►C__RGBAProtocol | RGBA protocol that affects Node's color and opacity |
C__LayerRGBA | LayerRGBA is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol using a solid color as the background |
C__NodeRGBA | NodeRGBA is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
CHttpRequest::_prxy | |
Cabstract | |
CAcceleration | The device accelerometer reports values for each axis in units of g-force |
►CActionTweenDelegate | |
►CScrollView | ScrollView support for cocos2d-x |
CTableView | UITableView support for cocos2d-x |
CAffineTransform | |
CAnimation3DCache | |
CAnimation3DData | |
CAnimationFrameData | |
►CApplicationProtocol | |
CApplication | |
CApplication | |
CApplication | |
CApplication | |
CApplication | |
CApplication | |
CAssetsManagerDelegateProtocol | |
CAsyncStruct | |
CTextureCache::AsyncStruct | |
CAudio | |
►CAudioPlayer | |
CFmodAudioPlayer | |
CAutoreleasePool | |
►C<AVAudioPlayerDelegate> | |
CCDLongAudioSource | CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine |
CCDLongAudioSource | CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine |
►C<AVAudioSessionDelegate> | |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
►Cbinary_function | |
CStringCompare | |
CBlendFunc | Blend Function used for textures |
►CBlendProtocol | Specify the blending function according glBlendFunc Please refer to glBlendFunc in OpenGL ES Manual http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glBlendFunc.xml for more details |
CLabelBMFont | LabelBMFont is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode |
CLabelTTF | LabelTTF is a subclass of TextureNode that knows how to render text labels |
►CLayerColor | LayerColor is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
CLayerGradient | LayerGradient is a subclass of LayerColor that draws gradients across the background |
CSprite3D | Sprite3D: TODO add description |
►CTextureProtocol | Node objects that uses a Texture2D to render the images |
►CAtlasNode | AtlasNode is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol and TextureProtocol protocol |
CLabelAtlas | LabelAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode |
CTileMapAtlas | TileMapAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode |
CMotionStreak | MotionStreak |
CParticleBatchNode | ParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw") |
►CParticleSystem | Particle System base class |
►CParticleSystemQuad | ParticleSystemQuad is a subclass of ParticleSystem |
CParticleExplosion | An explosion particle system |
CParticleFire | A fire particle system |
CParticleFireworks | A fireworks particle system |
CParticleFlower | A flower particle system |
CParticleGalaxy | A galaxy particle system |
CParticleMeteor | A meteor particle system |
CParticleRain | A rain particle system |
CParticleSmoke | An smoke particle system |
CParticleSnow | An snow particle system |
CParticleSpiral | An spiral particle system |
CParticleSun | A sun particle system |
►CSprite | Sprite is a 2d image ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(computer_graphics) ) |
CPhysicsSprite | A Sprite subclass that is bound to a physics body |
CSkin | |
►CSpriteBatchNode | SpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw") |
►CLabel | |
►CTextFieldTTF | A simple text input field with TTF font |
CUICCTextField | |
CTMXLayer | TMXLayer represents the TMX layer |
CArmature | |
►CSkeleton | Draws a skeleton |
►CSkeletonAnimation | Draws an animated skeleton, providing an AnimationState for applying one or more animations and queuing animations to be played later |
CLuaSkeletonAnimation | |
CBlockControlData | |
CBlockData | |
CBone::BoneBlendState | |
CbufferInfo | |
CBundle3D | |
CCCBAnimationManagerDelegate | |
CccBezierConfig | Bezier configuration structure |
CCCBMemberVariableAssigner | |
CCCBScriptOwnerProtocol | |
CCCBSelectorResolver | |
CCCFreeTypeFont | |
CCCPrecompiledShaders | |
CCCZHeader | |
►CClonable | Interface that defines how to clone an Ref |
C__Array | |
C__Bool | |
C__Dictionary | Dictionary is a class like NSDictionary in Obj-C |
C__Double | |
C__Float | |
C__Integer | |
C__String | |
►CAction | Base class for Action objects |
►CFiniteTimeAction | Base class actions that do have a finite time duration |
►CActionInstant | Instant actions are immediate actions |
►CCallFunc | Calls a 'callback' |
C__CCCallFuncND | Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument and the 2nd argument is data ND means: Node and Data. Data is void *, so it could be anything |
C__CCCallFuncO | Calls a 'callback' with an object as the first argument. O means Object |
►CCallFuncN | Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument N means Node |
CLuaCallFunc | |
CFlipX | Flips the sprite horizontally |
CFlipY | Flips the sprite vertically |
CHide | Hide the node |
CPlace | Places the node in a certain position |
CRemoveSelf | Remove the node |
CReuseGrid | ReuseGrid action |
CShow | Show the node |
CStopGrid | StopGrid action |
CToggleVisibility | Toggles the visibility of a node |
