Copyright 2013 BlackBerry Inc. More...
Namespaces | |
DrawPrimitives | |
Classes | |
class | AABB |
Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), usually used to detect the collision at early step. More... | |
class | AccelAmplitude |
AccelAmplitude action. More... | |
class | AccelDeccelAmplitude |
AccelDeccelAmplitude action. More... | |
struct | Acceleration |
The device accelerometer reports values for each axis in units of g-force. More... | |
class | Action |
Base class for Action objects. More... | |
class | ActionCamera |
Base class for Camera actions. More... | |
class | ActionEase |
Base class for Easing actions. More... | |
class | ActionFloat |
Action used to animate any value in range [from,to] over specified time interval. More... | |
class | ActionInstant |
Instant actions are immediate actions. More... | |
class | ActionInterval |
An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. More... | |
class | ActionManager |
ActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. More... | |
struct | ActionObjectScriptData |
For Lua, Wrapper the script data that should be used to find the handler corresponding to the Lua function by the nativeobject pointer and store the value pointer which would be converted concretely by the different events,then the converted data would be passed into the Lua stack. More... | |
class | ActionTween |
ActionTween. More... | |
class | ActionTweenDelegate |
The delegate class for ActionTween. More... | |
struct | AffineTransform |
Affine transform a b 0 c d 0 tx ty 1. More... | |
class | AmbientLight |
Ambient light simulates the light in the enviorment, it emits to all direction with the same intensity. More... | |
class | Animate |
Animates a sprite given the Animation. More... | |
class | Animate3D |
Animate3D, Animates a Sprite3D given with an Animation3D. More... | |
class | Animation |
A Animation object is used to perform animations on the Sprite objects. More... | |
class | Animation3D |
Static animation data, shared. More... | |
class | Animation3DCache |
Animation3DCache, used to caching Animation3D objects. More... | |
struct | Animation3DData |
animation data More... | |
class | AnimationCache |
Singleton that manages the Animations. More... | |
class | AnimationCurve |
Curve of bone's position, rotation or scale. More... | |
class | AnimationFrame |
A frame of the animation. More... | |
struct | AnimationFrameData |
Struct that holds the size in pixels, texture coordinates and delays for animated ParticleSystemQuad. More... | |
class | AsyncTaskPool |
This class allows to perform background operations without having to manipulate threads. More... | |
class | AtlasNode |
AtlasNode is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol and TextureProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | AttachNode |
Attach a node to a bone usage: auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("girl.c3b"); auto weapon = Sprite3D::create("weapon.c3b"); auto attachNode = sprite->getAttachNode("left hand"); attachNode->addChild(weapon);. More... | |
class | AutoPolygon |
AutoPolygon is a helper Object AutoPolygon's purpose is to process an image into 2d polygon mesh in runtime It has functions for each step in the process, from tracing all the points, to triangulation the result can be then passed to Sprite::create() to create a Polygon Sprite. More... | |
class | BaseLight |
BaseLight is the parent of all the lights. More... | |
struct | BasicScriptData |
For Lua, Wrapper the script data that should be used to find the handler corresponding to the Lua function by the nativeobject pointer and store the value pointer which would be converted concretely by the different events,then the converted data would be passed into the Lua stack. More... | |
class | BatchCommand |
Command used to draw batches in one TextureAtlas. More... | |
class | BezierBy |
An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More... | |
class | BezierTo |
An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More... | |
class | BillBoard |
Inherit from Sprite, achieve BillBoard. More... | |
struct | BlendFunc |
Blend Function used for textures. More... | |
class | Blink |
Blinks a Node object by modifying it's visible attribute. More... | |
class | Bone3D |
Defines a basic hierachial structure of transformation spaces. More... | |
class | Bundle3D |
Defines a bundle file that contains a collection of assets. More... | |
class | BundleReader |
BundleReader is an interface for reading sequence of bytes. More... | |
class | CallFunc |
Calls a 'callback'. More... | |
class | CallFuncN |
Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument. More... | |
class | Camera |
Defines a camera . More... | |
class | CameraBackgroundBrush |
Defines a brush to clear the background of camera. More... | |
class | CameraBackgroundColorBrush |
Color brush clear buffer with given depth and color. More... | |
class | CameraBackgroundDepthBrush |
Depth brush clear depth buffer with given depth. More... | |
class | CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush |
Skybox brush clear buffer with a skybox. More... | |
class | CardinalSplineBy |
An action that moves the target with a Cardinal Spline curve by a certain distance. More... | |
class | CardinalSplineTo |
An action that moves the target with a Cardinal Spline curve to a destination point. More... | |
class | CatmullRomBy |
An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve by a certain distance. More... | |
class | CatmullRomTo |
An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve to a destination point. More... | |
class | ClippingNode |
ClippingNode is a subclass of Node. More... | |
class | ClippingRectangleNode |
Clipping Rectangle Node. More... | |
class | Clonable |
Interface that defines how to clone an Ref. More... | |
struct | Color3B |
RGB color composed of bytes 3 bytes. More... | |
struct | Color4B |
RGBA color composed of 4 bytes. More... | |
struct | Color4F |
RGBA color composed of 4 floats. More... | |
struct | CommonScriptData |
For Lua, the CommonScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the handler, then call the Lua function by push the eventName, eventSource(if it not nullptr), eventSourceClassName(if it is nullptr or "", and the eventSource is not nullptr,would give the default string "cc.Ref") into the Lua stack as the parameter when the common event such as is triggered. More... | |
class | Configuration |
Configuration contains some openGL variables. More... | |
class | Controller |
A Controller object represents a connected physical game controller. More... | |
class | CustomCommand |
Custom command is used for call custom openGL command which can not be done by other commands, such as stencil function, depth functions etc. More... | |
class | DataPool |
DataPool is a data pool, used for recycling data. More... | |
class | DeccelAmplitude |
DeccelAmplitude action. More... | |
class | DelayTime |
Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More... | |
class | Device |
A class for providing platform specific features. More... | |
class | DirectionLight |
DirectionLight simulates light that is being emitted from a source that is infinitely far away. More... | |
class | Director |
Class that creates and handles the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes. More... | |
class | DisplayLinkDirector |
DisplayLinkDirector is a Director that synchronizes timers with the refresh rate of the display. More... | |
class | DrawNode |
Node that draws dots, segments and polygons. More... | |
class | EaseBackIn |
EaseBackIn action. More... | |
class | EaseBackInOut |
EaseBackInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseBackOut |
EaseBackOut action. More... | |
class | EaseBezierAction |
EaseBezierAction. More... | |
class | EaseBounce |
EaseBounce base action. More... | |
class | EaseBounceIn |
EaseBounceIn action. More... | |
class | EaseBounceInOut |
EaseBounceInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseBounceOut |
EaseBounceOut action. More... | |
class | EaseCircleActionIn |
EaseCircleIn action. More... | |
class | EaseCircleActionInOut |
EaseCircleInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseCircleActionOut |
EaseCircleOut action. More... | |
class | EaseCubicActionIn |
EaseCubicIn action. More... | |
class | EaseCubicActionInOut |
EaseCubicInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseCubicActionOut |
EaseCubicOut action. More... | |
class | EaseElastic |
EaseElastic base action. More... | |
class | EaseElasticIn |
EaseElasticIn action. More... | |
class | EaseElasticInOut |
EaseElasticInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseElasticOut |
EaseElasticOut action. More... | |
class | EaseExponentialIn |
EaseExponentialIn action. More... | |
class | EaseExponentialInOut |
EaseExponentialInOut action If time * 2 < 1, the timeline of inner action will be changed by: \(0.5*{ 2 }^{ 10*(time-1) }\). More... | |
class | EaseExponentialOut |
EaseExponentialOut action The timeline of inner action will be changed by: More... | |
class | EaseIn |
EaseIn action with a rate. More... | |
class | EaseInOut |
EaseInOut action with a rate If time * 2 < 1, the timeline of inner action will be changed by: \(0.5*{ time }^{ rate }\). More... | |
class | EaseOut |
EaseOut action with a rate. More... | |
class | EaseQuadraticActionIn |
