOut
, EaseQuadraticActionIn
, EaseQuadraticActionInOut
, EaseQuadraticActionOut
, EaseQuarticActionIn
, EaseQuarticActionInOut
, EaseQuarticActionOut
, EaseQuinticActionIn
, EaseQuinticActionInOut
, EaseQuinticActionOut
, EaseRateAction
, EaseSineIn
, EaseSineInOut
, EaseSineOut
, EventListener
, EventListenerAcceleration
, EventListenerCustom
, EventListenerFocus
, EventListenerKeyboard
, EventListenerMouse
, EventListenerPhysicsContact
, EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies
, EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup
, EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes
, EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce
, EventListenerTouchOneByOne
, FadeIn
, FadeOut
, FadeOutBLTiles
, FadeOutDownTiles
, FadeOutTRTiles
, FadeOutUpTiles
, FadeTo
, FiniteTimeAction
, FlipX3D
, FlipX
, FlipY3D
, FlipY
, Follow
, Grid3DAction
, GridAction
, Hide
, JumpBy
, JumpTiles3D
, JumpTo
, Lens3D
, Liquid
, LuaCallFunc
, MoveBy
, MoveTo
, OrbitCamera
, PageTurn3D
, Place
, PointArray
, ProgressFromTo
, ProgressTo
, RemoveSelf
, Repeat
, RepeatForever
, ReuseGrid
, ReverseTime
, Ripple3D
, RotateBy
, RotateTo
, ScaleBy
, ScaleTo
, Sequence
, Shaky3D
, ShakyTiles3D
, ShatteredTiles3D
, Show
, ShuffleTiles
, SkewBy
, SkewTo
, Spawn
, Speed
, SplitCols
, SplitRows
, SpriteFrame
, StopGrid
, TargetedAction
, TiledGrid3DAction
, TintBy
, TintTo
, ToggleVisibility
, TurnOffTiles
, Twirl
, LayoutParameter
, Widget
, Waves3D
, Waves
, WavesTiles3D
, CCBEaseInstant
, CCBRotateTo
, CCBRotateXTo
, CCBRotateYTo
, CCBSetSpriteFrame
, CCBSoundEffect
- close()
: WebSocket
, AudioPlayer
, FmodAudioPlayer
- Close()
: MciPlayer
- CloseAngle()
: abstract
: WebSocket
- closeIME()
: UICCTextField
- closeKeyboard
: CCEditBoxImplIOS_objc
, CCEditBoxImplMac
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
, EditBoxImpl
, EditBoxImplAndroid
, EditBoxImplWin
: WebSocket
- Cocos2dRenderer()
: sealed
- CocoStudio_JSON
: DataReaderHelper
- cocoStudioVersion
: DataInfo
- ColliderBody()
: ColliderBody
- ColliderDetector
: ColliderBody
, ColliderDetector
- collisionBeginCallback()
: PhysicsWorld
- collisionPostSolveCallback()
: PhysicsWorld
- collisionPreSolveCallback()
: PhysicsWorld
- collisionSeparateCallback()
: PhysicsWorld
- color
: PointSprite
, tParticle
: CCBReader
- Color3B()
: Color3B
- Color3bObject()
: Color3bObject
- Color4B()
: Color4B
- Color4F()
: Color4F
: CCBReader
- colorRenderBuffer
: <CCESRenderer>
- colorRenderbuffer
: CCES2Renderer
- colorRenderbuffer_
: CCES2Renderer
- colors
: V2F_C4B_T2F
, V2F_C4F_T2F
, V3F_C4B_T2F
- colourSliderValueChanged()
: ControlColourPicker
- cols
: SplitCols
- ComAttribute()
: ComAttribute
- ComAudio()
: ComAudio
- ComController()
: ComController
- compare()
: __String
- compileShader()
: GLProgram
: VideoPlayer
- completedAnimationSequenceNamed()
: CCBAnimationManagerDelegate
- ComponentContainer()
: ComponentContainer
- componentsSeparatedByString()
: __String
- compOp()
: Vec2
- compressed
: Texture2D::PixelFormatInfo
- compression_type
: CCZHeader
- Computed
: SHA1Context
- computeHorizontalKernings()