CCCBSetSpriteFrame | |
CCCBSoundEffect | |
►CActionInterval | An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time |
CAccelAmplitude | AccelAmplitude action |
CAccelDeccelAmplitude | AccelDeccelAmplitude action |
►CActionCamera | Base class for Camera actions |
COrbitCamera | OrbitCamera action Orbits the camera around the center of the screen using spherical coordinates |
►CActionEase | Base class for Easing actions |
CEaseBackIn | EaseBackIn action |
CEaseBackInOut | EaseBackInOut action |
CEaseBackOut | EaseBackOut action |
CEaseBezierAction | Ease Bezier |
►CEaseBounce | EaseBounce abstract class |
CEaseBounceIn | EaseBounceIn action |
CEaseBounceInOut | EaseBounceInOut action |
CEaseBounceOut | EaseBounceOut action |
CEaseCircleActionIn | Ease Circle In |
CEaseCircleActionInOut | Ease Circle InOut |
CEaseCircleActionOut | Ease Circle Out |
CEaseCubicActionIn | Ease Cubic In |
CEaseCubicActionInOut | Ease Cubic InOut |
CEaseCubicActionOut | Ease Cubic Out |
►CEaseElastic | Ease Elastic abstract class |
CEaseElasticIn | Ease Elastic In action |
CEaseElasticInOut | Ease Elastic InOut action |
CEaseElasticOut | Ease Elastic Out action |
CEaseExponentialIn | Ease Exponential In |
CEaseExponentialInOut | Ease Exponential InOut |
CEaseExponentialOut | Ease Exponential Out |
CEaseQuadraticActionIn | Ease Quadratic In |
CEaseQuadraticActionInOut | Ease Quadratic InOut |
CEaseQuadraticActionOut | Ease Quadratic Out |
CEaseQuarticActionIn | Ease Quartic In |
CEaseQuarticActionInOut | Ease Quartic InOut |
CEaseQuarticActionOut | Ease Quartic Out |
CEaseQuinticActionIn | Ease Quintic In |
CEaseQuinticActionInOut | Ease Quintic InOut |
CEaseQuinticActionOut | Ease Quintic Out |
►CEaseRateAction | Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters |
CEaseIn | EaseIn action with a rate |
CEaseInOut | EaseInOut action with a rate |
CEaseOut | EaseOut action with a rate |
CEaseSineIn | Ease Sine In |
CEaseSineInOut | Ease Sine InOut |
CEaseSineOut | Ease Sine Out |
CCCBEaseInstant | |
CActionTween | ActionTween |
CAnimate | Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation |
CAnimate3D | Animate3D |
►CBezierBy | An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance |
CBezierTo | An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point |
CBlink | Blinks a Node object by modifying it's visible attribute |
►CCardinalSplineTo | Cardinal Spline path |
►CCardinalSplineBy | Cardinal Spline path |
CCatmullRomBy | An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve by a certain distance |
CCatmullRomTo | An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve to a destination point |
CDeccelAmplitude | DeccelAmplitude action |
CDelayTime | Delays the action a certain amount of seconds |
►CFadeTo | Fades an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
CFadeIn | Fades In an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
CFadeOut | Fades Out an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
►CGridAction | Base class for Grid actions |
►CGrid3DAction | Base class for Grid3D actions |
►CFlipX3D | FlipX3D action |
CFlipY3D | FlipY3D action |
CLens3D | Lens3D action |
CLiquid | Liquid action |
CPageTurn3D | This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen |
CRipple3D | Ripple3D action |
CShaky3D | Shaky3D action |
CTwirl | Twirl action |
CWaves | Waves action |
CWaves3D | Waves3D action |
►CTiledGrid3DAction | Base class for TiledGrid3D actions |
►CFadeOutTRTiles | FadeOutTRTiles action Fades out the tiles in a Top-Right direction |
CFadeOutBLTiles | FadeOutBLTiles action |
►CFadeOutUpTiles | FadeOutUpTiles action |
CFadeOutDownTiles | FadeOutDownTiles action |
CJumpTiles3D | JumpTiles3D action |
CShakyTiles3D | ShakyTiles3D action |
CShatteredTiles3D | ShatteredTiles3D action |
CShuffleTiles | ShuffleTiles action Shuffle the tiles in random order |
CSplitCols | SplitCols action |
CSplitRows | SplitRows action |
CTurnOffTiles | TurnOffTiles action |
CWavesTiles3D | WavesTiles3D action |
►CJumpBy | Moves a Node object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute |
CJumpTo | Moves a Node object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute |
►CMoveBy | Moves a Node object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute |
CMoveTo | Moves a Node object to the position x,y |
CProgressFromTo | Progress from a percentage to another percentage |
CProgressTo | Progress to percentage |
CRepeat | Repeats an action a number of times |
CRepeatForever | Repeats an action for ever |
CReverseTime | Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0 |
CRotateBy | Rotates a Node object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute |
CRotateTo | Rotates a Node object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute |
►CScaleTo | Scales a Node object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute |
CScaleBy | Scales a Node object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute |
CSequence | Runs actions sequentially, one after another |