EaseQuadraticIn. More... | |
class | EaseQuadraticActionInOut |
EaseQuadraticInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseQuadraticActionOut |
EaseQuadraticOut action. More... | |
class | EaseQuarticActionIn |
EaseQuarticIn action. More... | |
class | EaseQuarticActionInOut |
EaseQuarticInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseQuarticActionOut |
EaseQuarticOut action. More... | |
class | EaseQuinticActionIn |
EaseQuinticIn action. More... | |
class | EaseQuinticActionInOut |
EaseQuinticInOut action. More... | |
class | EaseQuinticActionOut |
EaseQuinticOut action. More... | |
class | EaseRateAction |
Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More... | |
class | EaseSineIn |
EaseSineIn action The timeline of inner action will be changed by: More... | |
class | EaseSineInOut |
EaseSineInOut action The timeline of inner action will be changed by: More... | |
class | EaseSineOut |
EaseSineOut action The timeline of inner action will be changed by: More... | |
class | Event |
Base class of all kinds of events. More... | |
class | EventAcceleration |
Accelerometer event. More... | |
class | EventCustom |
Custom event. More... | |
class | EventDispatcher |
This class manages event listener subscriptions and event dispatching. More... | |
class | EventFocus |
Focus event. More... | |
class | EventKeyboard |
Keyboard event. More... | |
class | EventListener |
The base class of event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerAcceleration |
Acceleration event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerController |
class | EventListenerCustom |
Custom event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerFocus |
Focus event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerKeyboard |
Keyboard event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerMouse |
Mouse event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerPhysicsContact |
Contact listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies |
This event listener only be called when bodyA and bodyB have contacts. More... | |
class | EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup |
This event listener only be called when shapeA or shapeB is in the group your specified. More... | |
class | EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes |
This event listener only be called when shapeA and shapeB have contacts. More... | |
class | EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce |
Multiple touches event listener. More... | |
class | EventListenerTouchOneByOne |
Single touch event listener. More... | |
class | EventMouse |
The mouse event. More... | |
class | EventTouch |
Touch event. More... | |
class | FadeIn |
Fades In an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | FadeOut |
Fades Out an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | FadeOutBLTiles |
FadeOutBLTiles action. More... | |
class | FadeOutDownTiles |
FadeOutDownTiles action. More... | |
class | FadeOutTRTiles |
FadeOutTRTiles action. More... | |
class | FadeOutUpTiles |
FadeOutUpTiles action. More... | |
class | FadeTo |
Fades an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | FileUtils |
Helper class to handle file operations. More... | |
class | FiniteTimeAction |
Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. More... | |
class | FlipX |
Flips the sprite horizontally. More... | |
class | FlipX3D |
FlipX3D action. More... | |
class | FlipY |
Flips the sprite vertically. More... | |
class | FlipY3D |
FlipY3D action. More... | |
class | Follow |
Follow is an action that "follows" a node. More... | |
struct | FontDefinition |
Font attributes. More... | |
struct | FontShadow |
types used for defining fonts properties (i.e. More... | |
struct | FontStroke |
Stroke attributes. More... | |
class | Frustum |
The frustum is a six-side geometry, usually use the frustum to do fast-culling: check a entity whether is a potential visible entity. More... | |
class | GLProgram |
Class that implements a openGL Program. More... | |
class | GLProgramCache |
Singleton that stores manages GLProgram objects (shaders) More... | |
class | GLProgramState |
GLProgramState holds the 'state' (uniforms and attributes) of the GLProgram. More... | |
class | GLProgramStateCache |
Some GLprogram state could be shared. More... | |
class | GLView |
By GLView you can operate the frame information of EGL view through some function. More... | |
class | Grabber |
FBO class that grabs the the contents of the screen. More... | |
class | Grid3D |
Grid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More... | |
class | Grid3DAction |
Base class for Grid3D actions. More... | |
class | GridAction |
Base class for Grid actions. More... | |
class | GridBase |
Base class for Other grid. More... | |
class | GroupCommand |
GroupCommand is used to group several command together, and more, it can be nestd. More... | |
class | Hide |
Hide the node. More... | |
class | IMEDelegate |
Input method editor delegate. More... | |
class | IMEDispatcher |
Input Method Edit Message Dispatcher. More... | |
struct | IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo |
Keyboard notification event type. More... | |
class | IndexBuffer |
IndexBuffer is an abstraction of low level openGL Buffer Object. More... | |
class | JumpBy |
Moves a Node object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More... | |
class | JumpTiles3D |
JumpTiles3D action. More... | |
class | JumpTo |
Moves a Node object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More... | |
struct | KeypadScriptData |
For Lua, the KeypadScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the nativeObject, then call the Lua function by push the actionType converted to string type into the Lua stack as the parameters when the Keypad event is triggered. More... | |
class | Label |
Label is a subclass of Node that knows how to render text labels. More... | |
class | LabelAtlas |
LabelAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode. More... | |
class | Layer |
Layer is a subclass of Node that implements the TouchEventsDelegate protocol. More... | |
class | LayerColor |
LayerColor is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | LayerGradient |
LayerGradient is a subclass of LayerColor that draws gradients across the background. More... | |
class | LayerMultiplex |
MultipleLayer is a Layer with the ability to multiplex it's children. More... | |
class | Lens3D |
Lens3D action. More... | |
class | Liquid |
Liquid action. More... | |
class | LuaBridge |
Build bridge between ObjC and Lua. More... | |
class | LuaCallFunc |
The LuaCallFunc is wrapped to call the callback function in the Lua conveniently and don't insert useless code to processing the Lua in the CallFuncN. More... | |
class | LuaEngine |
The LuaEngine integrated into the cocos2d-x to process the interactive operation between lua and c++. More... | |
class | LuaObjcBridge |
Build a bridge between ObjectC and Lua script. More... | |
class | LuaStack |
LuaStack is used to manager the operation on the lua_State,eg., push data onto the lua_State, execute the function depended on the lua_State, and so on. More... | |
class | LuaValue |
Wrap different general types of data into a same specific type named LuaValue. More... | |
class | Map |
Similar to std::unordered_map, but it will manage reference count automatically internally. More... | |
class | Mat4 |
Defines a 4 x 4 floating point matrix representing a 3D transformation. More... | |
class | Material |
Material defines the apperance of the objects. More... | |
struct | MaterialData |
material data More... | |
struct | MaterialDatas |
material datas, since 3.3 More... | |
class | MathUtil |
Defines a math utility class. More... | |
class | Menu |
A Menu for touch handling. More... | |
class | MenuItem |
MenuItem base class. More... | |
class | MenuItemAtlasFont |
Helper class that creates a MenuItemLabel class with a LabelAtlas. More... | |
class | MenuItemFont |
A MenuItemFont. More... | |
class | MenuItemImage |
MenuItemImage accepts images as displayed items. More... | |
class | MenuItemLabel |
An base class for "label" MenuItemLabel items. More... | |
class | MenuItemSprite |
MenuItemSprite accepts Node<RGBAProtocol> objects as displayed items. More... | |
class | MenuItemToggle |
A MenuItemToggle. More... | |
class | Mesh |
Mesh: contains ref to index buffer, GLProgramState, texture, skin, blend function, aabb and so on. More... | |
class | MeshCommand |
Command used to draw a mesh. More... | |
struct | MeshData |
Mesh data. More... | |
struct | MeshDatas |
mesh datas More... | |
class | MeshIndexData |
The MeshIndexData class. More... | |
class | MeshInfo |
Definition of a Mesh. More... | |
class | MeshSkin |
MeshSkin, A class maintain a collection of bones that affect Mesh vertex. More... | |
struct | MeshVertexAttrib |
mesh vertex attribute More... | |
class | MeshVertexData |
The MeshVertexData class. More... | |
struct | ModelData |
Model node data, since 3.3. More... | |
class | MotionStreak |
Creates a trailing path. More... | |
class | MotionStreak3D |
Creates a trailing path. More... | |
class | MoveBy |
Moves a Node object by x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. More... | |
class | MoveTo |
Moves a Node object to the position x,y. More... | |
class | NinePatchImageParser |
A class for paring Android .9 patch image. More... | |