: Label
- computeStringNumLines()
: Label
- ComRender()
: ComRender
- configFileQueue
: DataInfo
- configType
: AsyncStruct
- ConfigType
: DataReaderHelper
- configure:
: CDAudioManager
- conjugate()
: Quaternion
- connect()
: SocketIO
- Connect()
: Direct3DContentProvider
, sealed
: WebSocket
: WebSocket
- const_iterator
: Map< K, V >
, Vector< T >
- const_reverse_iterator
: Vector< T >
- construct()
: PhysicsJointDistance
, PhysicsJointFixed
, PhysicsJointGear
, PhysicsJointGroove
, PhysicsJointLimit
, PhysicsJointMotor
, PhysicsJointPin
, PhysicsJointRatchet
, PhysicsJointRotaryLimit
, PhysicsJointRotarySpring
, PhysicsJointSpring
, PhysicsWorld
- contact
: PhysicsRayCastInfo
- containPoint()
: DisplayManager
- contains()
: AutoreleasePool
, Vector< T >
- containsObject()
: __Array
, __Set
- containsPoint()
: PhysicsShape
, Rect
- contentScale
: DataInfo
- contentSize
: Label::LetterInfo
- context
: <CCESRenderer>
, CCES2Renderer
, CDSoundEngine
, spAnimationState
- context_
, CCES2Renderer
- contourDataList
: TextureData
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
: ScriptHandlerMgr
- ControlColourPicker()
: ControlColourPicker
- ControlHuePicker()
: ControlHuePicker
- controlPoint_1
: ccBezierConfig
- controlPoint_2
: ccBezierConfig
- ControlPotentiometer()
: ControlPotentiometer
- ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker()
: ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- ControlSlider()
: ControlSlider
- ControlStepper()
: ControlStepper
- ControlSwitch()
: ControlSwitch
- ConvertDipsToPixels()
: abstract
- convertPointFromViewToSurface:
- convertRectFromViewToSurface:
- convertToGL()
: Director
- convertToNodeSpace()
: Node
- convertToNodeSpaceAR()
: Node
- convertTouchToNodeSpace()
: Node
- convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR()
: Node
- convertToUI()
: Director
- convertToWindowSpace()
: Node
- convertToWorldCoordinates()
: Renderer
- convertToWorldSpace()
: Node
- convertToWorldSpaceAR()
: Node
- copy()
: __Set
, Clonable
, Data
, BaseData
, DisplayData
, FrameData
, SpriteDisplayData
- copyClonedWidgetChildren()
: Layout
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
, Widget
- copyProperties()
: LayoutParameter
, LinearLayoutParameter
, RelativeLayoutParameter
, Widget
- copySpecialProperties()
: VideoPlayer
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Layout
, ListView
, LoadingBar
, PageView
, ScrollView
, Slider
, Text
, TextAtlas
, TextBMFont
, TextField
, Widget
- Corrupted
: SHA1Context
- count()
: __Array
, __Dictionary
, __Set
, PointArray
, PhysicsContactData
, spPolygon
, spSkeletonBounds
, UT_hash_bucket
- cpbb2rect()
: PhysicsHelper
- cpfloat2float()
: PhysicsHelper
- cpv2point()
: PhysicsHelper
- cpv2size()
: PhysicsHelper
- cpvs2points()
: PhysicsHelper
- crbegin()
: Vector< T >
- create()
: __Array
, __Bool
, __CCCallFuncND
, __CCCallFuncO
, __Dictionary
, __Double
, __Float
, __Integer
, __Set
, __String
, AccelAmplitude
, AccelDeccelAmplitude
, ActionTween
, Animate3D
, Animate
, Animation
, AnimationCurve< componentSize >
, AnimationFrame
, AtlasNode