►CSkewTo | Skews a Node object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes |
CSkewBy | Skews a Node object by skewX and skewY degrees |
CSpawn | Spawn a new action immediately |
CTargetedAction | Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction |
CTintBy | Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one |
CTintTo | Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one |
CCCBRotateTo | |
CCCBRotateXTo | |
CCCBRotateYTo | |
CFollow | Follow is an action that "follows" a node |
CSpeed | Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time |
CAnimation | A Animation object is used to perform animations on the Sprite objects |
CAnimationFrame | AnimationFrame A frame of the animation |
CPointArray | An Array that contain control points |
CSpriteFrame | A SpriteFrame has: |
CColliderFilter | |
CColor3B | RGB color composed of bytes 3 bytes |
CColor4B | RGBA color composed of 4 bytes |
CColor4F | RGBA color composed of 4 floats |
CCompiledProgram | |
CComponentContainer | |
CControlUtils | |
CAnimation3D::Curve | |
CCWin32InputBox | |
CWebSocket::Data | Data structure for message |
CData | |
CDataInfo | |
►CDataVisitor | Visitor that helps to perform action that depends on polymorphic object type |
CPrettyPrinter | |
►CWebSocket::Delegate | The delegate class to process websocket events |
CLuaWebSocket | |
CDevice | |
CDictElement | DictElement is used for traversing Dictionary |
CDictionaryHelper | |
CDirectorDelegate | OpenGL projection protocol |
►CDirectXBase | |
Csealed | |
CAnimationFrame::DisplayedEventInfo | |
CDisplayFactory | |
CEditBoxDelegate | |
►CEditBoxImpl | |
CCCEditBoxImplWp8 | |
CEditBoxImplAndroid | |
CEditBoxImplWin | |
CEventDispatcher::EventListenerVector | The vector to store event listeners with scene graph based priority and fixed priority |
►CFileUtils | Helper class to handle file operations |
CCCFileUtilsWinRT | Helper class to handle file operations |
CFileUtilsAndroid | Helper class to handle file operations |
CFileUtilsApple | Helper class to handle file operations |
CFileUtilsLinux | Helper class to handle file operations |
CFileUtilsWin32 | Helper class to handle file operations |
CGLProgram::flag_struct | |
CFontAtlasCache | |
CFontBufferInfo | |
CFontDefinition | |
CFontLetterDefinition | |
CFontShadow | Types used for defining fonts properties (i.e |
CFontStroke | |
CFrameEvent | |
CFTLineInfo | |
CFTWordInfo | |
CGLBufferedNode | |
CGLProgramStateCache | |
►CGLViewProtocol | |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CHelper | |
CHSV | |
CHttpClient | Singleton that handles asynchrounous http requests Once the request completed, a callback will issued in main thread when it provided during make request |
►CIDrawingSurfaceManipulationHandler | |
Csealed | |
CImageInfo | |
►CIMEDelegate | Input method editor delegate |
CEditBox | Class for edit box |
CTextFieldTTF | A simple text input field with TTF font |
CIMEDispatcher | Input Method Edit Message Dispatcher |
CIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo | |
►CInputDelegate | |
CComController | |
►CInputEvent | |
CAccelerometerEvent | |
CBackButtonEvent | |
CKeyboardEvent | |
CPointerEvent | |
CEditBoxEvent | |
►CIXAudio2EngineCallback | |
CAudioEngineCallbacks | |
CAudioEngineCallbacks | |
►CIXAudio2VoiceCallback | |
CStreamingVoiceContext | |
CStreamingVoiceContext | |
CJniHelper | |
CJniMethodInfo | |
CJson | |
►CLabelProtocol | Common interface for Labels |
CLabel | |
CLabelAtlas | LabelAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode |
CLabelBMFont | LabelBMFont is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode |
CLabelTTF | LabelTTF is a subclass of TextureNode that knows how to render text labels |
CLabelTextFormatter | |
►CLayer | |
CCCBProxy | |
►CLayoutParameterProtocol | |
►CWidget | |
CVideoPlayer | |
CButton | |
CCheckBox | |
CImageView | |
►CLayout | |
CHBox | |
CPageView | |
CRelativeBox | |
►CScrollView | |
CListView | |
CVBox | |
CLoadingBar | |
CRichText | |
CSlider | |
CText | For creating a system font or a TTF font Text |
CTextAtlas | |
CTextBMFont | |
CTextField | Class UITextField : public Widget |
►CLayoutProtocol | |
CLayout | |
CLabel::LetterInfo | |
CLock | |
CLuaAssetsManagerEventData | |
►CLuaBridge | |
CLuaObjcBridge | |
CLuaJavaBridge | |
CLuaTableViewEventData | |
CLuaValue | |
CLuaValueField | |
CMap< K, V > | |
CMap< cocos2d::GLProgram *, cocos2d::GLProgramState * > | |
CMap< int, cocos2d::extension::Scale9Sprite * > | |
CMap< int, cocos2d::Node * > | |
CMap< int, cocos2d::ui::LayoutParameter * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocos2d::Animation * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocos2d::CallFunc * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocos2d::Component * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocos2d::ProfilingTimer * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocos2d::SpriteFrame * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::AnimationData * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::ArmatureData * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::Bone * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::BoneData * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::MovementBoneData * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::MovementData * > | |