struct | NMaterialData |
new material data More... | |
class | Node |
Node is the base element of the Scene Graph. More... | |
struct | NodeData |
Node data, since 3.3. More... | |
struct | NodeDatas |
node datas, since 3.3 More... | |
class | NodeGrid |
Base class for Grid Node,the grid action's management class. More... | |
struct | NTextureData |
new Texture data, since 3.3 More... | |
class | OBB |
Oritened Bounding Box(OBB) More... | |
class | OrbitCamera |
OrbitCamera action. More... | |
class | PageTurn3D |
This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More... | |
class | ParallaxNode |
ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller. More... | |
struct | Particle3D |
Particle3D is a container of particle Properties. More... | |
class | Particle3DAffector |
Particle3DAffector is a base class, define interfaces. More... | |
class | Particle3DEmitter |
Particle3DEmitter is a base class, define interfaces. More... | |
class | Particle3DModelRender |
Particle3DModelRender inherit from Particle3DRender, implement model rendering. More... | |
class | Particle3DQuadRender |
Particle3DQuadRender inherit from Particle3DRender, implement billboard rendering. More... | |
class | Particle3DRender |
Particle3DRender is a base class, define interfaces. More... | |
class | ParticleBatchNode |
ParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More... | |
class | ParticleExplosion |
An explosion particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleFire |
A fire particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleFireworks |
A fireworks particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleFlower |
A flower particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleGalaxy |
A galaxy particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleMeteor |
A meteor particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleRain |
A rain particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSmoke |
An smoke particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSnow |
An snow particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSpiral |
An spiral particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSun |
A sun particle system. More... | |
class | ParticleSystem3D |
ParticleSystem3D is a base class, define interfaces. More... | |
class | ParticleSystemQuad |
ParticleSystemQuad is a subclass of ParticleSystem. More... | |
class | Pass |
Material contains one or more techniques. More... | |
class | Physics3D6DofConstraint |
This generic constraint can emulate a variety of standard constraints, by configuring each of the 6 degrees of freedom (dof). More... | |
class | Physics3DCollider |
Inherit from Physics3DObject, the main class for Colliders. More... | |
struct | Physics3DColliderDes |
The description of Physics3DCollider. More... | |
struct | Physics3DCollisionInfo |
The collision information of Physics3DObject. More... | |
class | Physics3DComponent |
A component with 3D physics, you can add a rigid body to it, and then add this component to a node, the node will move and rotate with this rigid body. More... | |
class | Physics3DConeTwistConstraint |
It is a special point to point constraint that adds cone and twist axis limits. More... | |
class | Physics3DConstraint |
Constraint affects the movement of physics object, it usually connet one or two physics object. More... | |
class | Physics3DDebugDrawer |
Physics3DDebugDrawer: debug draw the physics object, used by Physics3DWorld. More... | |
class | Physics3DHingeConstraint |
Hinge constraint restricts two additional angular degrees of freedom, so the body can only rotate around one axis, the hinge axis. More... | |
class | Physics3DObject |
Inherit from Ref, base class. More... | |
class | Physics3DPointToPointConstraint |
Point to point constraint limits the translation so that the local pivot points of 2 rigidbodies match in worldspace. More... | |
class | Physics3DRigidBody |
Inherit from Physics3DObject, the main class for rigid body objects. More... | |
struct | Physics3DRigidBodyDes |
The description of Physics3DRigidBody. More... | |
class | Physics3DShape |
Create a physical shape(box, sphere, cylinder, capsule, convexhull, mesh and heightfield) More... | |
class | Physics3DSliderConstraint |
It allows the body to rotate around x axis and translate along this axis. More... | |
class | Physics3DWorld |
The physics information container, include Physics3DObjects, Physics3DConstraints, collision information and so on. More... | |
struct | Physics3DWorldDes |
The description of Physics3DWorld. More... | |
class | PhysicsBody |
A body affect by physics. More... | |
class | PhysicsContact |
Contact infomation. More... | |
class | PhysicsContactPostSolve |
Postsolve value generated when onContactPostSolve called. More... | |
class | PhysicsContactPreSolve |
Presolve value generated when onContactPreSolve called. More... | |
class | PhysicsDebugDraw |
A physics helper class. More... | |
class | PhysicsHelper |
A physics helper class. More... | |
class | PhysicsJoint |
An PhysicsJoint object connects two physics bodies together. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointDistance |
Set the fixed distance with two bodies. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointFixed |
A fixed joint fuses the two bodies together at a reference point. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointGear |
Keeps the angular velocity ratio of a pair of bodies constant. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointGroove |
Attach body a to a line, and attach body b to a dot. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointLimit |
A limit joint imposes a maximum distance between the two bodies, as if they were connected by a rope. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointMotor |
Keeps the relative angular velocity of a pair of bodies constant. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointPin |
A pin joint allows the two bodies to independently rotate around the anchor point as if pinned together. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointRatchet |
Works like a socket wrench. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointRotaryLimit |
Likes a limit joint, but works with rotary. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointRotarySpring |
Likes a spring joint, but works with rotary. More... | |
class | PhysicsJointSpring |
Connecting two physics bodies together with a spring. More... | |
class | PhysicsShape |
A shape for body, you can view PhysicsBody to see how to create it. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapeBox |
A box shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapeCircle |
A circle shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapeEdgeBox |
An edge box shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapeEdgeChain |
A chain shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon |
An edge polygon shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment |
A segment shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsShapePolygon |
A polygon shape. More... | |
class | PhysicsSprite3D |
Convenient class to create a rigid body with Sprite3D. More... | |
class | PhysicsWorld |
An PhysicsWorld object simulates collisions and other physical properties. More... | |
class | Place |
Places the node in a certain position. More... | |
class | Plane |
Defines plane. More... | |
class | PointArray |
An Array that contain control points. More... | |
class | PointLight |
Point light has a position, and sends rays in all directions. More... | |
struct | PointSprite |
The point data of Sprite which contains position, color & szie. More... | |
class | PolygonInfo |
PolygonInfo is an object holding the required data to display Sprites。 It can be a simple as a triangle, or as complex as a whole 3D mesh. More... | |
class | Primitive |
Primitive can support sending points, lines and triangles to glpipeline, which is an abstraction of primitive data. More... | |
class | PrimitiveCommand |
Command used to render primitive, similar to QuadCommand. More... | |
class | ProgressFromTo |
Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More... | |
class | ProgressTimer |
ProgressTimer is a subclass of Node. More... | |
class | ProgressTo |
Progress to percentage. More... | |
class | Properties |
Defines a properties file for loading text files. More... | |
class | ProtectedNode |
A inner node type mainly used for UI module. More... | |
class | PUAbstractNode |
Internal class, The Abstract class of script element. More... | |
class | PUAffector |
PUAffector, the base class of pu affector, inherit from Particle3DAffector. More... | |
class | PUBillboardChain |
internal class, the tool class of PUBeamRender. More... | |
struct | PUControlPointSorter |
Comparer used for sorting vector in ascending order. More... | |
class | PUDynamicAttribute |
This class provides a uniform interface for retrieving the value of an attribute, while the calculation of this value may vary. More... | |
class | PUDynamicAttributeCurved |
This is a more complex usage of the DynamicAttribute principle. More... | |
class | PUDynamicAttributeFixed |
This class is an implementation of the DynamicAttribute class in its most simple form. More... | |
class | PUDynamicAttributeHelper |