, BezierBy
, BezierTo
, Blink
, Bone
, CallFunc
, CallFuncN
, CardinalSplineBy
, CardinalSplineTo
, CatmullRomBy
, CatmullRomTo
, ClippingNode
, Component
, DeccelAmplitude
, DelayTime
, DrawNode
, EaseBackIn
, EaseBackInOut
, EaseBackOut
, EaseBezierAction
, EaseBounceIn
, EaseBounceInOut
, EaseBounceOut
, EaseCircleActionIn
, EaseCircleActionInOut
, EaseCircleActionOut
, EaseCubicActionIn
, EaseCubicActionInOut
, EaseCubicActionOut
, EaseElasticIn
, EaseElasticInOut
, EaseElasticOut
, EaseExponentialIn
, EaseExponentialInOut
, EaseExponentialOut
, EaseIn
, EaseInOut
, EaseOut
, EaseQuadraticActionIn
, EaseQuadraticActionInOut
, EaseQuadraticActionOut
, EaseQuarticActionIn
, EaseQuarticActionInOut
, EaseQuarticActionOut
, EaseQuinticActionIn
, EaseQuinticActionInOut
, EaseQuinticActionOut
, EaseSineIn
, EaseSineInOut
, EaseSineOut
, EventListenerAcceleration
, EventListenerCustom
, EventListenerFocus
, EventListenerKeyboard
, EventListenerMouse
, EventListenerPhysicsContact
, EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies
, EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup
, EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes
, EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce
, EventListenerTouchOneByOne
, AssetsManager
, Control
, ControlButton
, ControlColourPicker
, ControlHuePicker
, ControlPotentiometer
, ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, ControlSlider
, ControlStepper
, ControlSwitch
, EditBox
, Invocation
, PhysicsDebugNode
, PhysicsSprite
, Scale9Sprite
, ScrollView
, TableView
, FadeIn
, FadeOut
, FadeOutBLTiles
, FadeOutDownTiles
, FadeOutTRTiles
, FadeOutUpTiles
, FadeTo
, FlipX3D
, FlipX
, FlipY3D
, FlipY
, Follow
, FontCharMap
, FontFNT
, FontFreeType
, GLProgramState
, GLView
- Create()
: GLView
- create()
: Grid3D
, GridBase
, Hide
, JumpBy
, JumpTiles3D
, JumpTo
, Label
, LabelAtlas
, LabelBMFont
, LabelTTF
, Layer
, LayerColor
, LayerGradient
, LayerMultiplex
, Lens3D
, Liquid
, LuaCallFunc
, LuaStack
, Menu
, MenuItem
, MenuItemAtlasFont
, MenuItemFont
, MenuItemImage
, MenuItemLabel
, MenuItemSprite
, MenuItemToggle
, Mesh
, MeshSkin
, MotionStreak
, MoveBy
, MoveTo
, Node
, NodeGrid
, OrbitCamera
, PageTurn3D
, ParallaxNode
, ParticleBatchNode
, ParticleExplosion
, ParticleFire
, ParticleFireworks
, ParticleFlower
, ParticleGalaxy
, ParticleMeteor
, ParticleRain
, ParticleSmoke
, ParticleSnow
, ParticleSpiral
, ParticleSun
, ParticleSystem
, ParticleSystemQuad
, PhysicsBody
, PhysicsShapeBox
, PhysicsShapeCircle
, PhysicsShapeEdgeBox
, PhysicsShapeEdgeChain
, PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon
, PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment
, PhysicsShapePolygon
, Place
, PointArray
, ProgressFromTo
, ProgressTimer
, ProgressTo
, ProtectedNode
, RemoveSelf
, RenderTexture
, Repeat
, RepeatForever
, ReuseGrid
, ReverseTime
, Ripple3D
, RotateBy
, RotateTo
, ScaleBy
, ScaleTo
, Scene
, ScheduleHandlerDelegate
, Sequence
, Shaky3D
, ShakyTiles3D
, ShatteredTiles3D
, Show
, ShuffleTiles
, SkewBy
, SkewTo
, Spawn
, Speed
, SplitCols
, SplitRows