CMap< std::string, cocostudio::TextureData * > | |
CMap< std::string, SIOClientImpl * > | |
CMargin | |
CMat4 | Copyright 2013 BlackBerry Inc |
CObjLoader::material_t | |
CMaterialData | |
CMathUtil | Copyright 2013 BlackBerry Inc |
CMciPlayer | |
CMediaStreamer | |
CObjLoader::mesh_t | |
CMeshCache | MeshCache |
CMeshData | |
CMeshSkinDataCache | |
CMeshVertexAttrib | |
CMipmapInfo | Structure which can tell where mipmap begins and how long is it |
CMovementEvent | |
CNodeLoaderListener | |
►CNSObject | |
CCCDirectorCaller | |
CCCEditBoxImplIOS_objc | |
CCCEditBoxImplMac | |
CCCES2Renderer | |
CCDAudioInterruptTargetGroup | Container for objects that implement audio interrupt protocol i.e |
CCDAudioInterruptTargetGroup | Container for objects that implement audio interrupt protocol i.e |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
CCDBufferLoadRequest | CDBufferLoadRequest |
CCDBufferLoadRequest | CDBufferLoadRequest |
CCDBufferManager | Allows buffers to be associated with file names |
CCDBufferManager | Allows buffers to be associated with file names |
CCDFloatInterpolator | |
CCDFloatInterpolator | |
CCDLongAudioSource | CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine |
CCDLongAudioSource | CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine |
►CCDPropertyModifier | Base class for classes that modify properties such as pitch, pan and gain |
CCDLongAudioSourceFader | Fader for long audio source objects |
CCDLongAudioSourceFader | Fader for long audio source objects |
CCDSoundEngineFader | Fader for CDSoundEngine objects |
CCDSoundEngineFader | Fader for CDSoundEngine objects |
CCDSoundSourceFader | Fader for CDSoundSource objects |
CCDSoundSourceFader | Fader for CDSoundSource objects |
CCDSoundSourcePanner | Panner for CDSoundSource objects |
CCDSoundSourcePanner | Panner for CDSoundSource objects |
CCDSoundSourcePitchBender | Pitch bender for CDSoundSource objects |
CCDSoundSourcePitchBender | Pitch bender for CDSoundSource objects |
CCDPropertyModifier | Base class for classes that modify properties such as pitch, pan and gain |
CCDSoundEngine | |
CCDSoundEngine | |
CCDSoundSource | CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source |
CCDSoundSource | CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source |
CCDUtilities | Collection of utilities required by CocosDenshion |
CCDUtilities | Collection of utilities required by CocosDenshion |
CSimpleAudioEngine | A wrapper to the CDAudioManager object |
CSimpleAudioEngine | A wrapper to the CDAudioManager object |
►C<NSObject> | |
►C<CCESRenderer> | |
CCCES2Renderer | |
►C<CDAudioInterruptProtocol> | |
CCDAudioInterruptTargetGroup | Container for objects that implement audio interrupt protocol i.e |
CCDAudioInterruptTargetGroup | Container for objects that implement audio interrupt protocol i.e |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
CCDLongAudioSource | CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine |
CCDLongAudioSource | CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine |
CCDSoundEngine | |
CCDSoundEngine | |
CCDSoundSource | CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source |
CCDSoundSource | CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source |
CSimpleAudioEngine | A wrapper to the CDAudioManager object |
CSimpleAudioEngine | A wrapper to the CDAudioManager object |
C<CDAudioInterruptProtocol> | |
►C<CDAudioTransportProtocol> | |
CCDSoundSource | CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source |
CCDSoundSource | CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source |
C<CDAudioTransportProtocol> | |
►CNSOperation | |
CCDAsynchBufferLoader | CDAsynchBufferLoader TODO |
CCDAsynchBufferLoader | CDAsynchBufferLoader TODO |
CCDAsynchInitialiser | |
CCDAsynchInitialiser | |
►C<NSOperationNSObject> | |
►C<CDLongAudioSourceDelegate> | |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
CCDAudioManager | CDAudioManager manages audio requirements for a game |
C<CDLongAudioSourceDelegate> | |
►C<NSTextFieldDelegate> | |
CCCEditBoxImplMac | |
CObjectFactory | |
CObjectFactory | |
CObjLoader | |
COpenALDecoder | |
COpenALFile | |
CPGlyph | |
CPhysicsBodyInfo | |
CPhysicsContactData | |
CPhysicsContactInfo | |
CPhysicsContactPostSolve | |
CPhysicsContactPreSolve | |
CPhysicsDebugDraw | |
CPhysicsHelper | |
►CPhysicsJoint | |
CPhysicsJointDistance | Set the fixed distance with two bodies |
CPhysicsJointFixed | |
CPhysicsJointGear | Keeps the angular velocity ratio of a pair of bodies constant |
CPhysicsJointGroove | Attach body a to a line, and attach body b to a dot |
CPhysicsJointLimit | |
CPhysicsJointMotor | Keeps the relative angular velocity of a pair of bodies constant |
CPhysicsJointPin | |