Helper class to do some generic calculation. More... | |
class | PUDynamicAttributeOscillate |
This class generates values based on an oscillating function (i.e. More... | |
class | PUDynamicAttributeRandom |
This class generates random values within a given minimum and maximum interval. More... | |
class | PUEmitter |
PUEmitter,the base class of pu emitter,inherit from Particle3DEmitter. More... | |
class | PUForceField |
Internal class, This class defines a force field to affect the particle direction. More... | |
class | PUMeshSurfaceEmitter |
The MeshSurfaceEmitter is a ParticleEmitter that emits particles on the surface of a mesh. More... | |
class | PUObjectAbstractNode |
Internal class, This specific abstract node represents a script object. More... | |
struct | PUParticle3D |
PUParticle3D inherit from Particle3D, includes all properties of PU particles. More... | |
class | PUParticle3DBoxRender |
PUParticle3DBoxRender inherit from PUParticle3DEntityRender,implement pu box rendering. More... | |
class | PUParticle3DEntityRender |
PUParticle3DEntityRender, the base class of entity renderer, inherit from PURender. More... | |
class | PUParticle3DModelRender |
PUParticle3DModelRender inherit from PURender,implement pu model rendering. More... | |
class | PUParticle3DQuadRender |
PUParticle3DQuadRender inherit from PUParticle3DEntityRender,implement pu quad rendering. More... | |
class | PUParticleSystem3D |
PUParticleSystem3D, the class of pu particle system, inherit from ParticleSystem3D. More... | |
class | PUPlane |
Internal class£¬defines a plane in 3D space. More... | |
class | PUPropertyAbstractNode |
Internal class, This abstract node represents a script property. More... | |
class | PURealTimeForceFieldCalculationFactory |
Internal class, Factory class to calculate forces in realtime. More... | |
class | PURender |
PURender, the base class of pu renderer, inherit from Particle3DRender. More... | |
class | PUScriptCompiler |
Internal class, The compiler of scrip. More... | |
struct | PUScriptLexer |
Internal class, this struct represents a lexer of Script. More... | |
struct | PUScriptToken |
Internal class, this struct represents a token, which is an ID'd lexeme from the parsing input stream. More... | |
struct | PUScriptTranslator |
script translator More... | |
class | PUSortAscending |
Comparer used for sorting vector in ascending order. More... | |
class | PUSortDescending |
Comparer used for sorting vector in descending order. More... | |
class | PUSphere |
Internal class£¬A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking¡£ A sphere in math texts is normally represented by the function x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = r^2 (for sphere's centered on the origin). More... | |
class | PUSphereRender |
PUSphereRender inherit from PUParticle3DEntityRender,implement pu sphere rendering. More... | |
class | PUTriangle |
Definition of a Triangle. More... | |
struct | Quad2 |
A 2D Quad. More... | |
struct | Quad3 |
A 3D Quad. More... | |
class | QuadCommand |
Command used to render one or more Quads, similar to TrianglesCommand. More... | |
class | Quaternion |
Defines a 4-element quaternion that represents the orientation of an object in space. More... | |
class | RandomHelper |
A helper class for creating random number. More... | |
class | Ray |
Ray is a line with a start point. More... | |
class | Rect |
Rectangle area. More... | |
class | Ref |
Ref is used for reference count management. More... | |
struct | Reference |
reference data used for bundle header. More... | |
class | RemoveSelf |
Remove the node. More... | |
class | RenderCommand |
Base class of the RenderCommand hierarchy. More... | |
class | RenderQueue |
Class that knows how to sort RenderCommand objects. More... | |
class | RenderState |
Defines the rendering state of the graphics device. More... | |
class | RenderTexture |
RenderTexture is a generic rendering target. More... | |
class | Repeat |
Repeats an action a number of times. More... | |
class | RepeatForever |
Repeats an action forever. More... | |
class | ReuseGrid |
ReuseGrid action. More... | |
class | ReverseTime |
Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More... | |
class | Ripple3D |
Ripple3D action. More... | |
class | RotateBy |
Rotates a Node object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More... | |
class | RotateTo |
Rotates a Node object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. More... | |
class | ScaleBy |
Scales a Node object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More... | |
class | ScaleTo |
Scales a Node object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More... | |
class | Scene |
Scene is a subclass of Node that is used only as an abstract concept. More... | |
class | Scheduler |
Scheduler is responsible for triggering the scheduled callbacks. More... | |
struct | SchedulerScriptData |
For Lua, the SchedulerScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the handler, then call the Lua function by push the elapse into the Lua stack as a parameter when scheduler update event is triggered. More... | |
class | SchedulerScriptHandlerEntry |
The SchedulerScriptHandlerEntry is used to store the handler corresponding to the Lua function pointer and assign the handler a unique id like ScriptHandlerEntry. More... | |
class | ScriptEngineManager |
ScriptEngineManager is a singleton which manager an object instance of ScriptEngineProtocl, such as LuaEngine. More... | |
class | ScriptEngineProtocol |
Don't make ScriptEngineProtocol inherits from Ref since setScriptEngine is invoked only once in AppDelegate.cpp, It will affect the lifecycle of ScriptEngine instance, the autorelease pool will be destroyed before destructing ScriptEngine. More... | |
struct | ScriptEvent |
The ScriptEvent wrapper the different script data corresponding to the ScriptEventType in to the unified struct. More... | |
class | ScriptHandlerEntry |
This classes is wrapped to store the handler corresponding to the Lua function pointer and assign the handler a unique id. More... | |
class | ScriptHandlerMgr |
In order to reduce the coupling of lua script engine and native c++ engine. More... | |
class | Sequence |
Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More... | |
class | Shaky3D |
Shaky3D action. More... | |
class | ShakyTiles3D |
ShakyTiles3D action. More... | |
class | ShatteredTiles3D |
ShatteredTiles3D action. More... | |
class | Show |
Show the node instantly. More... | |
class | ShuffleTiles |
ShuffleTiles action. More... | |
class | Size |
A size, which has width and height, could be used to represent the size in 2D. More... | |
class | Skeleton3D |
Skeleton, a set contain all bones. More... | |
class | SkewBy |
Skews a Node object by skewX and skewY degrees. More... | |
class | SkewTo |
Skews a Node object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More... | |
struct | SkinData |
skin data More... | |
class | Skybox |
Sky box technology usually used to simulate infinity sky, mountains and other phenomena. More... | |
class | Spawn |
Spawn a group of actions. More... | |
class | Speed |
Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time. More... | |
class | SplitCols |
SplitCols action. More... | |
class | SplitRows |
SplitRows action. More... | |
class | SpotLight |
Spot light is a special light that all light rays are restricted to a cone of light. More... | |
class | Sprite |
Sprite is a 2d image ( ). More... | |
class | Sprite3D |
a sprite3D can be loaded from 3D model files, .obj, .c3t, .c3b, then can be drawed as sprite More... | |
class | Sprite3DCache |
the cache data of Sprite3D, use to speed up Sprite3D::create More... | |
class | Sprite3DMaterial |
Sprite3DMaterial: Material for Sprite3D. More... | |
class | Sprite3DMaterialCache |
the sprite3D material is only texture for now More... | |
class | SpriteBatchNode |
SpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More... | |
class | SpriteFrame |
A SpriteFrame has: More... | |
class | SpriteFrameCache |
Singleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames. More... | |
class | StopGrid |
StopGrid action. More... | |
struct | T2F_Quad |
Texture coordinates for a quad. More... | |
class | TargetedAction |
Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More... | |
class | Technique |
Material contains one or more techniques. More... | |
class | Terrain |
Defines a Terrain that is capable of rendering large landscapes from 2D heightmap images. More... | |
struct | Tex2F |
A TEXCOORD composed of 2 floats: u, y. More... | |
class | TextFieldDelegate |
A input protocol for TextField. More... | |
class | TextFieldTTF |
A simple text input field with TTF font. More... | |
class | Texture2D |
Texture2D class. More... | |
class | TextureAtlas |
A class that implements a Texture Atlas. More... | |
class | TextureCache |
Singleton that handles the loading of textures. More... | |
class | TextureCube |
TextureCube is a collection of six separate square textures that are put onto the faces of an imaginary cube. More... | |
class | TiledGrid3D |
TiledGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More... | |
class | TiledGrid3DAction |
Base class for TiledGrid3D actions. More... | |
class | TintBy |
Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More... | |
class | TintTo |
Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More... | |