, Sprite3D
, Sprite
, SpriteBatchNode
, SpriteFrame
, StopGrid
, TargetedAction
, TextureAtlas
, TiledGrid3D
, TiledGrid3DAction
, TileMapAtlas
, TintBy
, TintTo
, TMXLayer
, TMXMapInfo
, TMXTiledMap
, ToggleVisibility
, TransitionCrossFade
, TransitionFade
, TransitionFadeBL
, TransitionFadeDown
, TransitionFadeTR
, TransitionFadeUp
, TransitionFlipAngular
, TransitionFlipX
, TransitionFlipY
, TransitionJumpZoom
, TransitionMoveInB
, TransitionMoveInL
, TransitionMoveInR
, TransitionMoveInT
, TransitionPageTurn
, TransitionProgress
, TransitionProgressHorizontal
, TransitionProgressInOut
, TransitionProgressOutIn
, TransitionProgressRadialCCW
, TransitionProgressRadialCW
, TransitionProgressVertical
, TransitionRotoZoom
, TransitionScene
, TransitionSceneOriented
, TransitionShrinkGrow
, TransitionSlideInB
, TransitionSlideInL
, TransitionSlideInR
, TransitionSlideInT
, TransitionSplitCols
, TransitionSplitRows
, TransitionTurnOffTiles
, TransitionZoomFlipAngular
, TransitionZoomFlipX
, TransitionZoomFlipY
, TurnOffTiles
, Twirl
, Button
, CheckBox
, HBox
, ImageView
, Layout
, LayoutParameter
, LinearLayoutParameter
, ListView
, LoadingBar
, PageView
, RelativeBox
, RelativeLayoutParameter
, RichElementCustomNode
, RichElementImage
, RichElementText
, RichText
, ScrollView
, Slider
, Text
, TextAtlas
, TextBMFont
, TextField
, UICCTextField
, VBox
, Widget
, Waves3D
, Waves
, WavesTiles3D
, CCBEaseInstant
, CCBFile
, CCBRotateTo
, CCBRotateXTo
, CCBRotateYTo
, CCBSetSpriteFrame
, Armature
, ArmatureAnimation
, BatchNode
, Bone
, ColliderDetector
, ComAttribute
, ComAudio
, ComController
, ComRender
, DecorativeDisplay
, DisplayManager
, Skin
, TriggerObj
, Tween
: AssetsManager
: __LayerRGBA
, VideoPlayer
, TableViewCell
- createAndAddTimerWithName()
: Profiler
- createArmatureDisplay()
: DisplayFactory
- createAutoreleasePool()
: ThreadHelper
- createBillboard()
: Mat4
- createBone()
: Armature
- createBox()
: PhysicsBody
- createCCBReader()
: CCBProxy
- createCircle()
: PhysicsBody
- createCloneInstance()
: VideoPlayer
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Layout
, LayoutParameter
, LinearLayoutParameter
, ListView
, LoadingBar
, PageView
, RelativeLayoutParameter
, ScrollView
, Slider
, Text
, TextAtlas
, TextBMFont
, TextField
, Widget
- createComponent()
: ObjectFactory
- CreateContentProvider()
: sealed
- CreateDeviceIndependentResources()
: abstract
- CreateDeviceResources()
: abstract
- createDirectory()
: AssetsManager
- createDisplay()
: DisplayFactory
- createEdgeBox()
: PhysicsBody
- createEdgeChain()
: PhysicsBody
- createEdgePolygon()
: PhysicsBody
- createEdgeSegment()
: PhysicsBody
- createFontAtlas()
: Font
, FontCharMap
, FontFNT
, FontFreeType
- createFontObject()
: FontFreeType
- createFromAxisAngle()
: Quaternion
- createFromRotationMatrix()
: Quaternion
- CreateGLResources()
: abstract
, sealed
- createGUI()
: ObjectFactory
, WidgetPropertiesReader
- createLayoutManager()
: Layout
, LayoutProtocol
- createLookAt()
: Mat4
- createNew()
: CCBScriptOwnerProtocol
- createNode()
: MenuLoader
, Scale9SpriteLoader
- createNodeWithSceneFile()