CPhysicsJointRatchet | Works like a socket wrench |
CPhysicsJointRotaryLimit | Likes a limit joint, but works with rotary |
CPhysicsJointRotarySpring | Likes a spring joint, but works with rotary |
CPhysicsJointSpring | Connecting two physics bodies together with a spring |
CPhysicsJointInfo | |
CPhysicsMaterial | |
CPhysicsRayCastInfo | |
CPhysicsShapeInfo | |
CPhysicsWorld | An PhysicsWorld object simulates collisions and other physical properties |
CPhysicsWorldInfo | |
CTexture2D::PixelFormatInfo | |
CPointSprite | Vec2 Sprite component |
CPoolManager | |
CPrecompiledProgram | |
CQuad2 | A 2D Quad. 4 * 2 floats |
CQuad3 | A 3D Quad. 4 * 3 floats |
CQuaternion | Defines a 4-element quaternion that represents the orientation of an object in space |
CAnimation3DData::QuatKey | |
CRect | |
►CRef | |
C__Array | |
C__Bool | |
C__Dictionary | Dictionary is a class like NSDictionary in Obj-C |
C__Double | |
C__Float | |
C__Integer | |
C__NotificationCenter | |
C__Set | |
C__String | |
CAction | Base class for Action objects |
CActionManager | ActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions |
CAnimation | A Animation object is used to perform animations on the Sprite objects |
CAnimation3D | Static animation data, shared |
CAnimationCache | Singleton that manages the Animations |
CAnimationCurve< componentSize > | Curve of bone's position, rotation or scale |
CAnimationFrame | AnimationFrame A frame of the animation |
CBone | Defines a basic hierachial structure of transformation spaces |
►CComponent | |
CComAttribute | |
CComAudio | |
CComController | |
CComRender | |
CConfiguration | Configuration contains some openGL variables |
►CDirector | |
CDisplayLinkDirector | DisplayLinkDirector is a Director that synchronizes timers with the refresh rate of the display |
►CEvent | Base class of all kinds of events |
CEventAcceleration | |
►CEventCustom | |
CPhysicsContact | Contact infomation |
CEventFocus | |
CEventKeyboard | |
CEventMouse | |
CEventTouch | |
CEventDispatcher | This class manages event listener subscriptions and event dispatching |
►CEventListener | The base class of event listener |
CEventListenerAcceleration | |
►CEventListenerCustom | Usage: auto dispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher(); Adds a listener: |
►CEventListenerPhysicsContact | |
CEventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies | This event listener only be called when bodyA and bodyB have contacts |
CEventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup | This event listener only be called when shapeA or shapeB is in the group your specified |
CEventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes | This event listener only be called when shapeA and shapeB have contacts |
CEventListenerFocus | |
CEventListenerKeyboard | |
CEventListenerMouse | |
CEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce | |
CEventListenerTouchOneByOne | |
CColor3bObject | |
CInvocation | |
►CFont | |
CFontCharMap | |
CFontFNT | |
CFontFreeType | |
CFontAtlas | |
CGLProgram | GLProgram Class that implements a glProgram |
CGLProgramCache | GLProgramCache Singleton that stores manages GLProgram objects (shaders) |
CGLProgramState | GLProgramState holds the 'state' (uniforms and attributes) of the GLProgram |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGLView | Class that represent the OpenGL View |
CGrabber | FBO class that grabs the the contents of the screen |
►CGridBase | Base class for other |
CGrid3D | Grid3D is a 3D grid implementation |
CTiledGrid3D | TiledGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation |
CGroupCommandManager | |
CImage | |
CLuaStack | |
CMesh | Mesh: TODO, add description of Mesh |
CMeshSkin | |
CHttpRequest | Defines the object which users must packed for HttpClient::send(HttpRequest*) method |
CHttpResponse | Defines the object which users will receive at onHttpCompleted(sender, HttpResponse) callback Please refer to samples/TestCpp/Classes/ExtensionTest/NetworkTest/HttpClientTest.cpp as a sample |
CSIOClient | A single connection to a socket.io endpoint |
►CNode | Node is the base element of the Scene Graph |
C__NodeRGBA | NodeRGBA is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
CAtlasNode | AtlasNode is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol and TextureProtocol protocol |
CClippingNode | ClippingNode is a subclass of Node |
►CDrawNode | DrawNode Node that draws dots, segments and polygons |
CPhysicsDebugNode | A BaseData that draws the components of a physics engine |
CAssetsManager | |
CScale9Sprite | A 9-slice sprite for cocos2d |
CTableViewCell | Abstract class for SWTableView cell node |
CLabelBMFont | LabelBMFont is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode |
CLabelTTF | LabelTTF is a subclass of TextureNode that knows how to render text labels |
►CLayer | Layer is a subclass of Node that implements the TouchEventsDelegate protocol |
C__LayerRGBA | LayerRGBA is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol using a solid color as the background |