class | TMXLayer |
TMXLayer represents the TMX layer. More... | |
class | TMXObjectGroup |
TMXObjectGroup represents the TMX object group. More... | |
class | TMXTiledMap |
TMXTiledMap knows how to parse and render a TMX map. More... | |
class | ToggleVisibility |
Toggles the visibility of a node. More... | |
class | Touch |
Encapsulates the Touch information, such as touch point, id and so on, and provides the methods that commonly used. More... | |
struct | TouchesScriptData |
For Lua, the TouchesScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the nativeObject, then call the Lua function by push touches data and actionType into the Lua stack as the parameters when the touches event is triggered. More... | |
struct | TouchScriptData |
For Lua, the TouchScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the nativeObject, then call the Lua function by push touch data and actionType converted to string type into the Lua stack as the parameters when the touch event is triggered. More... | |
class | TransitionCrossFade |
TransitionCrossFade: Cross fades two scenes using the RenderTexture object. More... | |
class | TransitionEaseScene |
TransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol. More... | |
class | TransitionFade |
TransitionFade: Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeBL |
TransitionFadeBL: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeDown |
TransitionFadeDown: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeTR |
TransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner. More... | |
class | TransitionFadeUp |
TransitionFadeUp: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the bottom to the top. More... | |
class | TransitionFlipAngular |
TransitionFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically. More... | |
class | TransitionFlipX |
TransitionFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally. More... | |
class | TransitionFlipY |
TransitionFlipY: Flips the screen vertically. More... | |
class | TransitionJumpZoom |
TransitionJumpZoom: Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInB |
TransitionMoveInB: Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInL |
TransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInR |
TransitionMoveInR: Move in from to the right the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionMoveInT |
TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionPageTurn |
A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn. More... | |
class | TransitionProgress |
A base class of progress transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressHorizontal |
TransitionProgressHorizontal transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressInOut |
TransitionProgressInOut transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressOutIn |
TransitionProgressOutIn transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressRadialCCW |
TransitionRadialCCW transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressRadialCW |
TransitionRadialCW transition. More... | |
class | TransitionProgressVertical |
TransitionProgressVertical transition. More... | |
class | TransitionRotoZoom |
TransitionRotoZoom: Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming. More... | |
class | TransitionScene |
Base class for Transition scenes. More... | |
class | TransitionSceneOriented |
A Transition that supports orientation like. More... | |
class | TransitionShrinkGrow |
Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInB |
TransitionSlideInB: Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInL |
TransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInR |
TransitionSlideInR: Slide in the incoming scene from the right border. More... | |
class | TransitionSlideInT |
TransitionSlideInT: Slide in the incoming scene from the top border. More... | |
class | TransitionSplitCols |
TransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards. More... | |
class | TransitionSplitRows |
TransitionSplitRows: The odd rows goes to the left while the even rows goes to the right. More... | |
class | TransitionTurnOffTiles |
TransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order. More... | |
class | TransitionZoomFlipAngular |
TransitionZoomFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in. More... | |
class | TransitionZoomFlipX |
TransitionZoomFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TransitionZoomFlipY |
TransitionZoomFlipY: Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More... | |
class | TrianglesCommand |
Command used to render one or more Triangles, which is similar to QuadCommand. More... | |
class | TurnOffTiles |
TurnOffTiles action. More... | |
class | Twirl |
Twirl action. More... | |
struct | Uniform |
Uniform is a structure to encapsulate data got from glGetActiveUniform and glGetUniformLocation. More... | |
class | UniformValue |
Uniform Value, which is used to store to value send to openGL pipe line by glUniformXXX. More... | |
class | UserDefault |
UserDefault acts as a tiny database. More... | |
struct | V2F_C4B_PF |
A Vec2 with a vertex point, a color 4B and point size. More... | |
struct | V2F_C4B_T2F |
A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B. More... | |
struct | V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
A Quad of V2F_C4B_T2F . More... | |
struct | V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle |
A Triangle of V2F_C4B_T2F . More... | |
struct | V2F_C4F_T2F |
A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F. More... | |
struct | V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad |
A Quad of Vertex2FTex2FColor4F . More... | |
struct | V3F_C4B_T2F |
A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B. More... | |
struct | V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
A Quad of Vertex3FTex2FColor4B . More... | |
struct | V3F_T2F |
A Vec3 with a vertex point, a tex coord point. More... | |
struct | V3F_T2F_Quad |
A Quad with V3F_T2F More... | |
class | Vec2 |
Defines a 2-element floating point vector. More... | |
class | Vec3 |
Defines a 3-element floating point vector. More... | |
class | Vec4 |
Defines 4-element floating point vector. More... | |
struct | VertexAttrib |
VertexAttrib is a structure to encapsulate data got from glGetActiveAttrib. More... | |
class | VertexAttribBinding |
Defines a binding between the vertex layout of a Mesh and the vertex input attributes of a vertex shader (Effect). More... | |
class | VertexAttribValue |
Vertex Attribute Value, which is an abstraction of VertexAttribute and data pointer. More... | |
class | VertexBuffer |
VertexBuffer is an abstraction of low level openGL Vertex Buffer Object. More... | |
class | VertexData |
VertexData is a class used for specify input streams for GPU rendering pipeline, a VertexData will be composed by several streams, every stream will contain a VertexStreamAttribute and the binding VertexBuffer. More... | |
class | VertexStreamAttribute |
VertexStreamAttribute is used to specify the vertex attribute for drawing, which is correspondent to glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid* ptr). More... | |
class | Waves |
Waves action. More... | |
class | Waves3D |
Waves3D action. More... | |
class | WavesTiles3D |
WavesTiles3D action. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | CameraFlag |
Note: Scene creates a default camera. More... | |
enum | { TMXOrientationOrtho, TMXOrientationHex, TMXOrientationIso, TMXOrientationStaggered } |
Possible orientations of the TMX map. More... | |
enum | Animate3DQuality { QUALITY_NONE = 0, QUALITY_LOW, QUALITY_HIGH } |
This enum control the animation's quality. More... | |
The evalute type for the curve evaluation(interpolation). More... | |
This enum define the location relationship between the specified point an specified plane. More... | |
Matrix stack type. More... | |
enum | GlyphCollection |
Possible GlyphCollection used by Label. More... | |
enum | LabelEffect |
Possible LabelEffect used by Label. | |
enum | LuaBridgeError { , kLuaBridgeErrorInvalidParameters = -1, kLuaBridgeErrorClassNotFound = -2, kLuaBridgeErrorMethodNotFound = -3, kLuaBridgeErrorExceptionOccurred = -4, kLuaBridgeErrorMethodSignature = -5, kLuaBridgeErrorJavaVMError = -6 } |
LuaBridge Error enum, with inline docs. More... | |
enum | PUComponentType |
The type of PUComponent. | |
enum | PUAbstractNodeType |
This enum holds the types of the possible abstract nodes. | |
Functions | |
Vec2 | ccCardinalSplineAt (Vec2 &p0, Vec2 &p1, Vec2 &p2, Vec2 &p3, float tension, float t) |
Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. | |
var | ccCardinalSplineAt ( var p0, var p1, var p2, var p3, var tension, var t) |
Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. | |
local | ccCardinalSplineAt ( local p0, local p1, local p2, local p3, local tension, local t) |
Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. | |
bool | isScreenPointInRect (const Vec2 &pt, const Camera *camera, const Mat4 &w2l, const Rect &rect, Vec3 *p) |
This is a helper function, checks a GL screen point is in content rectangle space. More... | |
Rect | RectFromString (const std::string &str) |
Returns a Core Graphics rectangle structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More... | |
Vec2 | PointFromString (const std::string &str) |
Returns a Core Graphics point structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More... | |