: SceneReader
- createObject()
: ObjectFactory
- createOrthographic()
: Mat4
- createOrthographicOffCenter()
: Mat4
- createPage()
: PageView
- createParticleDisplay()
: DisplayFactory
- createPerspective()
: Mat4
- createPolygon()
: PhysicsBody
- createRenderQueue()
: Renderer
- CreateResources()
: Audio
- createRotation()
: Mat4
- createRotationX()
: Mat4
- createRotationY()
: Mat4
- createRotationZ()
: Mat4
- createScale()
: Mat4
- createSceneWithNodeGraphFromFile()
: CCBReader
- createSpriteDisplay()
: DisplayFactory
- createSpriteWithFontDefinition()
: Label
- createStatsLabel()
: Director
- createStringSprites()
: LabelTextFormatter
- createTranslation()
: Mat4
- createVariadic()
: LayerMultiplex
- createWidget()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
, WidgetPropertiesReader
- createWidgetReaderProtocol()
: ObjectFactory
, WidgetPropertiesReader
- CreateWindowSizeDependentResources()
: abstract
- createWithArray()
: __Array
, LayerMultiplex
, Menu
- createWithBMFont()
: Label
- createWithByteArrays()
: GLProgram
- createWithCallback()
: MenuItemToggle
- createWithCapacity()
: __Array
- createWithCharMap()
: Label
- createWithContentsOfFile()
: __Array
, __Dictionary
, __String
- createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe()
: __Array
, __Dictionary
- createWithData()
: __String
, Skeleton
, SkeletonAnimation
- createWithDictionary()
: __Dictionary
- createWithEAGLView()
: GLView
- createWithFile()
: LuaSkeletonAnimation
, Skeleton
, SkeletonAnimation
- createWithFilenames()
: GLProgram
- createWithFontDefinition()
: LabelTTF
- createWithFormat()
: __String
- createWithFullScreen()
: GLView
- createWithItem()
: Menu
- createWithItems()
: Menu
- createWithLayer()
: LayerMultiplex
- createWithObject()
: __Array
- createWithPhysics()
: Scene
- createWithPrecompiledProgramByteArray()
: GLProgram
- createWithRect()
: GLView
- createWithSize()
: Scene
- createWithSpriteFrame()
: PhysicsSprite
, Scale9Sprite
, Sprite
- createWithSpriteFrameName()
: PhysicsSprite
, Scale9Sprite
, Sprite
, Skin
- createWithSpriteFrames()
: Animation
- createWithSystemFont()
: Label
- createWithTarget()
: MenuItemToggle
- createWithTexture()
: PhysicsSprite
, ParticleBatchNode
, Sprite
, SpriteBatchNode
, SpriteFrame
, TextureAtlas
- createWithTotalParticles()
: ParticleExplosion
, ParticleFire
, ParticleFireworks
, ParticleFlower
, ParticleGalaxy
, ParticleMeteor
, ParticleRain
, ParticleSmoke
, ParticleSnow
, ParticleSpiral
, ParticleSun
, ParticleSystem
, ParticleSystemQuad
- createWithTTF()
: Label
- createWithTwoActions()
: Sequence
, Spawn
- createWithVariableList()
: Sequence
, Spawn
- createWithXML()
: TMXMapInfo
, TMXTiledMap
- crend()
: Vector< T >
- cross()
: Vec2
, Vec3
: CCBKeyframe
: CCBKeyframe
: CCBKeyframe
- currentFrameIndex
: FrameEvent
- currentIndex
: RenderStackElement
, sourceGroup
- Curve()
: Animation3D::Curve
, Quaternion
- curves
: spCurveTimeline
: Director
, Event
, EventListener
, RichElement
: RenderCommand
- CustomCommand()
: CustomCommand
- customGlyphs
: TTFConfig
- CWin32InputBox()
: CWin32InputBox