►CControl | |
►CControlButton | For Cocos2D |
CEditBox | Class for edit box |
CControlColourPicker | |
CControlHuePicker | |
CControlPotentiometer | For Cocos2D |
CControlSaturationBrightnessPicker | |
CControlSlider | |
CControlStepper | |
CControlSwitch | For Cocos2D |
CScrollView | ScrollView support for cocos2d-x |
CLayerColor | LayerColor is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol |
CLayerMultiplex | MultipleLayer is a Layer with the ability to multiplex it's children |
CMenu | A Menu |
►CMenuItem | MenuItem base class |
►CMenuItemLabel | An abstract class for "label" MenuItemLabel items Any Node that supports the LabelProtocol protocol can be added |
CMenuItemAtlasFont | A MenuItemAtlasFont Helper class that creates a MenuItemLabel class with a LabelAtlas |
CMenuItemFont | A MenuItemFont Helper class that creates a MenuItemLabel class with a Label |
►CMenuItemSprite | MenuItemSprite accepts Node<RGBAProtocol> objects as items |
CMenuItemImage | MenuItemImage accepts images as items |
CMenuItemToggle | A MenuItemToggle A simple container class that "toggles" it's inner items The inner items can be any MenuItem |
CMotionStreak | MotionStreak |
CNodeGrid | |
CParallaxNode | ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller |
CParticleBatchNode | ParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw") |
CParticleSystem | Particle System base class |
CProgressTimer | ProgressTimer is a subclass of Node |
►CProtectedNode | |
CWidget | |
CRenderTexture | RenderTexture is a generic rendering target |
►CScene | Scene is a subclass of Node that is used only as an abstract concept |
►CTransitionScene | Base class for Transition scenes |
CTransitionCrossFade | TransitionCrossFade: Cross fades two scenes using the RenderTexture object |
CTransitionFade | TransitionFade: Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene |
►CTransitionFadeTR | TransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner |
CTransitionFadeBL | TransitionFadeBL: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner |
CTransitionFadeDown | TransitionFadeDown: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom |
CTransitionFadeUp | TransitionFadeUp: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the bottom to the top |
CTransitionJumpZoom | TransitionJumpZoom: Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming |
►CTransitionMoveInL | TransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene |
CTransitionMoveInB | TransitionMoveInB: Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene |
CTransitionMoveInR | TransitionMoveInR: Move in from to the right the incoming scene |
CTransitionMoveInT | TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene |
CTransitionPageTurn | A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn |
►CTransitionProgress | |
CTransitionProgressHorizontal | TransitionProgressHorizontal transition |
CTransitionProgressInOut | |
CTransitionProgressOutIn | |
CTransitionProgressRadialCCW | TransitionRadialCCW transition |
CTransitionProgressRadialCW | TransitionRadialCW transition |
CTransitionProgressVertical | |
CTransitionRotoZoom | TransitionRotoZoom: Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming |
►CTransitionSceneOriented | A Transition that supports orientation like |
CTransitionFlipAngular | TransitionFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically |
CTransitionFlipX | TransitionFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally |
CTransitionFlipY | TransitionFlipY: Flips the screen vertically |
CTransitionZoomFlipAngular | TransitionZoomFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in |
CTransitionZoomFlipX | TransitionZoomFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene |
CTransitionZoomFlipY | TransitionZoomFlipY: Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene |
CTransitionShrinkGrow | Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene |
►CTransitionSlideInL | TransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border |
CTransitionSlideInB | TransitionSlideInB: Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border |
CTransitionSlideInR | TransitionSlideInR: Slide in the incoming scene from the right border |
CTransitionSlideInT | TransitionSlideInT: Slide in the incoming scene from the top border |
►CTransitionSplitCols | TransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards |
CTransitionSplitRows | TransitionSplitRows: The odd rows goes to the left while the even rows goes to the right |
CTransitionTurnOffTiles | TransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order |
CSprite | Sprite is a 2d image ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(computer_graphics) ) |
CSprite3D | Sprite3D: TODO add description |
CSpriteBatchNode | SpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw") |
CTMXTiledMap | TMXTiledMap knows how to parse and render a TMX map |
CCCBFile | |
CArmature | |
CBatchNode | |
CBone | |
CGLNode | |
CSkeleton | Draws a skeleton |