Size | SizeFromString (const std::string &str) |
Returns a Core Graphics size structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | random (T min, T max) |
Returns a random value between min and max . | |
template<typename T > | |
var | random ( var min, var max) |
Returns a random value between min and max . | |
template<typename T > | |
local | random ( local min, local max) |
Returns a random value between min and max . | |
template<> | |
float | random (float min, float max) |
Returns a random float value between min and max . | |
template<> | |
local | random ( local min, local max) |
Returns a random float value between min and max . | |
template<> | |
long double | random (long double min, long double max) |
Returns a random long double value between min and max . | |
template<> | |
local | random ( local min, local max) |
Returns a random long double value between min and max . | |
template<> | |
double | random (double min, double max) |
Returns a random double value between min and max . | |
template<> | |
local | random ( local min, local max) |
Returns a random double value between min and max . | |
int | random () |
Returns a random int between 0 and RAND_MAX. | |
float | rand_minus1_1 () |
Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More... | |
var | rand_minus1_1 () |
Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More... | |
local | rand_minus1_1 () |
Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More... | |
float | rand_0_1 () |
Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More... | |
var | rand_0_1 () |
Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More... | |
local | rand_0_1 () |
Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More... | |
int | cc_wcslen (const unsigned short *str) |
Returns the character count in UTF16 string. More... | |
void | cc_utf8_trim_ws (std::vector< unsigned short > *str) |
Trims the space characters at the end of UTF8 string. More... | |
bool | isspace_unicode (unsigned short ch) |
Whether the character is a whitespace character. More... | |
bool | iscjk_unicode (unsigned short ch) |
Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character. More... | |
var | iscjk_unicode ( var ch) |
Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character. More... | |
local | iscjk_unicode ( local ch) |
Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character. More... | |
long | cc_utf8_strlen (const char *p, int max=-1) |
Returns the length of the string in characters. More... | |
var | cc_utf8_strlen ( var p, var 1) |
Returns the length of the string in characters. More... | |
local | cc_utf8_strlen ( local p, local 1) |
Returns the length of the string in characters. More... | |
unsigned int | cc_utf8_find_last_not_char (const std::vector< unsigned short > &str, unsigned short c) |
Find the last character that is not equal to the character given. More... | |
std::vector< unsigned short > | cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str (const unsigned short *str) |
Gets unsigned short vector from a given utf16 string. More... | |
unsigned short * | cc_utf8_to_utf16 (const char *str_old, int length=-1, int *rUtf16Size=nullptr) |
Creates an utf8 string from a c string. More... | |
var | cc_utf8_to_utf16 ( var str_old, var 1, var nullptr) |
Creates an utf8 string from a c string. More... | |
local | cc_utf8_to_utf16 ( local str_old, local 1, local nullptr) |
Creates an utf8 string from a c string. More... | |
char * | cc_utf16_to_utf8 (const unsigned short *str, int len=-1, long *items_read=nullptr, long *items_written=nullptr) |
Converts a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8. More... | |
int | ccNextPOT (int value) |
Returns the Next Power of Two value. More... | |
AffineTransform | __CCAffineTransformMake (float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty) |
Make affine transform from a, b, c, d, tx, ty. More... | |
var | __CCAffineTransformMake ( var a, var b, var c, var d, var tx, var ty) |
Make affine transform from a, b, c, d, tx, ty. More... | |
local | __CCAffineTransformMake ( local a, local b, local c, local d, local tx, local ty) |
Make affine transform from a, b, c, d, tx, ty. More... | |
Vec2 | __CCPointApplyAffineTransform (const Vec2 &point, const AffineTransform &t) |
Multiply point (x,y,1) by a affine tranform. | |
Size | __CCSizeApplyAffineTransform (const Size &size, const AffineTransform &t) |
Multiply size (width,height,0) by a affine tranform. | |
AffineTransform | AffineTransformMakeIdentity () |
Make identity affine transform. | |
Rect | RectApplyAffineTransform (const Rect &rect, const AffineTransform &anAffineTransform) |
Transform Rect, which will transform the four vertice of the point. | |
Rect | RectApplyTransform (const Rect &rect, const Mat4 &transform) |
Transform Rect by Mat4. | |
Vec2 | PointApplyTransform (const Vec2 &point, const Mat4 &transform) |
Transform Rect by Mat4. | |
AffineTransform | AffineTransformTranslate (const AffineTransform &t, float tx, float ty) |
Translation, equals 1 0 1 0 1 0 * affine transform tx ty 1. | |
AffineTransform | AffineTransformRotate (const AffineTransform &aTransform, float anAngle) |
Rotation, equals cos(angle) sin(angle) 0 -sin(angle) cos(angle) 0 * AffineTransform 0 0 1. | |
AffineTransform | AffineTransformScale (const AffineTransform &t, float sx, float sy) |
Scale, equals sx 0 0 0 sy 0 * affineTransform 0 0 1. | |
AffineTransform | AffineTransformConcat (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2) |
Concat two affine transform, t1*t2. | |
bool | AffineTransformEqualToTransform (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2) |
Compare affine transform. | |
AffineTransform | AffineTransformInvert (const AffineTransform &t) |
Get the inverse of affine transform. | |
Mat4 | TransformConcat (const Mat4 &t1, const Mat4 &t2) |
Concat Mat4, return t1*t2. | |
void | ccVertexLineToPolygon (Vec2 *points, float stroke, Vec2 *vertices, unsigned int offset, unsigned int nuPoints) |
converts a line to a polygon, incremental update is supported, which means that we want to create a series of points to polygons, we can convert the first part of them to polygons, and then add the left points to incremental update the polygons. More... | |
bool | ccVertexLineIntersect (float Ax, float Ay, float Bx, float By, float Cx, float Cy, float Dx, float Dy, float *T) |
returns whether or not the line intersects,the two line are AB and CD x coordinate of A. More... | |
Vec3 & | operator*= (Vec3 &v, const Mat4 &m) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
const Vec3 | operator* (const Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &v) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
var | operator* ( var m, var v) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
local | operator* ( local m, local v) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
Vec4 & | operator*= (Vec4 &v, const Mat4 &m) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
local | operator*= ( local v, local m) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
const Vec4 | operator* (const Mat4 &m, const Vec4 &v) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
var | operator* ( var m, var v) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
local | operator* ( local m, local v) |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. More... | |
void | CGAffineToGL (const AffineTransform &t, GLfloat *m) |
Conversion from AffineTransform to mat4*4. More... | |
var | CGAffineToGL ( var t, var m) |
Conversion from AffineTransform to mat4*4. More... | |
local | CGAffineToGL ( local t, local m) |
Conversion from AffineTransform to mat4*4. More... | |
void | GLToCGAffine (const GLfloat *m, AffineTransform *t) |
Conversion from mat4*4 to AffineTransform. More... | |
var | GLToCGAffine ( var m, var t) |
Conversion from mat4*4 to AffineTransform. More... | |
local | GLToCGAffine ( local m, local t) |
Conversion from mat4*4 to AffineTransform. More... | |
float | clampf (float value, float min_inclusive, float max_inclusive) |
Clamp a value between from and to. More... | |
var | clampf ( var value, var min_inclusive, var max_inclusive) |
Clamp a value between from and to. More... | |
local | clampf ( local value, local min_inclusive, local max_inclusive) |
Clamp a value between from and to. More... | |
const Vec2 | operator* (float x, const Vec2 &v) |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value. More... | |
var | operator* ( var x, var v) |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value. More... | |
local | operator* ( local x, local v) |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value. More... | |
const Vec3 | operator* (float x, const Vec3 &v) |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value. More... | |
local | operator* ( local x, local v) |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value. More... | |
const Vec4 | operator* (float x, const Vec4 &v) |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value. More... | |
Variables | |
const std::string | STD_STRING_EMPTY |
A static global empty std::string install. | |
A static global empty std::string install. | |
A static global empty std::string install. | |
const AffineTransform | AffineTransformIdentity |
identity affineTransform. | |
Copyright 2013 BlackBerry Inc.