CNotificationObserver | |
CPhysicsBody | A body affect by physics |
►CPhysicsShape | A shape for body |
CPhysicsShapeBox | A box shape |
CPhysicsShapeCircle | A circle shape |
CPhysicsShapeEdgeBox | An edge box shape |
CPhysicsShapeEdgeChain | Chain shape |
CPhysicsShapeEdgePolygon | An edge polygon shape |
CPhysicsShapeEdgeSegment | A segment shape |
CPhysicsShapePolygon | A polygon shape |
CPointArray | An Array that contain control points |
CProfiler | Profiler cocos2d builtin profiler |
CProfilingTimer | |
CScheduleHandlerDelegate | |
CScheduler | Scheduler is responsible for triggering the scheduled callbacks |
CSpriteFrame | A SpriteFrame has: |
CSpriteFrameCache | Singleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames |
CTexture2D | Texture2D class |
CTextureAtlas | A class that implements a Texture Atlas |
CTextureCache | Singleton that handles the loading of textures Once the texture is loaded, the next time it will return a reference of the previously loaded texture reducing GPU & CPU memory |
►CTimer | Light-weight timer |
CTimerTargetCallback | |
CTimerTargetSelector | |
CTMXLayerInfo | TMXLayerInfo contains the information about the layers like: |
CTMXMapInfo | TMXMapInfo contains the information about the map like: |
CTMXObjectGroup | TMXObjectGroup represents the TMX object group |
CTMXTilesetInfo | TMXTilesetInfo contains the information about the tilesets like: |
CTouch | |
►CLayoutManager | |
CLinearHorizontalLayoutManager | |
CLinearVerticalLayoutManager | |
CRelativeLayoutManager | |
►CLayoutParameter | |
CLinearLayoutParameter | |
CRelativeLayoutParameter | |
►CRichElement | |
CRichElementCustomNode | |
CRichElementImage | |
CRichElementText | |
CCCBAnimationManager | |
CCCBKeyframe | |
CCCBReader | Parse CCBI file which is generated by CocosBuilder |
CCCBSequence | |
CCCBSequenceProperty | |
►CNodeLoader | |
CCCBFileLoader | |
►CControlLoader | |
CControlButtonLoader | |
CLabelBMFontLoader | |
CLabelTTFLoader | |
►CLayerLoader | |
CCCBLayerLoader | |
CLayerColorLoader | |
CLayerGradientLoader | |
CMenuLoader | |
►CMenuItemLoader | |
CMenuItemImageLoader | |
CParticleSystemQuadLoader | |
CScale9SpriteLoader | |
CScrollViewLoader | |
CSpriteLoader | |
CNodeLoaderLibrary | |
►CActionFrame | |
CActionFadeFrame | |
CActionMoveFrame | |
CActionRotationFrame | |
CActionScaleFrame | |
CActionTintFrame | |
CActionFrameEasing | |
CActionManagerEx | |
CActionNode | |
CActionObject | |
CAnimationData | |
CArmatureData | |
CArmatureDataManager | Format and manage armature configuration and armature animation |
CArmatureMovementDispatcher | |
►CBaseData | The base node include a lot of attributes |
CBoneData | |
CFrameData | |
CBaseTriggerAction | |
CBaseTriggerCondition | |
CColliderBody | |
CColliderDetector | |
CContourData | |
CDataReaderHelper | |
CDecorativeDisplay | |
►CDisplayData | |
CArmatureDisplayData | |
CParticleDisplayData | |
CSpriteDisplayData | |
CDisplayManager | ! DisplayManager manages Bone's display |
CGUIReader | |
CMovementBoneData | |
CMovementData | |
►CProcessBase | |
CArmatureAnimation | |
CTween | |
CTextureData | |
CTriggerObj | |
►CWidgetPropertiesReader | |
CWidgetPropertiesReader0250 | |
CWidgetPropertiesReader0300 | |
►CWidgetReader | |
CButtonReader | |
CCheckBoxReader | |
CImageViewReader | |
►CLayoutReader | |
CPageViewReader | |
►CScrollViewReader | |
CListViewReader | |
CLoadingBarReader | |
CSliderReader | |
CTextAtlasReader | |
CTextBMFontReader | |
CTextFieldReader | |
CTextReader | |
CLuaMinXmlHttpRequest | |
CRefPtr< T > | Wrapper class which maintains a strong reference to a cocos2dx cocos2d::Ref* type object |
CRelativeData | |
►CRenderCommand | Base class of the RenderCommand hierarchy |
CBatchCommand | |
CCustomCommand | |
CGroupCommand | |
CMeshCommand | |
CQuadCommand | Command used to render one or more Quads |
CRenderCommandPool< T > | |
CRenderer | |
CRenderMeshData | |
CRenderQueue | Class that knows how to sort RenderCommand objects |
CRenderStackElement | |
►CRuntimeClass | |
CDirect3DContentProvider | |
►CSAXDelegator | |
CTMXMapInfo | TMXMapInfo contains the information about the map like: |
CSAXParser | |
CSceneReader | |
►CScriptEngineProtocol | |
CLuaEngine | |
CScriptHandlerMgr | |
►CScrollViewDelegate | |
CTableView | UITableView support for cocos2d-x |
CTableViewDelegate | Sole purpose of this delegate is to single touch event in this version |
Csealed | |
CSHA1Context | |
CObjLoader::shape_t | |
CObjLoader::shapes_t | |
►CSimpleAudioEngine | Offers a VERY simple interface to play background music & sound effects |
CAndroidJavaEngine | |
CSocketIO::SIODelegate | The delegate class to process socket.io events |
CSize | |
CSkinData | |
CSocketIO | Singleton and wrapper class to provide static creation method as well as registry of all sockets |
CSoundEffectData | |
CsourceGroup | |
CsourceInfo | |
CspAnimation | |
CspAnimationState | |
CspAnimationStateData | |
CspAtlas | |
CspAtlasAttachmentLoader | |
CspAtlasPage | |
CspAtlasRegion | |
CspAttachment | |