Copyright (c) 2015 Chukong Technologies
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Original file from GamePlay3D:
This file was modified to fit the cocos2d-x project
strong |
Note: Scene creates a default camera.
And the default camera mask of Node is 1, therefore it can be seen by the default camera. During rendering the scene, it draws the objects seen by each camera in the added order except default camera. The default camera is the last one being drawn with. It's usually a good idea to render 3D objects in a separate camera. And set the 3d camera flag to CameraFlag::USER1 or anything else except DEFAULT. Dedicate The DEFAULT camera for UI, because it is rendered at last. You can change the camera order to get different result when depth test is not enabled. For each camera, transparent 3d sprite is rendered after opaque 3d sprite and other 2d objects.
inline |
Returns a random float between -1 and 1.
It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);
inline |
Returns a random float between -1 and 1.
It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);
inline |
Returns a random float between -1 and 1.
It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);
inline |
Returns a random float between 0 and 1.
It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);
inline |
Returns a random float between 0 and 1.
It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);
inline |
Returns a random float between 0 and 1.
It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);
int cocos2d::cc_wcslen | ( | const unsigned short * | str | ) |
Returns the character count in UTF16 string.
Pointer to the start of a UTF-16 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Please use c++11 std::u16string::length
instead, don't use unsigned short*
var cc_wcslen | ( | var | str | ) |
Returns the character count in UTF16 string.
Pointer to the start of a UTF-16 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Please use c++11 std::u16string::length
instead, don't use unsigned short*
local cc_wcslen | ( | local | str | ) |
Returns the character count in UTF16 string.
Pointer to the start of a UTF-16 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Please use c++11 std::u16string::length
instead, don't use unsigned short*
void cocos2d::cc_utf8_trim_ws | ( | std::vector< unsigned short > * | str | ) |
Trims the space characters at the end of UTF8 string.
Please use StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector
var cc_utf8_trim_ws | ( | var | str | ) |
Trims the space characters at the end of UTF8 string.
Please use StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector
local cc_utf8_trim_ws | ( | local | str | ) |
Trims the space characters at the end of UTF8 string.
Please use StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector
bool cocos2d::isspace_unicode | ( | unsigned short | ch | ) |
Whether the character is a whitespace character.
The unicode character. Whether the character is a white space character. Please use StringUtils::isUnicodeSpace
var isspace_unicode | ( | var | ch | ) |
Whether the character is a whitespace character.
The unicode character. Whether the character is a white space character. Please use StringUtils::isUnicodeSpace
local isspace_unicode | ( | local | ch | ) |
Whether the character is a whitespace character.
The unicode character. Whether the character is a white space character. Please use StringUtils::isUnicodeSpace
bool cocos2d::iscjk_unicode | ( | unsigned short | ch | ) |
Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character.
The unicode character Whether the character is a Chinese character. Please use StringUtils::isCJKUnicode
var iscjk_unicode | ( | var | ch | ) |
Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character.
The unicode character Whether the character is a Chinese character. Please use StringUtils::isCJKUnicode
local iscjk_unicode | ( | local | ch | ) |
Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character.
The unicode character Whether the character is a Chinese character. Please use StringUtils::isCJKUnicode
long cocos2d::cc_utf8_strlen | ( | const char * | p, |
int | max = -1 |
) |
Returns the length of the string in characters.
Pointer to the start of a UTF-8 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Not used from 3.1, just keep it for backward compatibility. Please use StringUtils::getCharacterCountInUTF8String
instead. The length of the string in characters.
var cc_utf8_strlen | ( | var | p, |
var | max = -1 |
) |
Returns the length of the string in characters.
Pointer to the start of a UTF-8 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Not used from 3.1, just keep it for backward compatibility. Please use StringUtils::getCharacterCountInUTF8String
instead. The length of the string in characters.
local cc_utf8_strlen | ( | local | p, |
local | max = -1 |
) |
Returns the length of the string in characters.
Pointer to the start of a UTF-8 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Not used from 3.1, just keep it for backward compatibility. Please use StringUtils::getCharacterCountInUTF8String
instead. The length of the string in characters.
unsigned int cocos2d::cc_utf8_find_last_not_char |
( | const std::vector< unsigned short > & | str, |
unsigned short | c | ||
) |
Find the last character that is not equal to the character given.
The string to be searched. The character to be searched for. Please use StringUtils::getIndexOfLastNotChar16
instead. The index of the last character that is not c
var cc_utf8_find_last_not_char | ( | var | str, |
var | c | ||
) |
Find the last character that is not equal to the character given.
The string to be searched. The character to be searched for. Please use StringUtils::getIndexOfLastNotChar16
instead. The index of the last character that is not c
local cc_utf8_find_last_not_char | ( | local | str, |
local | c | ||
) |
Find the last character that is not equal to the character given.
The string to be searched. The character to be searched for. Please use StringUtils::getIndexOfLastNotChar16
instead. The index of the last character that is not c
std::vector<unsigned short> cocos2d::cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str |
( | const unsigned short * | str | ) |
Gets unsigned short
vector from a given utf16 string.
A given utf16 string. Please use StringUtils::getChar16VectorFromUTF16String
var cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str | ( | var | str | ) |
Gets unsigned short
vector from a given utf16 string.
A given utf16 string. Please use StringUtils::getChar16VectorFromUTF16String
local cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str | ( | local | str | ) |
Gets unsigned short
vector from a given utf16 string.
A given utf16 string. Please use StringUtils::getChar16VectorFromUTF16String
unsigned short* cocos2d::cc_utf8_to_utf16 |
( | const char * | str_old, |
int | length = -1 , |
int * | rUtf16Size = nullptr |
) |
Creates an utf8 string from a c string.
The result will be null terminated. Pointer to the start of a C string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. The character count in the return UTF16 string. Please use StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16
instead. The newly created utf16 string, it must be released with delete[]
, If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
var cc_utf8_to_utf16 | ( | var | str_old, |
var | length = -1 , |
var | rUtf16Size = nullptr |
) |
Creates an utf8 string from a c string.
The result will be null terminated. Pointer to the start of a C string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. The character count in the return UTF16 string. Please use StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16
instead. The newly created utf16 string, it must be released with delete[]
, If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
local cc_utf8_to_utf16 | ( | local | str_old, |
local | length = -1 , |
local | rUtf16Size = nullptr |
) |
Creates an utf8 string from a c string.