CspAttachmentLoader | |
CspAttachmentTimeline | |
CspBone | |
CspBoneData | |
CspBoundingBoxAttachment | |
CspColorTimeline | |
CspCurveTimeline | |
CspDrawOrderTimeline | |
CspEvent | |
CspEventData | |
CspEventTimeline | |
CspPolygon | |
CspRegionAttachment | |
CSprite3DMaterialCache | Sprite3D material is only texture for now |
CSpriteFrameCacheHelper | |
CspRotateTimeline | |
CspSkeleton | |
CspSkeletonBounds | |
CspSkeletonData | |
CspSkeletonJson | |
CspSkin | |
CspSlot | |
CspSlotData | |
CspTimeline | |
CspTrackEntry | |
CT2F_Quad | |
CTableViewDataSource | Data source that governs table backend data |
CTex2F | A vertex composed of 2 floats: x, y |
CTexParams | Extension to set the Min / Mag filter |
►CTextFieldDelegate | |
CUICCTextField | |
CThreadHelper | |
CtImageTGA | TGA format |
Ctimezone | |
Ctimezone | |
CObjectFactory::TInfo | |
CObjectFactory::TInfo | |
CtParticle | Structure that contains the values of each particle |
CTransformHelp | |
►CTransitionEaseScene | TransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol |
CTransitionFadeTR | TransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner |
CTransitionMoveInL | TransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene |
CTransitionShrinkGrow | Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene |
CTransitionSlideInL | TransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border |
CTransitionSplitCols | TransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards |
CTransitionTurnOffTiles | TransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order |
CTriggerMng | |
CTTFConfig | |
CUniformValue::U | |
CVertexAttribValue::U | |
►C<UIKeyInput> | |
CCCEAGLView | CCEAGLView Class |
►CUITextField | |
CCCCustomUITextField | |
►C<UITextFieldDelegate> | |
CCCEditBoxImplIOS_objc | |
►C<UITextInput> | |
CCCEAGLView | CCEAGLView Class |
►CUIView | |
CCCEAGLView | CCEAGLView Class |
CUniform | |
CUniformValue | |
CUserDefault | UserDefault acts as a tiny database |
CUT_hash_bucket | |
CUT_hash_handle | |
CUT_hash_table | |
CV2F_C4B_T2F | Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B |
CV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad | A Quad of V2F_C4B_T2F |
CV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle | A Triangle of V2F_C4B_T2F |
CV2F_C4F_T2F | Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F |
CV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad | 4 Vertex2FTex2FColor4F Quad |
CV3F_C4B_T2F | Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B |
CV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad | 4 Vertex3FTex2FColor4B |
CValue | |
CVec2 | Defines a 2-element floating point vector |
CVec3 | Defines a 3-element floating point vector |
CAnimation3DData::Vec3Key | |
CVec4 | Defines 4-element floating point vector |
CVector< T > | |
CVector< cocos2d::AnimationFrame * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::Bone * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::EventListenerCustom * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::extension::Invocation * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::extension::TableViewCell * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::Layer * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::MenuItem * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::Node * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::PhysicsBody * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::PhysicsShape * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::Scene * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::TMXLayerInfo * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::TMXObjectGroup * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::TMXTilesetInfo * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::ui::Layout * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::ui::RichElement * > | |
CVector< cocos2d::ui::Widget * > | |
CVector< cocosbuilder::CCBAnimationManager * > | |
CVector< cocosbuilder::CCBKeyframe * > | |
CVector< cocosbuilder::CCBSequence * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::ActionFrame * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::ActionNode * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::ActionObject * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::BaseTriggerAction * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::BaseTriggerCondition * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::Bone * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::ColliderBody * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::ContourData * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::DecorativeDisplay * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::DisplayData * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::FrameData * > | |
CVector< cocostudio::Tween * > | |
CVertexAttrib | |
CVertexAttribValue | |
►CWebSocket | |
CLuaWebSocket | |
►CWidgetReaderProtocol | |
CWidgetReader | |
CZipFile | Zip file - reader helper class |
CZipUtils | |