The result will be null terminated. Pointer to the start of a C string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. The character count in the return UTF16 string. Please use StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16
instead. The newly created utf16 string, it must be released with delete[]
, If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
char* cocos2d::cc_utf16_to_utf8 | ( | const unsigned short * | str, |
int | len = -1 , |
long * | items_read = nullptr , |
long * | items_written = nullptr |
) |
Converts a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
The result will be null terminated. An UTF-16 encoded string, It must be an NULL terminal UTF16 string. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Please use StringUtils::UTF16ToUTF8
instead. A pointer to a newly allocated UTF-8 string. This value must be released with delete[]
. If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
var cc_utf16_to_utf8 | ( | var | str, |
var | len = -1 , |
var | items_read = nullptr , |
var | items_written = nullptr |
) |
Converts a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
The result will be null terminated. An UTF-16 encoded string, It must be an NULL terminal UTF16 string. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Please use StringUtils::UTF16ToUTF8
instead. A pointer to a newly allocated UTF-8 string. This value must be released with delete[]
. If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
local cc_utf16_to_utf8 | ( | local | str, |
local | len = -1 , |
local | items_read = nullptr , |
local | items_written = nullptr |
) |
Converts a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
The result will be null terminated. An UTF-16 encoded string, It must be an NULL terminal UTF16 string. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Not used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility. Please use StringUtils::UTF16ToUTF8
instead. A pointer to a newly allocated UTF-8 string. This value must be released with delete[]
. If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
int cocos2d::ccNextPOT | ( | int | value | ) |
Returns the Next Power of Two value.
If "value" is 17, it will return 32.
The value to get next power of two. Returns the next power of two value.
var ccNextPOT | ( | var | value | ) |
Returns the Next Power of Two value.
If "value" is 17, it will return 32.
The value to get next power of two. Returns the next power of two value.
local ccNextPOT | ( | local | value | ) |
Returns the Next Power of Two value.
If "value" is 17, it will return 32.
The value to get next power of two. Returns the next power of two value.
AffineTransform cocos2d::__CCAffineTransformMake |
( | float | a, |
float | b, | ||
float | c, | ||
float | d, | ||
float | tx, | ||
float | ty | ||
) |
Make affine transform from a, b, c, d, tx, ty.
var __CCAffineTransformMake | ( | var | a, |
var | b, | ||
var | c, | ||
var | d, | ||
var | tx, | ||
var | ty | ||
) |
Make affine transform from a, b, c, d, tx, ty.
local __CCAffineTransformMake | ( | local | a, |
local | b, | ||
local | c, | ||
local | d, | ||
local | tx, | ||
local | ty | ||
) |
Make affine transform from a, b, c, d, tx, ty.
void cocos2d::ccVertexLineToPolygon | ( | Vec2 * | points, |
float | stroke, | ||
Vec2 * | vertices, | ||
unsigned int | offset, | ||
unsigned int | nuPoints | ||
) |
converts a line to a polygon, incremental update is supported, which means that we want to create a series of points to polygons, we can convert the first part of them to polygons, and then add the left points to incremental update the polygons.
The input vertices. The width of the polygon spine. Result vertices for the polygon. offset for added points. The number of newly added points.
var ccVertexLineToPolygon | ( | var | points, |
var | stroke, | ||
var | vertices, | ||
var | offset, | ||
var | nuPoints | ||
) |
converts a line to a polygon, incremental update is supported, which means that we want to create a series of points to polygons, we can convert the first part of them to polygons, and then add the left points to incremental update the polygons.
The input vertices. The width of the polygon spine. Result vertices for the polygon. offset for added points. The number of newly added points.
local ccVertexLineToPolygon | ( | local | points, |
local | stroke, | ||
local | vertices, | ||
local | offset, | ||
local | nuPoints | ||
) |
converts a line to a polygon, incremental update is supported, which means that we want to create a series of points to polygons, we can convert the first part of them to polygons, and then add the left points to incremental update the polygons.
The input vertices. The width of the polygon spine. Result vertices for the polygon. offset for added points. The number of newly added points.
bool cocos2d::ccVertexLineIntersect | ( | float | Ax, |
float | Ay, | ||
float | Bx, | ||
float | By, | ||
float | Cx, | ||
float | Cy, | ||
float | Dx, | ||
float | Dy, | ||
float * | T | ||
) |
returns whether or not the line intersects,the two line are AB and CD x coordinate of A.
y coordinate of A. x coordinate of B. y coordinate of B. x coordinate of C. y coordinate of C. x coordinate of D. y coordinate of D. the relative positon of the intersection point on line AB True if successfully calculated
var ccVertexLineIntersect | ( | var | Ax, |
var | Ay, | ||
var | Bx, | ||
var | By, | ||
var | Cx, | ||
var | Cy, | ||
var | Dx, | ||
var | Dy, | ||
var | T | ||
) |
returns whether or not the line intersects,the two line are AB and CD x coordinate of A.
y coordinate of A. x coordinate of B. y coordinate of B. x coordinate of C. y coordinate of C. x coordinate of D. y coordinate of D. the relative positon of the intersection point on line AB True if successfully calculated
local ccVertexLineIntersect | ( | local | Ax, |
local | Ay, | ||
local | Bx, | ||
local | By, | ||
local | Cx, | ||
local | Cy, | ||
local | Dx, | ||
local | Dy, | ||
local | T | ||
) |
returns whether or not the line intersects,the two line are AB and CD x coordinate of A.
y coordinate of A. x coordinate of B. y coordinate of B. x coordinate of C. y coordinate of C. x coordinate of D. y coordinate of D. the relative positon of the intersection point on line AB True if successfully calculated
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The vector to transform. The matrix to transform by. This vector, after the transformation occurs.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The vector to transform. The matrix to transform by. This vector, after the transformation occurs.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The vector to transform. The matrix to transform by. This vector, after the transformation occurs.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The matrix to transform by. The vector to transform. The resulting transformed vector.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The matrix to transform by. The vector to transform. The resulting transformed vector.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The matrix to transform by. The vector to transform. The resulting transformed vector.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The vector to transform. The matrix to transform by. This vector, after the transformation occurs.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The vector to transform. The matrix to transform by. This vector, after the transformation occurs.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The vector to transform. The matrix to transform by. This vector, after the transformation occurs.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The matrix to transform by. The vector to transform. The resulting transformed vector.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The matrix to transform by. The vector to transform. The resulting transformed vector.
inline |
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.
Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.
The matrix to transform by. The vector to transform. The resulting transformed vector.
void cocos2d::CGAffineToGL | ( | const AffineTransform & | t, |
GLfloat * | m | ||
) |
Conversion from AffineTransform to mat4*4.
Affine transform. The Mat4*4 pointer.
var CGAffineToGL | ( | var | t, |
var | m | ||
) |
Conversion from AffineTransform to mat4*4.
Affine transform. The Mat4*4 pointer.
local CGAffineToGL | ( | local | t, |
local | m | ||
) |
Conversion from AffineTransform to mat4*4.
Affine transform. The Mat4*4 pointer.
void cocos2d::GLToCGAffine | ( | const GLfloat * | m, |
AffineTransform * | t | ||
) |
Conversion from mat4*4 to AffineTransform.
The Mat4*4 pointer. Affine transform.
var GLToCGAffine | ( | var | m, |
var | t | ||
) |
Conversion from mat4*4 to AffineTransform.
The Mat4*4 pointer. Affine transform.
local GLToCGAffine | ( | local | m, |
local | t | ||
) |
Conversion from mat4*4 to AffineTransform.
The Mat4*4 pointer. Affine transform.
inline |
Clamp a value between from and to.
A value to clamp. The specified minimum range. The specified maximum range. The clamped value for the value parameter.
inline |
Clamp a value between from and to.
A value to clamp. The specified minimum range. The specified maximum range. The clamped value for the value parameter.
inline |
Clamp a value between from and to.
A value to clamp. The specified minimum range. The specified maximum range. The clamped value for the value parameter.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.
inline |
Calculates the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.
The value to scale by. The vector to scale. The scaled vector.